I'm With the Band.

Bitch seat is all yours.

Chapter 17

Kyle’s pov

After Gabriel and Remi left, I took out my phone. Listening to the song, I growled under my breath.

“I’m such a retard.”

I quickly went to my locker and dropped off my books. Not like I would need them, I do all my homework in class.

Grabbing my helmet, I walked out to my motorcycle. I sighed.

No matter what I was feeling or what mood I was in, seeing my black with purple shine, bright green toxic sign on the back of my motorcycle, I couldn’t help but feel better.

Starting my baby up, I took off swerving though the after school traffic, heading for where Mitchi worked after school.

She was going to help me whether she wanted to or not, because I was getting Remi back, one way or another.

Mitchi’s pov

I sighed as I darted back to the kitchen to get the next order.

“Oh Mitchi, you got a visitor.” Reggie, my boss, called over to me, focusing more on decorating the cake than me.

I shrugged and darted back out with the order after putting on the white board next to my name: 15 minute break.

Dropped the order off to the couple who wanted it, I went out the side door. I ended up face to face with Kyle, helmet still on his head.

“I help you?” I asked, like normal forgetting the ‘may.’ Kyle nodded.

“You’re helping me get Remi back.” He said.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

“And why would I do that?” I asked, teasing him.

Kyle stepped forward, eyes glaring from behind his helmet.

“You’re helping because if you don’t, I will blackmail you and make you like a living hell.”

I laughed and glanced back at the café I worked at.

“Mate, having to wear this~” I pointed down at my pink poufy dress I wore as a uniform, like all the other waitresses, “I’m already there.”

I paused as he laughed.

“Besides, you can’t blackmail the master of dirty, underhanded tricks. Especially ‘cause I got so much dirt on you that would make you want to crawl right back up into your mothers womb.”

We both laughed then and he shrugged turning back.

“I’ll go bug Derek then.” He said.

As I laughed he looked back watching me as I called into Reggie saying I needed to take off to settle some ‘family issues.’

“Does this mean you’re helping me?” Kyle asked handing me a spare helmet.

“No. I just want to watch you fail horribly.”

As we stood next to Kyle’s bike he looked at me.


I smiled and pointed to the back of the bike.

“Bitch seat is all yours.”


“You want my help or not?”

Kyle rolled his eyes as we got on the bike.

“You drive this make before?” he asked me making it seem like it was some kind of super bike.

“This make? Nope.”

And we took off.
♠ ♠ ♠
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