I've Got You Where I Want You


Sparky McFinnigins took his mission seriously. He watched his best friend suspiciously for the next few days. He even bought a fake mustache and thought about buying the tan trench coat that would make him look even more spy-like, but thought it would seem too out-there, even for Jack himself.

He slid in the table booth across from his best friend. "How's life for you man?" He asked.

Alex looked up from his Capri-Sun and poptart to his friend. "Jack, we're stuck on the same bus together almost twenty-four seven. I think you'd know if something changed in my life."

Jack shrugged and looked out the window, crossing his arms and legs. "It's just a question."

Alex smiled. "Why are you wearing a mustache?"

"Because I'm a-" The tall, lanky boy stopped himself from blowing his spy cover. "I'm a cool person." He finished smoothly.

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Mm-hm. You're super cool."

Jack smiled, pulling off his shades. "I know I am, thank you very much." He said, not noting Alex's sarcasism. "So, tell me about that girl you talk to all the time."

Alex shrugged and broke a piece of the non-frosted edge off his poptart and set it on the table. "What do you wanna know?"

Jack shrugged. "What ever you want to tell me." Jack smiled at how cool and mysterious he sounded.

"Harlow's fun to mess with."

"Why did you take her stuff anyway?"

Alex smiled and shrugged. "I don't know. Cause I'm a thug." He teased.

"Hell yeah you are!" Jack said enthusiatically.

Matt, who had walked in and was getting the gallon of milk out gave both boys a strange look. "Gaskarth, you are definately not a thug. Hell, I picked your ass up out of jail and you were crying when you got busted for not paying those parking tickets."

Alex blushed a little, then ate the frosted part with the jelly inside. Jack sighed and picked up the crusts of his bestie's poptart, giving up with the interrogations for the day.
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