I'm With the Band.


Kyle’s POV

Mitchi knocked on her door, and we heard a crash and Remi cussing. We both laughed. Remi opened the door slowly.

“Hey Remi.” I said, trying to sound sexy.

“Hi.” She said with confussion. Then she pulled Mitchi into the house and looked at me.

“One sec.” she said hurriedly.

She closed the door, and I heard talking. Putting my ear on the door, to get a better listen Remi said,

“Why is he?” she asked.

“Ummmm….” Mitchi hesitated, “Kyle.”

I heard a gasp, and very load cussing.

“No! That can’t be him!” Remi shrieked.

“I thought you’d like it!” I heard Mitchi scream back.

“I like Gabriel, Not Kyle!” Remi said. Then there was silence.

“I ran off.

Nothing I could do would make Remi love me again.

Remi’s POV

The rage inside of me built up.

“Mitchi, how could you? You’re trying to put me in a bad position. Choosing between Kyle, and Gabriel?! Well I choose Gabriel, Kyle cheated on me and I don’t know if I could ever love him again.” I felt moisture brim over and a tear ran down my cheek.

“I’m sorry.” Was all Mitchi said.

Her head was down and I knew she didn’t want me to see her cry.

“Mitchi…” I cooed, putting my arm on her shoulder.

She shrugged it off.

She opened the door, and Kyle wasn’t there.

“Where’d that son of a bit-gun go?!” I yelled.

“He probably ran off because of what you said.” Mitchi said matter-of-factly.

“Look I’m sorry, but let’s just go look for him, to make sure he’s okay.” I said, grabbing my coat. We ran to Kyle’s motorcycle, and got on. She put it in gear, and we drove off.

After two hours of looking, we saw him sitting on the side of the road. Though he looked like he was sitting weird. His legs looked funny.

We pulled up next to him, and I screamed. He was unconscious, and blood was dripping down his head.

“Kyle!” I ran over to check his pulse.

Alive, barely, but alive none the less.

“Mitchi! Call 911!” I shrieked.

“Already coming.” She replied fell down next to him, taking his hand.

“It’s okay Kyle, help is coming.” She said shakily.

“Nooo.” I cried, and we heard sirens in the distance.