Status: gonna get another chapter up soon =]

My Dog. His Dog. Leads To Us?

Chapter 3

I called Jane back over to the jeep to go home. I was still surprised that I have Nick's number. I was on my way home when my phone went off, Annalise was on the other line.

I pressed answer button on my Blackberry Storm, "Hello. How's it going? Did you get a restraining order?"

"Ha ha very funny, Valery. No I'm not doing good. I'm pissed they completely ignored me, and Nick wasn't even there! He showed up later with his dog! And when I asked him he just looked at me weird so I kept asking him but he didn't do anything. I should have went to the park with you I might have seen him." I laughed at this because she didn't know how true she was.

"Oh you don't even know how exciting today was. Plus are you home because I need you advice on clothing for tonight." I felt so embarrassed because I can't even pick out an outfit by myself.

"Oh why does little miss Valery have a date tonight? Yeah I'll be home and I'll help you, but I want to here about him." God does she have to know about all the guys i seem to know. Plus its not even a date...right?

"Fine I have to go I'll be home soon." With that I hung up thinking about what I'm going to do tonight. I'm walking on the beach with a frigging rock star.

When I got home Olex came around the corner of the wall, and jumped up and knocked me back into the door. I shoved Olex off and went up stairs to raid through my closet.

Half way through my raid Annalise leaned on the door frame, "Well, well, well, what do I see here? You looking for an outfit without me? Oh you're trying to get out of telling me about him aren't you?" Crap how did she know that.

" no. Why would you think that?" I tried to look as honest as possible. It didn't really work.

"Well I know exactly what you would wear if you're going to the beach. So tell me about him or suffer not having the perfect outfit."

Dammit, she knows my weakness.

"Fine, I'll tell you a little bit but not his name okay." She glared at me knowing she couldn't resist knowing about this new guy of mine.

"Alrighty spill."

I told her the whole story but without telling her his name. She helped me pick out the perfect outfit. She threw a pair of skinny jeans, a blue and green plaid tank and white flip flops at me. I have to admit she always knew what to wear on dates as I did not.

************** LATER THAT NIGHT***************

It was time to go. So Jane and I went out to the jeep and drove to the beach. I saw Nick's Mustang parked. He was sitting down by the water with Elvis laying next to him.

I was going to surprise them but Elvis gave us away. I saw Nick turn around to see me and a big smile grew on his face, which made me blush. We walked down to him and gave him a hug hello. Nick looked at my outfit and smiled.

"You look beautiful tonight Valery." I blushed at his comment.

"Thank you and you look quite handsome yourself Mr. Jonas." and oh my God did he. He had a deep green button up shirt on with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and jeans that fitted him really well.

"Thank you. Well do you want to walk and talk or sit and talk your choice?" He looked at me with a smirk that melted my heart.

"Um we can walk for a while then we'll sit when we're tired so good?" he nodded.

"Perfect. So the funniest thing happened today after I went back to the bus that's one the venue some red head kept asking me for my number. I was about to call for a restraining order because she was a little naggy." I laughed at that sight.

But then I thought about it and remembered Annalise saying that she kept asking Nick for his number but he never gave it. I began to laugh even harder causing me to topple over rolling in the sand. Nick looked at me confused and questioning. The dogs barked and jumped around.

I didn't bother to stand up to tell him about my best friend Annalise and about her 'mission' for today. He then laughed as well when he understood. He sat down next to me and watched the dogs jump into the water and play.

"So tell me about yourself Valery I'm curious." he was looking out into the water.

"Um there's really nothing interesting about me except that I love dogs. I have the three dogs that kick butt they're awesome." he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Three dogs. Wow I can barely deal with one. You have to have a certain special talent or something." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I use to dance but that's been about 2 years ago. My instructor said if I would stick with dancing, since I was so advanced, I could have got a scholarship from Julliard and any other big school of the arts." I made a dramatic effect on the last four words making him chuckle.

"Why did you quit, and what did you dance to?" Was he really that interested?

"I don't know I just didn't have inspiration anymore to do it. I took ballet, pointe, tap, and lyrical. Lyrical and tap were my favorite though." he shook his head as saying he understood.

"Can we walk again?" I asked getting a little bored just sitting. He nodded and helped me up. "So what about you? What's your story?" he looked at me and smiled.

We walked and talked for about two hours and half way through it I realized Nick was still holding my hand and I was perfectly fine with it. I love the way we could talk to each other like we've known one another all of our lives.

Just then my whole night was ruined by one flash, yelling Nick's name telling him to look here, asking who I was, and why there were dogs walking around us.

"Great how did they find me?" he growled under his breath. "Okay, take Jane and go home I'll call you but don't go straight home drive around a little so paparazzi don't follow you. I'll call you tonight. Bye" he whispered in my ear. With that I nodded and said goodbye.

How in the hell could this perfect night end like this? What is Annalise going to say when she finds out my date was with Nick? Oh great.
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comment would be nice and should i put nicks POV into this??