Silent whisper

Meeting Casey

My name is Casey. I've always been labeled as the weird kid. The one people looked at in that certain way, knowing it was better to keep a safe distance from me, if they wanted to remain out of trouble. I am the person who sits all alone at lunch, well, almost alone. But Sierra doesn't count. Can she even be called a person? Cause it feels like talking to the latest version of a computer, with intelligence beyond compare, gone into a human shape.
However, I'm standing at the bottom of the school hierarchy, right beneath the geeks, and other braniacs, and I'm sure I don't even have to mention the rest. I go to your stereotypical school ruled by blonde cheerleaders, beefy jocks, and of course.. Rosanna. Let's not go onto the details. There will be plenty of occasions for you to get to know her. All you really need to know is that her father is a sucessful surgeon, and her mother?
Exactly! A former Victoria's Secret model.
If something doesn't go little Rosie's way, something is seriously wrong with the world. I am yet to witness such an occasion when Rosanna would've heard a no. What Rosie wants, Rosie also gets. Yes, it's better not to mess with that girl. If you're smart, you simply don't get messed into her drama.
Anyway, I used to be one of them, a girl who lived the other girls dream. I was the kinda girl other girls looked up to, loved, or loved to hate. I was Casey Roberts, captain of the cheer squad. What could possibly go wrong? Anything could happen any day, if you hanged out with the wrong people. And Rosanna sure wasn't right. She envied my popularity. I was becoming more popular than her, and that was something completely unacceptable to her. After I won the school's award for best classmate of the year, her nerves exploded. She started digging for dirt about me, but noone really cared, until.. she caught me with my secret obsession, investigating the supernatural, such as ghosts. The next day, that was the top subject around the school halls. You should've seen her face. Pleased, superior, and proud of herself with an evil smile spreading over her lips. The same day I quit cheering, and became one of the one's I had looked down at all these years, one among the crowd, the nolifers.
It's not like I am a believer in the things I investigate, only curious about what could be going on down below. The things we see through, and state as natural, well are they really? Or are we just denying the truth? That's what I want to find out.
Me, Casey Ann Roberts, Supernatural investigator.
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I know, I know that it's short!
But I hope for positive feedback on this one :)