Status: gonna get another chapter up soon =]

My Dog. His Dog. Leads To Us?

Chapter 5

The next day went past in a blur all I remember doing is talking to Nick, hanging out with my dogs and Annalise, and hiding my face from paparazzi, God those people need to get a new hobby.

So tonight I have no idea where we are going, all I know to do is dress nice. So I rampaged through my whole closet to find something and I picked it out all by myself. I was wearing a green sun dress that hits right above my knees and those sandals that are like gladiator shoes. Annalise was surprised I had picked this out, but she wasn't the only one there.

I let my hair do its natural wave and I made my makeup light and natural. I looked in the mirror one last time, then went into the kitchen to see my mom Justin,my brother, and Annalise talking. As I walked into sight they all smiled.

Justin walked over gave me a hug and wished good luck on my date and walked into the living room. Annalise rolled her eyes and got off the chair.

"You my friend look hot, and Nick is going to have a hard time trying to look away." Annalise said as she walked over and hugged me.

"Oh sweetie, you look so beautiful. You are turning into a great young lady." She looked at me proudly and hugged me as well.

"Thanks you two I'm so nervous though. Oh and mom no pictures got it?" I while getting a drink of water.

"That's not fair its your first date with a new guy and he's a celebrity! I need to take at least one picture. You don't want to break your mother's heart do you?" She always tried to take pictures of me and my dates to embarrass me.

"Oh that's a hard one." I said tapping my chin acting like I was in deep thought. " Yeah I would break your heart no pictures and that's final." I said it seriously hoping to get the point across.

Jane, Olex and Texas all came in and saw that I was going to be leaving, and they thought that they were leaving too. I leaned down to their eye level and scratched their ears.

"Sorry guys, its just me tonight." They all understood and sat down so I gave them a treat.

Justin called Texas into the living room. Texas is Justin's dog but I'm the one who takes care of him so he likes me more. Olex was my dad's dog but when he and my mother divorced he left him and I took on responsibility of him. Jane is my dog therefore she's my favorite.

After five minutes of waiting Nick was at the door. I smiled, grabbed my clutch, and walked to the door. I opened the door and Nick was turned around looking out into the street.

"Um I'm over here if that's what you're looking for." I laughed at how he jumped when I said something. He turned around and smiled. He was wearing a leather jacket and a white shirt under it with jean that fit him quite nicely and boots. He looked hot, but I don't think I would have said that.

"Oh sorry I was looking for this really beautiful girl who has strawberry blond hair, beautiful pale green eyes, and loves dogs. Oh and she has a crazy red headed friend. Have you seen her?" I blushed and laughed when Annalise heard what he said about her.

I rubbed my chin in deep thought. "No I don't think I have. I just dressed up for the this really great, and handsome guy. He has brown curly hair, deep brown eyes, he can sing, and he has a cute dog. Oh and he has three crazy awesome brothers. Have you seen him?" He chuckled.

"No I haven't sorry about your luck, but I would be glad to take you if you don't mind." He held out his hand.

"Darn, I guess I can deal with you." I grabbed his hand and shut the door behind me. Nick then handed my a rose.

"You look beautiful Valery. I'm so happy you're still going out with me tonight. I was afraid you didn't want to come because of the paparazzi looking to attack you." He said as he helped me into the car.

"Thank you and I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled thinking about how I thought the same thing. "So do I get to know where we are going now?" I asked hopeful to get an answer.

"No, sorry its a secret. I will tell you that after it we are going to see my brothers because they want to meet you now. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine. I have always wanted to meet Joe and Kevin. Annalise said Joe was really funny and Kevin was just really random." I was excited I get to meet them.

"Wait, you mean you're happy to see them and not me? I'm the most adorable and I'm smarter. You like me more right?" He acted like he was offended.

"Yeah sorry I like the funny and random ones sorry Nicky." I patted his shoulder and laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "I see how it is."

I punched him in his arm lightly. "Oh shut up you know I like you more than anyone."

"That's what I thought." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and rested my arm on the center arm rest. Nick laid his arm next to mine and grabbed my hand.

I smiled to myself at how comfortable I was with him next to me. I thought about the other guys I have dated before and none of them have ever been this nice and its only the beginning of the date.

We arrived at the restaurant I have no idea what it was called and was greeted by millions of flashes. Great just what I need.

"Do you have glasses cause if you don't you can use a pair of mine?" he said as he searched to find a pair himself.

"Yeah I have a pair I didn't come unprepared for this because I know I'm on the most wanted list by paparazzi for now." I pulled a pair of Aviators out of my clutch.

"That's true okay wait here and I'll come help you out. Plus don't answer any questions not matter how mad they make you. Okay, ready?" He was getting ready to open his door.

"Yeah lets do this." I put the glasses on shook my head. He squeezed my hand then opened the door. I took a deep breath and waited for Nick to open my door.

He helped me slide out of the car and shut the door. He put his hand on the small of my back and guided my through the mob of people. We made it past the mob and to the hostess.

"Reservations under Jonas." We took off our glasses and waited for the hostess to find the reservation. She nodded, smiled and grabbed two menus.

"Right this way please." She took off walking into the restaurant.

Nick looked at me and smiled. "It wasn't that hard now was it?" He whispered into my ear.

"No, its wasn't, but I'm not too happy about getting hit in the face with a camera then a hand." I laughed.

"They did what?" He sounded surprised and a little angry.

"Calm down I'm fine, but would you mind if I use the restroom real quick to check and see if there are any marks and I really have to go....sorry too much to know." I felt embarrassed now.

"Yeah go ahead I have to use the restroom too." He laughed at how up front I was.

I went to the restroom after we ordered our drinks. My luck was turning out great I didn't have a mark from where I got hit but I did have a major headache. I went back to the table and waited for Nick to come back. I kept stirring my water absentmindedly staring at a wall. I didn't realize Nick sit down and wave his hand in front of my face.

"Val you in there?" He knocked on my head.

"Nope just a peanut." I said still staring out into space.

"I can tell I heard a hallow sound."

"Hey! That's so mean." I came back into reality.

"Sorry I didn't mean it. What were you staring at anyways?" Turning around looking around.

"Just this really cool wall. I do it a lot if it's not busy at work I'll sit there and stare at something. One time this old guy thought I was checking him out, and he tried to make a move." I answered looking at how he just laughed at my moments.

"What did he do, and what did you say?" Still laughing.

"He said 'Hey there sweet cheeks I would love to take you somewhere nice like to this private island.' I just looked at him disgusted and said that he was a major perv and a child molester." I tried saying it in my best creepy old guy voice.

"Nice Val, very nice. What did your boss say?" Was it really that interesting?

"He said not to do it again." I stop talking when the waiter came to take our orders. Nick and I got a steak.

The rest of the date went great I love talking to him. We are both open to everything. We sat there for a little longer just talking about anything. He paid the check and we left the restaurant to be greeted once again by the Paps. We drove to his house to meet his brothers. I'm so excited to meet them.

Nick held my hand and excused his brothers for anything they do before hand. We walked through the door as Nick yelled saying we were here. You heard a big crash then stomping down stairs.

"Hey get back here Frankie!" I heard Joe yell at the top of his lungs. Frankie was laughing and running for his life. "There you are!" he threw a ball at him.

Frankie ran behind me and the ball came straight for my face, but I caught it with impressive skills an inch away from my face. "Um I don't know what you're doing, but why are you throwing a whiffle ball at your younger brother?"

"Dude I'm so sorry it was supposed to hit Tank, and for your information we were playing extreme dodge ball but we didn't have a dodge ball so we used a whiffle ball." Joe retorted still trying to catch his breath. "Can I have the ball back please?"

I smiled and threw it with precise accuracy and speed right at his stomach. he grabbed his stomach in pain. "Dude that was awesome and when we play baseball she is so on my team!" Joe was so weird. He came over and picked up Frankie and threw him over his shoulder.

I extended my hand to Joe, "Hi I'm Valery. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He took my hand and shook it lightly, "I'm Joe the pleasure is all mine. Oh and this is Tank aka Frankie." He turned around to show Frankie draped over his shoulder.

"Hi." He said unhappily because he is being carried around like a rag doll.

"Hi Frankie, I'm Valery. Do you want me to help you." I was trying to make him feel happier.

"Yeah that would be nice." Getting a perked up knowing his going to get down.

"Well okay then Joe put Frankie down please." Thinking of what to do if he said no.

"No way! Tank is going to get thrown in the pool!" He said as he started to walk. Frankie started freaking out.

"Joe I'm going to give you a wedgie if you don't put him down." I smiled when Nick started to laugh.

"You wouldn't! My underwear is nasty! I'm a guy doesn't that affect you?"

"I wouldn't, I pick up dog crap everyday, and I have a nasty older brother who is ten times worse than you. So put him down or I'm going to give a wedgie." Kevin came down at that point.

"What's going on?" Kevin wanted to be filled in on the conversation.

"Well Joe wants to throw Frankie in the pool but Frankie doesn't want to, so he asked Val to help him, and she threatened to give Joe a wedgie." Nick got Kevin up to date.

"Ew do you know where his underwear have been?" Kevin looked disgusted.

"I deal with dog poop everyday it can't be worse now put him down, Joe." I was getting annoyed.


"Try me.

Joe walked down the hall with Frankie. I walked over lifted his shirt up, pulled his pants out, and got a grip on his boxers. "Any last words?"

"Nope, you won't do it cause I'm so adorable." So cocky well that's gonna change.

"Okay and your brother has that department filled sorry." I laughed and pulled his boxers up. He yelled, set Frankie down, and ran around trying to pick it out.

We all fell over laughing good thing I put comfy shorts under my dress.

"Wow Val you have a dress on and I don't think that such a good thing to do." Kevin was still laughing but noticed that I fell over too.

"Chill I got shorts under my dress. I don't trust myself with dresses. See." I lifted my dress so they could see the shorts.

"Smart idea. Well I'm Kevin I have heard a lot about you from Nick, we all have." Nick and I both blushed.

"I'm Valery it's nice to meet you Kevin." I smiled because Annalise is going to flip when she hears this.

"Well let's go talk and wait for mom and dad to get home." We followed Kevin into the living room. Wait did he say wait for mom and dad to get home? Oh boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I laughed about the whole wedgie thing and this took forever comment please!

Valery's outfit