I've Got You Where I Want You

Alex Breaks his Promise

Harlow was awoken by Sabastian, who was licking her face. She swatted him away. "Away dog!" She hissed. He obeyed, sitting down next to her. She sighed and closed her eyes.

Not two minutes later, the doorbell rang. She groaned and got up, tying her robe around her before stumbling down the stairs. She pulled open the door to find a UPS guy. Why he was delivering things so early, she had no idea, but she didn't appreciate it. "Harlow Loghans?"

"Yeah?" She asked, shielding her eyes from the bright, early morning sunshine.

"Sign here." The chubby man said holding out a pen and a clipboard.

"Wait, what is it?" She asked eyeing the box at his feet.

"I don't know ma'am. I'm just delivering your mail." He said.

She hesitantly signed, assuming it was from Alex. She handed it back and was given the box that was surprisingly heavy. "Thank you." She said before closing the door with her foot. She struggled to the kitchen and plopped it on the counter. Grabbing a sharp knife, she slit the tape and pulled open the cardboard flaps. She sighed, frustrated, as she saw a whole box filled with condoms. A pretty red rose on top along with a note.

She picked both up and read: "I couldn't help it. Don't kill my dog, I hope the rose makes you a little happier. Take your Midol. Alex." with a goofy smiling face drawn on it.

Harlow sighed, shaking her head. "What's in the box?"

She jumped as she heard Lily ask from the doorway. "Nothing honey." She said, closing the box as quickly as possible. "I'll be right back." She walked upstairs and tucked the box away from little eyes on the top shelf in her closet.

After making Max and Lily some breakfast, she told them to go upstairs to change so they could go to the park. She picked up the phone and called Faye. "Hello?"

"Are you still sleeping?"

"Not anymore. Why?" Faye asked.

"Good. Get up and get dressed. Max and Lily are over and we're going to hang out at the park."

"Why do I have to go?"

Harlow sighed. "There might be some hot, single dads." She said.

There was silence as Faye thought it over. "Tempting, but sorry. No."

"I'm buying ice cream." She said.

"Awesome! I'll come pick you up in two minutes!" She said, then hung up.

Harlow laughed at her crazy friend, grabbing the leash for Sabastian.

In the park, she watched the kids run wild on the playground, teasing Sabastian playfully as they sat up too high on the jungle gym for the tiny dog to reach them. "I got a package this morning." Harlow said, looking over to her friend. She laughed at Faye when the red-head looked over with an ice cream mustache that she hadn't noticed yet.

"That's kinky Harlow, you have kids in your house for the weekend." She giggled.

"Not like that!" She snapped. "Alex sent it. It was a huge box of condoms, even after I threatened to kill his dog last night if he did anything dirty to me this weekend. There was a rose and note on the top."

"Ooh, maybe he wants all those condoms for when he gets back to use with you." Faye said with a wide smile.

"Hell no! He's annoying as hell!" Harlow said, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked around to see if anyone heard them.

Faye smiled with a nod and continued eating her twist cone. "Sure. I think you like him." She said smugly.

Harlow whipped her head in her friend's direction. "What?! No. Hell no. You wanna know how idiotic they are? They clogged the sink and left the water on in their bus. It flooded! Does that sound like the guy for me?"

"No." Faye admitted. "But it could be the perfect thing you need." She said after a moment of silence.

Harlow rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I need more damage in my life." She snorted sarcastically. "I think my life has been messed up enough this week, thank you."

Faye shrugged. "I'm just saying. No need to get all defensive."

Harlow sighed and crossed her legs. "I need stability in my life, not a screw-off." She said. "Like him." She said pointing to a guy walking through with his a suit and talking on his cell phone.

Faye gave her a skeptical look. "Sure. He'll schedule your honeymoon between his business meetings."

"Okay, what about him?" Harlow asked gesturing to a buff jogger.

"Puh-lease! 'Get me some more steroids Honey while you're shopping'." She said, deepening her voice, imitating him.

"I give up. I am going to stay permenatly single. Who needs a guy anyway when you have a nice paying job, a pleasant house and a best friend like you?"

"Aww!" Faye said, touched. "If it wasn't for the sex, I'd be with you when it comes to guys." Harlow laughed at her friend. Alex and her? Faye was officially insane now.
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Thanks for the comments

Keep it up!! -Autumn =D