Help! Miley Cyrus Thinks We're Best Friends, Demi Lovato Hates Me, and I'm in Love With Selena Gomez's Boyfriend!

So High School Part 2. (thanks to my sister)

So I said my line with emotion, passion, and still in character. (A/N: I think that is how we left off.)

"I feel the same way, but what about Paris? He still has the hots for you." Nick said, matching my emotion, passion, and he is still was in character. He paused for a short second and decided to improvise. "You know what screw Paris! He's just another obsticle in our way of our relationship." Nick said, satisfied what he did.

I skipped through a couple of lines since we took care of the Paris line. There wasn't much so I just skipped to the end. "Ok. So let's ditch this popsicle stand." I said and turned to leave.

"Wait." Nick said and grabbed my arm and turned me around. I gave him a qustioning look. It's supposed to end. Done. Finito. But I went along with it anyway.

"Julliett, I love you so much." I almost squealed. Little does he know my real name is Julliett. He probably is just saying that because he's in character, but still.

Then he kissed me. Or more like made-out with me. But hey, I didn't object.

Things were getting heated, is body was pushed up against mine, the crowd was going crazy. But honestly we both just forgot about the them.

He licked my lips for an entrance and I was about to let him in but then I realized he has a girlfriend. And she was sitting in the crowd right now!!

I pulled away, and he gave me a WTFFT look. (WTFFT stands for What The Flappin' French Toast. I don't like to cuss) But then Nick realized we were in front of a CROWD full of people, so he just smiled. We joined hands and bowed.

I spoke in the microphone one more time and said, "Thank you Everybody!!" And I walked off the stage.

I went to sit next to my mom, expecting her going on about how good I was, but she was talking to Billy Ray Cyrus. They looked like they were having a blast, since both were laughing so I just sat down and looked at the celeberties performing so the people who run this thing can dilberate of where I'm going.

So after Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez singing One and The Same, The Jonas Bothers performed Paranoid. Then after Miley Cyrus singing I Can't Wait To See You Again, the people who run this shibang finally came out and took over the stage.

"Congradulations Julie Burke, you are signed to Disney Channel Network, and Hollywood Records. Have fun and drive safely. Please come to Julie's Celebrating Party at her house at 5:00pm."

I got up to leave thinking my mom was fallowing, but she is still talking to Billy Ray Cyrus. It's a shame that he and his wife got a divorced.

Anywhoo, I went by the food table to wait, then Miley Cyrus came up to me and gave me a hug.

"You did awesome! I'm so glad we get to work together! My director texted me and you are guest starring on Hannah. Tomorrow, we meet at 9:00 sharp for a table read." Miley said enthusiastically.

"You did way better! So yeah can't wait!" I said hugging her back.

"Anyway have you seen my dad?" Miley asked.

"Actually yeah. He's talking to my mom." I said pointing them out.

"Wow! They're hitting it off well." She said finding this amusing,

"Yeah." I answered back. Stupid Julie. Of course me queen of the dictionary. I've been saying yeak like everytime I speak. Like a little boy saying do you want to run your head in a brick wall? "Yeah!". That never really happened but you get it.

"So, I was wondering maybe you want to go shopping at the mall for your party tonight?" Miley asked hopefully.

"Sure. You can pick me up at my house. I'll like text you the adress." I said.

"Okay." She replied back happy. We exchanged numbers but then her phone started ringing. "Oops! Thats Justin! I gotta take this. Excuse me." She said while answering. "Hey Justy!" And walked off.

Then I turned around to see Selena Gomez, girlfriend of Nick Jonas. I gulped.

"Hey. You did great!" Selena said. I sighed in relief.

"You are really great too. You and Demi make the perfect team." I said.

"Sooo I see you and Miley are good friends." Selena said.

"Yeah. Why? Is she bad to hang out with or something?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"Not really, just be careful. Miley likes to start rumors. And you do not want to be that rumor." Selena said. We were both watching Miley talk on the phone.

"Okay as long as she isn't phycotic or something." I said.

Selena started to laugh. "Hey you're funny! You should guest star on Wizards some time."

"Okay." I said. We exchanged numbers and I went to go to the dessert table. On my way I ran into Demi Lovato. Jeez this place is swarming with celeberties.

"Hey watch it!" Demi said.

"Sorry." I said helping Demi up.

"Yeah whatever." She said back.

"Listen, I'm sorry for whatever I did, but there is no reason to act like this." I said.

"So you're sorry for kissing Nick. I know you wrote that script. So you clearly put it in there. I'm not stupid. You're out to get Nick. Selena is just to niave to see it." Demi said.

"Noo, Nick did on his own. I just didn't want to stop it because I want to be a good job. I'm not out to get Nick. So you can untagle you're panties or whatever." I said like it was obvious.

"Oh." Her mood suddenly changed. "I'm sorry for being a whitch, its just I don't want Selena to get hurt again -"

I cut her off. "Its ok. See I want to be your friend." I said.

"Me too. Here is my number." We share numbers.

"But if you ever do anything with Nick, friendship over got it?" She said. Now she used the same tone before.

"Got it." I said.

"Bye!" She said cheerfully. Then walked away.

"Wow is she bipolar or something?" I muttered to myself. As I walked over to get a cookie.

"So High School." I said to myself again.

"You got that right."

That voice scared me so bad I tripped and was falling. I closed my eyes waiting for the cold cemented floor to reach me.

But it never did.

I was in someone's arms. I opened my eyes and looked up to see eyes staring at me with concern.

Who's eyes were theirs? You ask.

Nick Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay sorry it took so long, hope the chapter is worth it.

Cliff hanger. I'm excited!

Um please comments, I wanna know what you think!