I'm With the Band.

Summer vacation and other surpises.

Chapter 21

Gabriel’s POV

I may not be Kyle’s biggest fan, but even he didn’t deserve what happened to him. I knew that I wasn’t going to go after whoever hit him. Partly because Remi said I shouldn’t, which basically means dare I say it “whipped”, and partly because I don’t have the guts to go after whoever hit him.

I went outside with my car keys and got into it. Her name is Velma. She’s an older version of a Mustang. She’s been though a lot.

I turned the key, and it stalled. I tried again, and the same thing happened.

“Come oh Velma, don’t stall on my now.” I muttered, and tried the key again. She came to life with a roar.

“That’s my girl.” I said with a smile, and backed out of my driveway. I sped through the streets, and turned into the parking lot of the Hospital.

I got out of the car, and jogged to the emergency room ward. I walked aimlessly thought the halls, and realized that Kyle was in the ICU. I’m a very smart person.

I walked past the waiting room, and then back stepped, because Remi was in there. I walked in and sat down next to her. She looked up from her book, and smiled when she realized that it was me.

“Hello.” she said.

“Hello.” I said and smiled, but then frowned. She had tear stained cheeks.

“Please don’t cry.” I said, and wiped the tears off of her cheeks. She smiled and nodded.

“I’ll try. Thanks for coming.” she said and she moved closer and put her head on my chest.

“I’m here for you, I knew you needed the support.” I said, and rubbed her back. She sniffled and sighed, and murmured a thank you.

Kyle’s POV

Damn. That. Hurt. It’s always me who has the ‘best luck.’ I moving around and winced. Fudge Nuggets this hurts. I opened my eyes, and Mitchi was sitting on the end of my bed, watching T.V. it went to a commercial, and she chucked the remote at the T.V. I laughed, and she shot her head around.

“Hey buddy, you’re awake!” she squealed. She went to hug me, thought better of it, and smiled at me instead.

“Ya, and still alive. Where’s Remi?” I asked looking around the room, when I didn’t see her I frowned.

“She’s in the waiting room. She said, and hopped off of the bed. “I’ll call her on her cell.” she said, and went to the phone in the room.

I heard the numbers dial, and could tell which numbers she was dialing. 438-9087. Remi must have answered, and then she said she’d be here, because Mitchi hung up.

“She’s on her way.” she said, and skipped back over to the bed.

A few minutes later she came though the door, except Babe was with her and he was giving her a piggy-back-ride. They were also laughing. I grunted, but put on a smile to she I was fine. Remi hopped down, and pushed Gabe into a chair and sat on him.

“Hey Boo, how are you?” Remi asked me, using the nickname she gave me, when we first started dating.

“Pretty good for just getting hit by a car.” I said. She came over, gave me a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m sorry for being such a bitch to you, but what you did hurt me.” she said, and sat back down on Gabe’s lap. He started aimlessly tracing shapes on her thigh.

“It’s okay, but I deserved every bit of it. I did cheat on you.” I said, and I was truly sorry. The nurse came in and told everyone that visiting hours were over. Every one said bye and gave me their condolences, and left. Derek was waiting outside the door for Mitchi, and Remi and Gabe left hand in hand. And that’s when I realized that those two were made for each other.

Gabriel’s POV

Remi just made me the happiest man alive. She is now my girlfriend, and we’re going on a camping trip…. She some how managed to talk me into going. I guess it’s a thing she loves to do.

“Do you have to go tonight?” I asked her. She stretched, and shook her head no. We were the only two at my apartment, because Mitchi and Derek where at The Used concert.

“You can have Mitchi’s bed if you want, or you can have the couch.” I said and she shook her head no again.

“Then where?” I asked her. She smiled and pointed at me. I swallowed and said, “With me?”. she just nodded her head yes. She grabbed my hand, and tugged me up the stairs. I reluctantly followed her up. When we got up the stairs, I grabbed her hand and tugged her to my room. I pulled her down on the bed, and flicked on the T.V.

On a commercial, she got up, and went to my dresser. She opened the second drawer, and pulled out one of my only oversized t-shirts. She shut the drawer, and started to walk to the window. She shut and locked the window, and closed the curtains. She did an Indian switch with her shirts, and took of her skinny jeans and put on a pair of my pajama pants.

She yawned and got back in bed. I got up and stripped down to my boxers and got back in bed. I looked at the clock and it was 11:13 P.M. I decided to turn off the T.V. and try to get some shut eye. Remi turned her back to me and I curled up behind her. I put my arm around her waist and my face in the crook of her neck.

I kissed her neck, and I could tell she was smiling because her face muscles tightened. I yawned and a few minutes later we where both asleep.

Mitchi’s POV

I got home and the whole house was quiet. I went to Gabe’s room, and saw that Remi had stayed. Derek was already asleep in my room, and I was heading there now, considering it was 1:30 A.M. I put my pajamas on, and went to sleep.

Remi’s POV

I said get your lazy arse out of bed Mitchi!” I yelled while jumping up and down on her bed. In return, I had Derek sit up, push me off the bed, mutter some very un-nice words, and lay back down. I muttered some unintelligible word, and went back to Gabriel’s room.

He was already up, and dressed. He looked at me when I walked thought the door, and smiled at me.

“So how’d it go?” he asked me. He already knew the answer, because I was holding my elbow.

“It didn’t.” I muttered. He chuckled, and walked over to me. I leaned over and turned on his I-pod home and turned it to a slower paced song. We started slow dancing, and just aimlessly swaying to the music.

“So when do we go camping?” he asked me. The song changed to a fast paced song, but we continued to slow dance.

“Well the last week of school is next week, so the last day of school is when we’ll leaves.” I said. The music played on, as we danced.


Derek’s POV

I woke up in Mitchi’s room, and went to Gabe’s room to get him up. I opened the door, and once again Remi was in there with him. Though I couldn’t really complain because I stay there just about every night too.

I live with my mom, because my dad walked out when he found out my mother was pregnant. My mom is usually never home, because to tell you the truth she is kind of a whore. I mean I lover her to death, but she gets around.

I walked over to Remi because she was farthest from the wall, and shook her. She mumbled something and rolled over. I nudged her again, and she kicked me.

“Remi, get up, it’s the last day of school.” I said, hoping to get at least a little reaction out of her. She shot up like a bat out of hell, and latterly started jumping around.

“Gabriel get up, we’re going camping to day.” she yelled, which only her a pillow in the side of the head. She ran over to the bed, and jumped on him. She yelled get up, and he sat up, put a hand over her mouth, pulled her back down in a laying position, and shushed her.

She let out a sigh and got up. She walked out of the room, and I’m guessing she went to Mitchi’s room to get clothes. I walked over to Gabe and pulled the blankets off of him. He sighed and get up and went to the kitchen, which was downstairs. He got a cup of coffee which Mitchi had made, and sat at the table.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him. He looked up and his eye was all black and blue.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“Remi punched me in the eye last night in her sleep. She should come with a warning: Caution, can be violent at times.” he said and laughed.

Remi’s POV

I walked into Mitchi’s room, and raided her closet. I picked a dark purple sun dress that stopped right above the knees and some black flats. I did my morning routine, and went downstairs.

“What happened to your eye Hun?” I exclaimed.

“You punched me in the eye last night.” he said, and I went over and kissed his cheek and said I was sorry.


Gabriel’s POV

“Once again, have a great summer, and we can’t to see you next year.” the principal said over the load speaker.

I got up and met Remi outside her class room. We linked our hands, and went out to Velma. We had already packed our bags, and our camper was already at the site. Mitchi, Derek, Remi, and I had done a coin toss to see who got the camper that morning. We did.

When we got there, Mitchi and Derek where already set up.


I was laying awake with my arm around Remi’s shoulders, listening to the rain. There was a knock at the door, and I went to answer it. I opened the door, and there stood a wet Mitchi and Derek.

“Buda Ba Ba Ba, Not lovin’ it!” the sand and I laughed.

“You look a little wet.” I said, and they nodded.

“Our tent is leaking. Can we sleep in here?” Mitchi asked. I nodded and they came in.

The camper had four beds, and doors that separated the two rooms. It’s more like a mobile home, but not quite. It has a bathroom, and a kitchen connected with a small living room.

“Remi and I are in there.” I said pointing at the slightly open door. “You guys can sleep in there.” I said pointing to the door across the hall from mine and Remi’s room.

“Um, thanks I guess. See you in the A.M.” Mitchi said, and skipped into her room. Derek smacked me on the back, and waling in after her.

“The towels are in the bathroom.” I yelled before they closed their door. I heard a muffled thanks and then the click of the door closing. I walked back into my room, and Remi was sitting by the only window in the room.

“Why are you still up?” I asked her. She turned around and slowly with a smile on her face.

“I love the rain.” she said. She got up, grabbed my hand, and led me outside.

“Why are we outside?” I yelled over the sound of the pouring rain.

“Because one of my only wished, was to be kissed in the rain… by you.” she yelled back and looked down to hid the blush that had crept to her face. And to admit it to, I was blushing too. I took at step towards her, and she stepped back. I stepped towards her again. And she stepped back again.

“I’m sorry, it’s a stupid with. I mean we just started dating and well… it… never mind.” she said and turned and started jogging back to the camper. It took a minute to sink in, and then I started running after her.

“Remi! Remi, wait!” I yelled and she turned her head around. I ran to her, and turned her all the way around. She looked up and her face was all read. I wiped her tears away, leaned my head sown, and kissed her.

She pulled away and looked up at me, with a starry eyed look on her face. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Thank you.” she muttered, and pulled me back towards the camper. I looked over to our window, and there stood Mitchi with her god damned camera. I sighed and put my arm around Remi’s shoulder.


Remi’s POV

I walked out of the camper and Derek was outside trying to start a fire. I had to smile, at how frustrated he looked.

“Here Derek, this might help you.” I said, and gave him some newspaper, and a lighter. He mumbled a thank you and went back t o starting, well attempting to start, a fire.

I came out ten minutes later, and Derek was still in the same spot. I pushed him out of the way, and about two minutes later I had the fire a ‘blazing.

Later that day Kyle got let out of the hospital. Gabe, Mitchi, and Derek went tot go pick him up, and I stayed to man down the fort.

About fifty minutes later they returned. Kyle got out of the car, and he looked good as new. Mitchi reached into her back pocket, and moaned.

“Guys we need to go back to the hospital, I left my cell ohone there.” she said, and everyone got back into the car except of Kyle and I. they left and I showed Kyle around the camper.

“Why aren’t there any other campers around here?” he asked me.

“This is a private campground. There isn’t another human being with in a ten mile radius.” I said, continuing my tour, “And this, is mina, and Gabe’s room.” I said, walking in and shutting the window.

I heard the door close and the lock click, I turned around, and there stood Kyle with a mischievous look on his face.

“It’s show time.” he said in a low growl, and lunged at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like this one.Enjoy!!!

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