I've Got You Where I Want You

Not So Relaxing Afternoon

Faye and Harlow sat in lawn chairs in Harlow's backyard in their bikinis as they tanned with their sunglasses perched on their noses. Harlow rubbed sunscreen on her arms, unaware that Faye was taking pictures of her and sending them to Jack. She leaned back and closed her eyes, allowing the sun to warm her bared skin. "So, any jokes been pulled on you lately?" Faye asked, tossing her phone in her bag.

"Nope. I'm waiting for it." She said. "I have a feeling that Alex is planning something pretty big."

Faye laughed a little then closed her eyes.

Harlow looked over ten minutes later when a loud snore interupted the silence. She laughed seeing the sleeping girl. She threw an ice cube from her glass of lemonade at her snoozing friend. It landed perfectly on her bare stomache. Faye shot out of her nap and hurridly brushed the frozen liquid off of her. "Bitch." She muttered.

Harlow just laughed again and closed her eyes again.

Not ten minutes later, Sabastian started barking, causing both girls to sit up. They saw a group of teenage boys duck out of sight from the other side of the fence. "Hey!" Faye yelled. "Get the fuck out of here you pervs!" She hopped up and watched the three boys run into the house. "Yeah, that's right! Don't you have some pornos to watch or something?" She shouted.

Harlow giggled and wrapped her towel around her body before walking into the open patio door to get the ringing doorbell. She pulled open the door to a bunch of clowns. She froze, then screamed at the top of her lungs. She was deathly afraid of clowns.

Slamming the door, she locked it and ran to the windows, shutting the curtains. "What is going on?" Faye asked, running in.

"They're here." Harlow whispered, hiding behind the chair.

"Who's here?"

"The clowns, they found me." She said.

"Oh my god. You're not over that fear yet?" Faye asked rolling her eyes. She pulled open the curtains and saw them lingering by the door, debating whether or not to go.

Harlow shook her head. "How did he find out?" She asked. "How did Alex find out?"

Faye's eyes changed to guarded. "I might have told Jack. Alex could've overheard the conversation." She smiled weakly.

"Why were you telling Jack?" She whispered fiercly.

Faye stood there innocently. "We were discussing strange fears. I thought you conquered that one. If it helps, Jack is deathly afraid of them too." She said with a tiny Please-forgive-me smile.

Harlow glared. "Get rid of them. Hurry."

Faye walked to the door and pulled it open, stepping out, she shut the door behind her. "Hey guys. Did a Mr. Gaskarth send you?" One nodded. "Okay, see, there was a little mix-up. If you go back now, you can keep the money." She walked back inside. "They're leaving now."

Harlow crawled out from behind the chair. "That guy is officially on my bad side now." She said.

"Be nice Har.."

"Nice?" She cried. "Nice? Ha! Like I'll be nice to that jerk!"


"Oh Alex!" Jack sang to the sleeping boy from the table. "Oh Alex! Alex! Get your ass up! Come look at these pictures I just got!" After a few seconds of silence Jack yelled again. "ALEX! Harlow's almost naked! Look at these pictures!"

Alex poked his head out of his bunk. "What?" His eyes were still puffy from sleep.

"Get your ass over here. Faye sent me pics of them tanning!" Jack said excitedly.

Alex, along with Rian, Zack and even Matt huddled around Jack's phone. "HO-LY shit." Zack muttered. "They're fucking hot!"

"Hey, get the fuck out of here Zack!" Jack yelled. "No one asked you!"

Alex snatched the phone from his friend's hand and darted to the bathroom. He slammed the door behind him to look through the images without being overcrowded. Harlow was a babe, he had to admit it.

"Alex! You fucking cheater! Get out here! We wanna see too!" Zack yelled from the other side of the door.

Alex opened the door, tucking the phone to his stomach as he tried to keep it away from hands. He made it to the couch before getting tackled. "Ah! Get off of me douchebags!" He screamed from the bottom of the pile, still clutching the phone to his chest.

Jack ripped the phone away from Alex with a huff. "My phone." He said sticking it in his pocket, then fixing his cute skunk hair. Harlow's cell phone rang on the counter.

Alex pounced on it. "Hello?" He said cooly, brushing his hair out of his face.

"You fucking DILLHOLE!" Harlow screamed at him, loud enough for the rest of the guys to hear. They had terrified expressions on their faces.

Alex rubbed his ear in attempt to stop the ringing he was now hearing . "Dillhole? What's a dillhole?" He asked surpressing his laughter.

"You are! Fucking jerk! Why did you send fucking clowns to my fucking house!?"

"Because clowns are cool, and I knew that you'd freak out." He chuckled. "I love the outfit you're in."

"What?" She paused, "What the fuck are you talking about?" She asked.

"Jack just got some nice picture messages. You look nice in that white and pink bikini."

"Faye! You fucking bitch! You sent them pictures of me?" She screamed.

Alex fell into a fit of laughter. He could hear a door slam, probably Faye making her escape. He calmed himself down enough to talk. "Ha-Harlow," He heaved, holding his stomach that hurt from laughing. "Calm down, or I'll send animal control over for you."

She was fuming. "No! I could kill you right now with my bare hands. Clowns are fucking creepy! Don't EVER send them to my house again! I hate them!" He laughed again. "I am dead fucking serious Alex! You send those creepy dudes to my house again, your balls are mine." Harlow growled.

"Says the girl who's afraid of clowns." He said in his laughter. She hit the end button and sighed frustrated, then stormed up to her room muttering curse words about Alex.
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I absolutely HATE clowns!! I'd kill if someone sent a bunch to me. Effing creepy guys! Loved the comments though!! Keep it up!! -Autumn