I've Got You Where I Want You

Injuries and Arguements

Harlow woke up late for once. She stretched in her sleeping bag with a smile. Faye was snoring lightly across the tent. Getting up, she tossed on a cute, knit hat and pulled on a hoodie with jeans and her Converse. She pet Sabastian before opening the tent door and walking outside. She spotted David walking. She smiled and waved. They had sat together and talked. He was a really nice guy, working with the paper in Baltimore. He waved back.

"Isn't he cute?" She whispered to the dog. Sabastian responded with a bark. She smiled. "Oh man, I AM going to miss you when you go back. Come on." She said putting his leash on and jogging with the little dog to where David was waiting. "Good morning." She said cheerfully.

"Morning. Sleep well?"

She nodded. "You?"

"Very good. I love it here." He said looking up to the trees. She nodded. "I was going for a hike around the lake, you want to come with me?"


She was actually enjoying herself along the hike with David. Sabastian seemed to be too. They stopped at the road that lead to the fishing area for the lake that they had to cross to see a cute fawn and doe eating, that was until Sabastian started going insane over the two animals and scared them away. "Bastian!" Harlow said sternly. "Knock it off! Bad dog!"

David laughed a little. "That's okay."

"Oh my gosh, look at the little girl fish." She said pointing to a curly-haired three year old that was fishing with her father. "That's so cute."

He chuckled again. "Yes, it is." He admitted. "Want to continue?" Harlow nodded and started walking, not realizing that Sabastian had wrapped his leash around her legs. She fell on her stomach, her arms folding under her on the gravelly road. Stones dug into her skin. "Oh my God! Are you okay?" David asked pulling the leash from her legs and helping her up.

She nodded, gritting her teeth in pain as she held her bleeding arm.

"Hold on, let's go back to camp." Without asking, David lifted her off the ground and started carrying her down the road.


Getting bandaged up, Faye talked on her cell phone, finally getting some reception. Harlow was feeling happy despite the prediciment.

"Faye? I thought you were camping." Harlow heard Jack through her friend's cell phone.

"Yeah, we were, or are. Right now we're in the process of bandaging Harlow up."

"What happened?" He cried.

"Harlow's bleeding thanks to Sabastian. I just thought I'd let Alex know." She said.

"I'm sorry," Harlow said to David, seeing his shirt where her minor cuts bled on him.

"That's okay." He said with a smile, "You feeling okay?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, totally." She said with a laugh.

"Har., Alex wants to talk to you." Faye said holding out the phone.

She took it. "Hello asshole." She said. "You owe me a new pair of pants and an arm because of your dog now!"

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Hell no! I have limited use of my arm!" She said, trying to make him feel bad for her injury. She got up and walked the area of the campsite.

He sounded sympathetic. "I'm so sorry Harlow. You want my arm?"

"Yes." She paused. "No, on second thought. Your arms are too long for me, and not toned. They're probably kinda pale too from those hoodies you wear all the time."

He gasped. "I am too toned, and my arms are tanned." Alex said defensively.

She laughed. "Yeah. Mm-hm."

"Shut up Har.."

"You can't tell a girl to shut up, especially one who's injured because of your stupid mutt. And like I said before, only my friends call me Har.."

"He's not a mutt!"

"Okay. Sure."

"Harlow, let me fix that bandage." David said.

"Who's that?" Alex asked curiously.

"My new best friend David." She said. "He carried me all the way back to his campsite. Ain't he a sweetheart?" She asked.

"He sure sounds like one." He said, rolling his eyes even though she couldn't see.

Jack took a mental note on his friend, so did Faye with Harlow.

"Gotta go Alex. Can I get my stuff back sooner because of this incident?" She asked.

"No." He said then hung up.

Her jaw hung open in surprise. "Bitch!" She said hitting the end button, earning strange looks from the two males

Faye laughed, "Harlow and her roommate." She lied with a sigh to the guys.

"Oh," Mike said, "I completely understand. My roommate was a pain in the ass." Faye laughed again.

After Harlow was fully bandaged thanks to David, they went back to their campsite, Harlow and Faye started to pack up. "Thanks a lot Har.. Ruin my weekend with hot guys." She muttered.

"Hey, we don't have to leave. You chose to. I thought you liked Jack anyways?"

"Yeah, but tonight you're going to be bitchy and whiney and want to go home, so we might as well leave now. And Jack, well, we're not official right now. He's probably screwing another girl as we speak."

Harlow shrugged. "Yeah, you're probably right on both things." She said tossing the tent bag in with Faye.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah, how strange that she gets hurt in this chapter, my brother just went to the E.R. to get stitches, dead serious. WIERD!! Anyway, I love the comments! Keep 'em coming my way, and I'll keep posting chapters!! =D -Autumn P.S.- I'm addicted to the song "Damned if I do ya, Damed if I don't" If you havent heard it, you should. Luv it!