I'm With the Band.

Remi is the drummer of her band. Kyle the lead singer is her boyfriend, but Gabriel the bass guitar player secretly has a thing fo rRemi. when kyle makes a wrong choice Gabriel takes a chance with his heart. Mitchi is Remi's best friend and plays the triangle and the keyboard why Derek her newly found boyfriend plays guitar in the band too. find out what happens in this funny adventurous love story.


here is a link to another banner too--> http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/14740157/banner-physichick

here is a link to another banner to. thank you kelsey--> http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e208/KissedRoses17/Banners/ImwiththeBand.jpg

  1. Only I never made it.
    Remi and Kyle have a fit.
  2. Stupid hell hole.
    The finish of Remi's and Kyle's fit.
  3. Glow-in-the-dark spray paint is amusing.
    See title.
  4. Dangerously thin ice.
    More on Kyle and Remi, as well as the other members of the band.
  5. If all else fails, Flick him in the nose.
    this is band practice where things between remi and kyle are officailly over. gabe and remi hang out while mitchi goes on a date.
  6. Multi-coloured hair.
    Remi and Gabriel are at Gabriels appartment, where things like video gaming and movie watching are sure to happen.
  7. The dream.
    Remi has a flashback and it is certainly not a good one. Also, more of Gabriel and Remi hanging out.
  8. Black mail.
    Mitchi has black mail of Remi and Gabe.
  9. Perfect.
    This is why Kyle cheated on Remi and Mitchi is the one that drags it out of him.
  10. Video games are for weirdos.
    Remi, Mitchi, and Gabriel are playing an amusing video game.Then Gabe gets a make over, then Kyle inturrupts all of their fun.
  11. Let me kiss it and make it better.
    Remi and Gabriel have a little 'encounter' and Kyle pops in. Mitchi does one of her crazy acts and this is how it plays out.
  12. Jack the Stipper.
    Just another inside joke and Mitchi's personality really comes through.
  13. I think I'm falling for him.
    Remi realizes that she has feelings for Gabe and something happens for the better.
  14. Throw out your own trash!
    Kyle gets a little pushy.
  15. It's not what it looks like, my ass!
  16. Hi friend.
    This song is mine and no one is aloud to use it and or copy it for themselves.
  17. Bitch seat is all yours.
  18. Emu?
  19. Noooooo!
  20. Waiting room.
  21. Summer vacation and other surpises.
    This is the longest chapter yet.
  22. I've missed you.
  23. Check list.
  24. The better to sneak attack with.
  25. Happy birthday to me.
  26. Sarah Black.
    We hope that you like it.
  27. Cute Name
  28. Fun
  29. Pirate Girl