I've Got You Where I Want You

Snowing False Apologies

Harlow woke up in her own bed a little disoreinted. She rolled over and instantly shot back, causing her arm to hurt even more. She remembered what happened then. She brushed her loose bangs from her face as she sat up. Sabastian licked her fingers. "Hey bud." She said, scratching him.

She got up and trudged down stairs, going to the kitchen. She thought about getting a glass for her orange juice, but decided she was too lazy. Opening the cap, she drank straight from the carton and carried it with her to the living room. Just as she settled into her chair, the door flew open, hitting the wall.

"It looks like it snowed rose petals all over." Faye said cheerfully, spotting her friend.

"What?" Harlow asked.

"Take a look outside." Harlow got up and went to the front window. Pulling the curtains open, she saw her yard was covered in red and white rose petals. "There was a note on the front door too." Faye said, standing next to her friend.

Harlow took it and read: Harlow, I'm sorry about Sabastian. Forgive me. Alex.

She felt her heart flitter a little, a smile pulled at her lips. "Well, do you forgive him?" Faye asked expectantly.

"I don't know. I guess I'll forgive him for creativeness." She said.

Faye smiled. Who said Harlow had to know it was actually set up by her? She'd spent all night going to the flower shops in Baltimore. "Yeah. Watch, he'll deny doing this to make himself look tougher."

"Proabably." Harlow said, sitting back down in her chair. "So what are you up to today Ms. Faye?"

"Nothin' I was just bored. I had to babysit YOU for once, doesn't that sound crazy?"

"I don't want to know." She said. "Let's go get some coffee."

"But it was so funny! You were singing 'Coffee Shop Soundtrack' out my car windows at random people!" Faye said, following her friend upstairs to help her pick out an outfit. "And you were doing this crazy air guitar solo."


Jack, Rian and Zack stood outside of the bus, congregated as Jack told them about the stunt Faye pulled last night. "She's brilliant!" Zack exclaimed.

"I know, stay away from her, she's mine." Jack said defensively.

Zack crossed his arms. "What ever dude, she'd totally choose me."

Rian stopped Jack from lunging at Zack. "Will you two knock it off? Don't start a fight! Alex will hear and get up." He said harshly.

Jack straightened his hoodie huffily. "Fine."

"Fine." Zack grumbled.

"Okay, now that we have that settled," Rian said. He didn't get to continue.

Alex leaned out of the bus door in a fitting white tank top and loose black shorts that barely clung to his hips. He look like he just woke up. "Yo, idiots! On the bus! Matt wants to go!" The three walked over. "What the fuck are you doing anyway? Matt says you were out here for a long time talking."

"Yeah, Jack has an issue that he needed our help with." Rian said.

Alex gave them a questioning look. "It was about the road rash on his ass." Zack said simply. "You're lucky you were asleep."

Alex laughed. "Ha ha. Sucks to be you." He said before getting back on the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks soooooooo much commenters and subscribers!!! TEN STARS!! I think you readers deserve an extra chapter. This isn't the best one, but it shows Faye's sneaky side. Keep commenting and subscribing!!! I'm so hyper today, probably bc i had ice cream cake and just saw my cousin shoot herself with fireworks(such a putz)!! -Autumn P.S.-- You'll have to keep reading to see if Alex and Harlow end up together.