I'm With the Band.

Video games are for weirdos.

Chapter 10

-----------------------------------------Later That Day-------------------------------------

Remi’s point of view

As it turns out, I am amazing at video games. Mitchi, Gabriel and I, have been playing a snow boarding game, since we got up.

I hadn’t lost once.

“You cheater!” Mitchi said as the T.V. screen flashed ‘Player 2 Winner’, once again.

I shrugged.

“You sure you haven’t played before?” Gabriel asked, pushing me sideways. I fell on the floor, with my legs still on the couch.

“Nope, never.” I said, smirking.

We started up a new match.

I suppose it would be funny if someone walked in on us, playing the video game like this. I mean we do look like retards.

Gabriel was biting his lip, while failing horribly at playing, which he said was normal.

I on the other hand, was just hitting any button every time my player went off of a jump.

While the one and only, Mitchi, was being weird, as usual, and holding the controller upside down so she couldn’t see the buttons.

“Baka!” Mitchi said as her player crashed, again.

Suddenly, Gabriel reached down and disconnected my controller. For the first time that morning, the game flashed ‘Player 3 Winner’.

“What’d you do that for?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

He was looking down at me since I still hadn’t gotten up off of the floor.

“Never said I played fair.” He said while shrugging.

“In that case…” Mitchi and I said together getting the evil glint in our eyes we normally got when we had an evil plan.

“Oh no, what are you two thinking?” Gabriel asked while cringing away from us.

We pounced at him, pinning him down to the couch. Mitchi quickly used the controller to tie him up.

“No, let me go you two. I swear…” I found duck tape in a drawer and put it over his mouth. Mitchi just smirked at me.

“Get the make up bag. You can pick out a dress as well.” Mitchi said to me while laughing.

Gabriel’s eyes widened and he let out a stream of mumbled words.

I had a feeling they weren’t polite ones either.

Darting into Mitchi’s room, I picked up the small pastel stripped bag off of her bed, and scanned her closet.

Pulling out a little black dress with green lace trim, I went back into the living room.

Gabriel’s point of view

Man I hate them. I’m sitting on the couch wearing a really tight dress and looking like a girl.

Mitchi and Remi were laughing, victoriously.

Suddenly both of them pulled out a cell phone and I heard snapping noised.

They were taking pictures.

Mitchi smiled evilly.

“Black mail bro, black mail.”

I growled at them.

Suddenly Remi’s cell phone went off with the song “Waking up in Vegas.” By Katy Perry.

She frowned and opened and snapped the phone shut.

“Was that?” Mitchi asked.

Remi nodded, becoming dangerously calm, rather than crying or yelling.

“Are you…”

“I’m fine.” Remi’s phone went off again.

We all stared at it, knowing it was Kyle.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hope you guys like the story, and this is the only one getting posted because I am sick and could barely get through typing this, so enjoy!