I'm With the Band.

Dangerously thin ice.

Chapter 4

I raided my closet before band practice, exchanging my school top for a long sleeved black shirt decorated with skulls and sown together hearts.

Pulling my hair up into a spiky ponytail, I sat down behind my drum set and waited.

The first to arrive was of course, Kyle. I tossed a drum stick in the air and caught it.

His eyes widened.

“You got new ones?” he asked, sounding hurt. As he should.

I pointed to the orange spot on the floor. At the same moment Derek and Gabriel came, guitar bags over their shoulders. Mitchi followed in behind them carrying her keyboard and the amazing triangle.

Derek looked at me and Kyle.

“Something happen?” Derek asked while he raised an eyebrow.

Gabriel and Mitchi looked at us as well.

“Well, geez, why don’t you ask Amber’s fan boy?” I replied sarcastically.

“Amber? Fan boy? Kyle?” Derek asked staring at Kyle who had turned a pale pink.

Kyle took a deep breath.

“Remi, look, she was coming on to me. I don’t like her, I like you.”

I nodded. The rest of them looked confused.

“And I suppose she made you kiss her back, as well as place your hands on her then.” My voice was filled with venom.

This wasn’t a smart idea, to confront him and act like I was din.

I was walking on dangerously thins ice.

Gabriel seemed to sense this wasn’t going to end well and coughed loudly.

“Shall we start practice then?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you liked it and the next chapter will be out soon.