Sequel: It Was Always You.

You Are Not Alone.


Brendon and Ryan had shot off to take over the big play set while I went and sat on the swings, laughing at their every move. They were pretending to be pirates at one end of the set and then they'd run to the other and be driving a car or something. It was entertaining. They must have been in drama or something to be so good at trading off roles. I wouldn't have been able to do that.

"You guys are great," I said, walking over stuck in a laugh.

"Oh you know, practice makes perfect," Brendon shoved in before Ryan could speak.

Ryan put on his pretend mad face and shoved Brendon playfully down the spiral slide. I laughed and watched Brendon slide down upside-down. His face was pouty which made me laugh even harder. Ryan slid down the slide, pushing Brendon closer to the edge. Brendon yelped and Ryan started laughing.

I helped Brendon off of the slide and Ryan went to steal my swing. Brendon looked down at me and Ryan kept his eyes on us the entire time.

"Want to go down the slide, too?" Brendon asked me.

I gave him a death gaze. "Obviously not the same way you did, or even in an epic way that could kill me," I huffed at him.

"Fine, play safe!" he yelled at me before running to sit in the swing next to Ryan.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the stairs of the play set. I wandered across the bridge, trying not to slip and fall. Little did I know that Brendon and Ryan were planning on ruining the whole play set thing for me. I climbed up into the slide area and sat down, waiting to get situated before going down. I hear a quiet one, two, three behind me and then felt myself being pushed at a great force by two pairs of hands.

I screamed as the hands left my back and the slide went by fast. I wanted a calm day, not something this hectic definitely after what I woke up to. I wasn't gonna get it, mostly because Brendon and Ryan were around now. I stood up, making a mad face, and walked over to where they were now rolling around on the floor of the play set. They didn't look at me as I walked back towards the swings and sat. I was done with play sets when they were around.

I wanted to just sit and think for a moment. I wanted to know if it were possible if Brendon liked me. I wanted to know if I even liked him. I didn't even know if I liked him. He was mysterious and quiet, which I was attracted to that in so many different ways. But Ryan was starting to play into the picture, even if he did have a girlfriend. I didn't want to ruin that. I wasn't that way. Brendon seemed to be single, and happy, like me.

I looked at them. They had gone back to improv. This time Brendon was singing. They were pretending to do a musical about daily teenage life. I smiled, but didn’t laugh. I just wanted to savor the moment of watching Brendon Urie sing.
♠ ♠ ♠
meh, a little short.
but it's good?
comments please.
