I'm With the Band.

Let me kiss it and make it better.

Chapter 11

Gabriel’s point of view

Remi let out a frustrated sigh, and took the duck tape off of my mouth. She undid the controller, which I had already loosened a little and set me free. I could tell that her play time was over, not that I mind.

I stood up, and wrapped her in a hug. She hugged back, and hid you face in my chest.

“I hate Kyle, I hate guys.” She mumbled.

“Kyle is understandable, but me, why do you hate me?” I asked with mock sadness.

“You’re not a guy, you’re a trany, there is a difference.” She said and giggled.

“That is it, you’re going to pay.”

I flung her over my shoulder and ran down the hallway to the bathroom. I flung the shower curtain back, set Remi in, and turned on the cold water.

It drenched her, and she screamed.

“Gabriel Ren, you are going to pay!” she shrieked as she shut the water off.
Remi’s point of view

I stepped out and Gabe had his back to me. He had just gotten his dress off. He turned back around, and I had the shower head cord in my hand, and I turned it on full blast, mind it be on cold, too.

“Holy shiitake mushrooms!” he yelled and lunged at me.

I fell on the wet floor, and Gabriel tripped right over me, and landed in the tub with the cold water still soaking him.

He turned the knob off with his foot as he let the water go down the drain.

“Are you okay Remi?” he asked as he sat up.

“Ya I just have a head ache. I hit my head off the bathtub” I said and winced as I touched it.

“Hey let me kiss is and make it better.” He said, and chased me out to the living room. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed my head.

As soon as his lips met my head, Kyle walked through the door.

Gabriel’s point of view

Oh great, my best friend caught me kissing his ex-girlfriend; just great. I lifted my head, and he looked, well to put it lightly, he looked pissed.

“It’s not what it looks like.” I tried to explain.

“Bros before hoes dude, bros before hoes.” Kyle said as looked at Remi.

“She’s not a hoe, you’re that one that cheated.” I yelled at him, as Remi cowered into my chest, I tightened my arms around her, because if she wasn’t there, I would have lunged at Kyle.

“I came because I wanted to know when and where we were playing tomorrow night.” He said, eyeing Remi up and down.

“Midnights on Saturday, at 9:00, now get. I hissed. Remi shuddered, and I grabbed a blanket off of the couch.

Mitchi’s point of view

I got my feather boa out of my closet, and my ‘hooker’ boots. I put them on and my corset too. I walked out my door, and stopped at the top of the stairs. I cleared my throat, and everyone looked up at me.

“Now that, that right there is a ho.” Remi said and laughed.

“What are you doing Mitchi?” Gabriel asked me.

“I stripping for you guys.” I said as I stepped forward. Remi and Gabriel were used to my randomness. I took another step only I didn’t walk down the stairs, I fell down them.

I made it to the bottom, and summer salted into Kyle.

Remi’s point of view

I took my chance and dashed over to Kyle and kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine.

Gabriel ran after me, as I screamed in pain.

“What the heck is down your pants?” I screamed as I hobbled on one foot.

“A cup, I have protection on!” he answered me, and smirked.

“So are you admitting you’re gay?” Gabriel asked him.


“You said you are wearing protection and… ewe, get away, you’re gay… I don’t want to sleep with you.” Gabriel yelled and hid behind me.

“You're an asshole!” Kyle yelled, and walked out the door, and trust me, he made sure he slammed it.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was really fun to write. I have nothing agains gay people actually I suport gay rights/pride. There are a few inside jokes in this one between my co-writer and myself so enjoy.