I'm With the Band.

Sarah Black.

Chapter 26

Mitchi’s POV

As Remi ran inside I cracked my knuckles.

“Hey!” I called after Jen as she walked away. She stopped and looked back at me, smirking.

“Can I help you?” she said in a snobby voice like she was to good to talk to me. I marched right up to her and slapped her across the face, well aware that the boys were all watching. She stumbled back a little, looking quite surprised. A bright red mark shaped like a hand prink was on her right cheek.

“You don’t mess with my best friend, you don’t kiss my brother, and you sure as hell don’t walk away.” I said cracking my knuckles again. Jen laughed as she faced me head on.

“I did screw with your friend, I did just kiss that guy, and I am walking away.” she said, then flipped me off, winked at Gabe and turned to start walking away.

She didn’t get very far.

I really don’t remember what happened, but I do know I saw Jen laying on the ground a tooth missing, a black eye, scratches all over her pretty face which wasn’t so pretty anymore, a bloody very broken nose, and a spot on her ear where an earring should be but was replaced with a stream of blood.

I also know that I had two arms wrapped around me pulling me away from Jen. I saw Kyle run to Jen’s side making sure she wasn’t hurt too badly before looking at me like I was crazy.

The arms pulling me away from the girl brought me inside, shut the door, and twirled me around. It turned out to be Derek and wow did he look pissed.

“What Mitchi? What the fuck were you thinking?” he hollered in my face. I flinched back but he still had a grip on my arm, holding me in place. “Do you want to go to jail, huh? Where you trying to kill her?”

He kept yelling at me, and each time he took a breath he got louder. At some point through the yelling, I started to cry. Derek just stopped screaming and stared at me before letting go of my arm.

“Get your stuff and leave. It’s over.” Derek said and walked back outside and I sunk to the floor.

Remi’s POV

I had ran into the bathroom that was downstairs and turned both faucets to the sinks on full blast so none of my noise could he heard as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I looked strange. Horrified eyes stared back at me, they were stricken full of hurt expression on my face.

I watched as my water proof mascara started running. It does that when you’ve been crying long enough.. I pulled out my cell phone and started flipping through the numbers in its index. Resting on the last number in the whole think. I took a deep breath before hitting talk and watched the numbers dial.

“This is Sarah Black’s office, how may I help you?” the voice of a cheery female said after not even one ring.

“Oh , yes. This is Reminiscence, I’d like to speak to Ms. Black please.” I said in the sweetest voice I could, though I’m sure it still sounded like I was crying.

“Reminiscence you said? Give me a sec-” her voice was cut off by someone grabbing the phone.

“Remi-mousy?” a some what high pitched and semi-familiar voice said thought the phone.

“Hey…mom.” I replied back not caring now if she knew I was crying.

“Honey, what’s wrong, is every thing okay, did your father hurt you, violate you, tell me.” the same worried mother she was back before the divorce of my parents.

“No, dad didn’t do anything. But I wanted to come see you in person. I need some advice and an over the phone conversation wont help much.” I sniffled.

“Oh sweetie of course you can come. I’ll have Becky make the plans for your flight, you still live in New York right?”


“Okay so for New York Straight to L.A. No skipping planes or flights either.” I heard her say to someone in the room, probably Becky. After a few minutes of silence, my mom’s voice came back on the phone.

“We have a flight that leaves 8 P.M. sharp tonight and there is a reserved ticket and it has your name on it so just tell them that you know Sarah Black and you’ll be let on. Okay?”


“Now I have to get back to work, a client just walked in. Oh I can’t wait to see you. Love you, bye.”

Click. That was short. But I felt much better knowing I was gone in three hours to see the person I haven’t seen sine I was, well, three. I looked around for a moment and leaving the sinks running, I opened a window and climbed out. Leaving Derek’s I headed home on foot to pack, then I was off to wait at the airport.
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