I'm With the Band.


Chapter 28

When I got off the plane, there was a car waiting for me. I walked over and got in. all the way to my mother’s firm, I didn’t say a word. When I got to the firm, I must stood here, wondering why I was even there. Then all the memories cam flooding back. Jen. Jen and Gabriel. Kiss. Mitchi. Mitchi and Jen. Fight. I mean Derek was yelling loud enough for the whole town to hear him.

“Remi is that you?” I heard my mom call my name.

“M-m-m-mommy?” I whispered, starting to cry. I dropped my bags, and ran to her. She met me half way, with open arms.

“Oh Remi it’s so nice to see you again. How come you never answered back any of my letters?” she asked me, finally letting me go.

“What letters” I asked her.

“Damn your father, he never gave you them did he?” she sated. I shook my head as to say no.

“Well let’s get you home.” she whispered and we left.

<><><><>Time Skip<><><><>

“Remi, I sure hope our talks helped you. Tell Gabriel he sounds like a nice boy, an I cant wait to meet him. Oh and tell Mitchi she sounds like a good friend.” my mom said as I walked on the plane.

“Bye mom, I love you.” I said.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay here with me in L.A.?” she asked me, and I nodded.

“I can’t leave them mom.” I said and waved good bye. I got on the plane and took my seat, waiting very (un)patiently to so my friends.

<><><><>Time Skip<><><><>

Gabriel’s POV

I sat down next to my PS3 and put my Sims game in. out of boredom I made a Family of Remi, Mitchi, Derek, Kyle and me. I put a swing outside and started building up mine and Remi’s relationship.

Remi’s POV

I opened the door to Gabe’s apartment, and closed it quietly. I heard noise coming from the T.V. so I went in and saw that he was playing the Sims, and that he had based the characters on us and Derek and Mitchi. But that’s not the weirdest part, the weirdest part was that he was purposing to my character.

“If only.” I swear I heard him whisper, but I had just gotten off a plane, so my ears still must be ringing.

“Don’t you think that it’s a little to soon for that Gabe?” I asked Gabe in a childish tone. He spun around so quickly it made me kind of dizzy.

“Remi it’s not what it looks like, I mean I love you and all, but it’s just a game.

“It’s okay, I think it’s kind of cute.” I said and hugged him. He pulled back after a few minutes, with a serious look on his face.

“Where the hell have you been Remi?” he yelled/ whined at me. I raised an eyebrow and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“I was in L.A. visiting my mother.” I said looking down.

“I thought you weren’t coming back.” he said, pulling me down to the couch. He sat down and pulled me to sit on his lap.

“Well I heard your voicemail, and it was so sweet that I was going to get off the plane, but as I went to get off, the plane took off.” I said, snuggling in to his chest.

I picked up the controller, and saw that Derek and Kyle were also players on the current game. I turned to Gabe, and smiled.

“Let’s have some fun.” I said , and had Kyle’s character call Derek’s character over to the swing.
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i know i we havent updated in a while, and we're sorry, but why dont you let us know what you thought.