My Way Home Is Through You

Worried About Ray

"Dude, I cannot believe he fucking did this again," snarled Mikey as he prowled angrily through Ray's living room.

"Hey," murmured Gerard. He was seated on the couch with Anna on his lap. "Watch it."

Mikey stopped short and opened his mouth. Then, glancing at the distraught child in his brother's arms, he abruptly shut it once more.

"You want to try to call his cell again?" Gerard asked. Mikey nodded and grabbed his phone.

"It's no use, Gee, he's not answering. The damned phone isn't even on," he sighed after a moment, closing his phone and tossing it onto the table.

"Try Lou's house again," said Gerard, rocking Anna gently. She had begun to sniffle a bit, and Gerard had a feeling she was near tears again.

With a weary sigh, Mikey picked his phone back up and dialed the older Toro brother's house.

"Just the machine again," he said a moment later through gritted teeth.

"Look, Mike-" Gerard began. He was cut off by the sound of knocking at the door.

Mikey stalked over and tore the door open, ready to fly into whoever might be on the other side. He was taken aback when he found both Frank and Bob standing on the stoop. Without a word, he stepped aside to let them both in.

"We came as soon as we got your message," Bob said. Frank rushed to Gerard's side and laid his hand on Anna's head.

"How you doing, baby?" he said quietly. Anna snuffled again and buried her face in Gerard's neck. Frank looked back up at his bandmates, worried.

"You don't think anything could have happened, do you?" he asked quietly. Mikey turned sharply to look at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean," Frank began, "Ray wouldn't just not come home."

""He's done it once before!" Mikey hissed. "Or did you forget that?"

"Yeah, but he told us he was going out that time," Bob said fairly. "He was freaked out, but he at least let us know what was up. And he didn't stay gone this long." He paused, shaking his head. "Something's wrong, guys."

"Come on, Bob, don't talk that way," Gerard said, rubbing Anna's back.

"Well, what do you think, Gee?" Bob replied. "Ray's got his faults, and yeah, he's screwed up in the past. But he was torn up when he got back and saw what it did to her. I know you guys remember that. He learned his lesson. And furthermore," he said, lowering his voice. "We all know for a fact that he loves that child with every fiber in his body. He would not hurt her for the world."

Gerard nodded. "No, you're right. He wouldn't."

The fury on Mikey's face melted away, replaced by a dawning look of panic.

"Then what the hell happened to him?"
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Sorry for such a delay, guys. The holidays came up on me way too fast, and after a cross-country trip to visit family, we FINALLY got to move back into our house after it flooded! I hope everyone had a good holiday! Happy New Year!