I've Got You Where I Want You

Dress Discussion

Harlow wasn't shocked when she found a single plastic glove with a note that said, Guess what this was used for? on her front porch the next morning. "Who the fuck is he paying to pull these pranks for him?" She asked out loud, grabbing some tissues off of the small table in the foyer for precautionary steps. She picked up the glove and tossed it in the trash can, then washed her hands just in case. She didn't know if it was or wasn't used.

She walked out to the cab. At work, she called Brittany and told her the news, then was off to help set up the decorations for the Gregory's. The wedding was today and she was relieved that her work was almost over with them.

The reading of their vows went beautifully and she was very satisfied with her work. The reception went very smooth also, the best man recieving help from her on his speech that she wrote for him. She had to admit, her words sounded sincere and very appropriate for the occasion. She was extremely pleased at the end of the night and was thanked heartily by the new Mrs. Gregory.

She was driven home after she made sure everything was cleaned and put away properly. "Here you go." She said handing some cash to the cab driver before getting out.

Faye was inside her house, a common occurance, especially lately. "Guess what?" The tall girl cried. "I found myself a dress today! I couldn't help it. Once I saw it, I had to have it. Do you have a dress?"

"Yes, I have a dress already."

"Let me see it, I want to make sure you look nice."

Harlow narrowed her eyes. "What? I can pick out my own clothes perfectly fine." She said crossing her arms and walking to the freezer. She pulled out a container of ice cream and walked to the drawer where the spoons were located.

Faye followed her. "Yeah. You're not edgy though. You're just... cute."

"And that's a bad thing? I prefer being 'cute'." Harlow defended herself. "I'll show you the dress, wait. You better have a longer dress, nothing too slutty. This is a party for minors."

Faye rolled her eyes. "Puh-lease. I'm cool with the teens. They love the way I dress. If you wear something longer, you'll be considered something like a mom to them. Not cool Har.." She said following her friend up the stairs.

She rolled her eyes. "My dress is the perfect length between cool and uncool." She pulled out her black dress that ended before her knees from her closet.

Faye raised her eyebrows slightly with a bored, unimpressed look in her eyes. She stuck out her tongue in distaste and gave Harlow a thumbs down. "That's boring. What are you doing? Going to a funeral?"

Harlow wrinkled her brow. "Why are you so concerned?"

"I'm just trying to give you fashion tips. Good thing I bought you a dress." She said, getting up and going to the mirror. She played with her hair.

"I'm not wearing anything other than this dress." Harlow said firmly, putting the nice dress back in its place in her closet.

Faye just shrugged, continuing to play with her hair. "I'll get you in the dress I picked out for you." She mumbled.

"What?" Harlow asked shutting the sliding doors to her closet.

"Nothing. I want some of that ice cream!" She said following her friend back down stairs.
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eh, this isn't the greatest chapter. 100 COMMENTS!!!! U COMMENTERS R AWESOME!!!!! =D the party sucked and I feel like I'm going to pass out and we have another freaking party today for a six year old at the park!! Not cool. I think I'm going to pass out on a picnic table there. Anyway, keep subscribing/ commenting! If I feel better, I might post another chapter later today