I've Got You Where I Want You

Rian: Jack's Secret Lover

The days were narrowing down for the four spies to come up with a good plan. So far, they had nothing.

Rian, Zack and Jack crowded into the bathroom at the gas stop and discussed their options. Nothing was coming to them. "I got it!" Jack cried.

"What?" The two other spies asked.

The door opened then, causing Jack to fall from his brace against the door to the ground. "Dude! What the hell?" Alex cried.

"Hey buddy ol' pal!" Jack cried cheerfully from the floor with a wave.

"What are you doing in here? Having a three-some?" Alex asked looking from Jack to Rian and Zack.

Rian and Zack looked at each other, expecting the other to have an excuse for why they were crowded in a one toilet bathroom. Neither had one. "Uh..." Jack started, "of course." He picked himself off the cold orangish-brown tiled floor.

Rian gave him a wide-eyed look. "Dude!"

"Rian's my secret lover." Jack said, putting a hand on Rian's chest. "I cheated on you Alex, I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

"I don't know..." Alex stated, crossing his arms, going along with his game.

"Alex! Please forgive me!" Jack cried. He gripped Alex's tee-shirt. "Please. I love you! You know I do!" He fell dramatically to the floor on his knees.

The volume of his voice made a few people stop to look at them. "Well, okay. I love you too Jack." Alex said, leaning down and kissing jack on the top of his head before going moving on to serious matters. "Matt's pissed at whoever left his coffee can open last night. We hit a bump and the grounds flew all over."

"Wasn't me!" The three chorused, but Jack looked guilty.

"OOOH! Jack!" Alex sang darkly, "I'm telling Matt!"

"No!" The boy screamed hopping up. "I don't want to get into trouble!"

"Ha ha!" Alex said, running to the door. He didn't read the sign that said "Pull to Open" and hit his head on the glass, followed by Jack. Both fell to the ground. The boys got up and looked around to check if anyone saw. Obviously everyone in the little gas station had. Alex rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed, then pulled the door open and walked out to the bus, followed by an equally embarrassed Jack, with a hystarical Zack and Rian.
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Brittany's birthday party is coming up soon! Not the next one, but the chapter after it. I feel better now, I didn't pass out, so I'm happy about that. I think I'm going to go take a nap now, cause i'm super-duper tired. Comment if you like the update!!