I'm With the Band.

Only I never made it.

Chapter 1

“Give them back!” I yelled to Gabriel. He stood at 6’0’, and I was a whopping 5’3’.

“What’s the magic word?” he said to me.

“Por favor?” I asked him, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

He just raised his arm higher, and laughed at my poor attempt at Spanish. I kicked him in the shin and he dropped my drumsticks, as he cried out in pain.

“Asshole.” I muttered, as I picked up my bright purple drumsticks.

Hi my name is Remi, and that lame excuse of a human is Gabriel, my best friend’s brother.

“You’re late again Reminiscence.” My teacher, Mr. Adams cued at me.

“It’s Remi.” I muttered and took my seat in the back of the room. I took out my Skull Candy and turned it on. Water Buffalo by Superchic[k] was playing, and I stifled a laugh.

Stacey, (the school’s slut, as I put her) glared at me. I just glared back. I’m good at this game. No one usually beats me at it.

“Can I help you Barbie?” I asked her, using my favorite nickname I had for her.

“You, help me? I don’t think so.” She sneered back at me. She flipped her hair at me and turned back around in her seat.

I flipped her off and went back to my music.

I started tapping the beat to “I hate everything about you”, but the teacher interrupted me by calling on me up to the board.

“Is this even in English?” I asked him. Big science terms are not my thing.

“Maybe you should pay attention more in my class.” He said in a sharp tone.

“Meagan come answer my question.” He said at I went back to my seat.

As soon at I sat down, the bell rand. I have the best of luck.

I got up and slowly made my way to my locker.

Only I never made to my locker.
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