Everday.You Save My Life

Kayla Dher,if you don't know her than you live in a shell.Kayla Dher was famous for a lot of things,but also kept a lot of secrets.

1.)Her dad is Daniel Dher,BMX champion.

2.)Her godfather is Tony Hawk.

3.)She's a dancer,she was the youngest dancer to EVER to have her own master dance class,at the age of 11.She has choreographed many videos,won 3 straight years in Dancing with the Stars.She's starred in 3 movies all hitting the top at the box office.She lives to dance,any type she knows how to do it.

4.)She has a hidden identity she's also known as Andy Carson who is probably the most well known singer in Hollywood.

She has spent most of her life living the way other people want her to,but when she meet's the cast of Camp Rock for her dance class for their filming of Camp Rock 2 read how Kayla's life becomes more complicated to keep her secret.
  1. Introduction
    Important to Read...
  2. Stupid Disney
  3. Do I really?
    this chapter kind of gets right to the point.
  4. The Bet
  5. Wrong Thing To Say
  6. Just GO
    Comment Please
  7. The Concert !
  8. This.Is.Awesome
    please comment...
  9. Your Andy Carson
  10. BBQ Part 1!
  11. BBQ Part 2