I've Got You Where I Want You

"I'd take all three over you."

Harlow closed her loose jaw and hit the end button. "He hung up on me, Faye. He freaking hung up on me!"

The red head tossed a ringlet over her shoulder. "Well, he does have that right, I mean he's Alex Gaskarth."

"And he has MY phone! He can't hang up on me with my own phone!"

Harlow sat down on the couch and took another drink of her alcohol. "This is going to be horrible! I need my planner!"

Faye patted her friends back. "It'll work out eventually."

"When? After I get fired because I lost everyone's plans?" The blonde cried. "I need him to cooperate! The Gregory wedding is coming up in two weeks! I have their florist's number in there, their cateror's number, the cake people!"

Faye smiled and took another drink. "Well, you have modeling to fall back on." She laughed.

Harlow gave her friend a dark glare. "Okay, up." She said, pulling her friend up and pushing her towards the door.

"Where are we going?"

"You are going to leave because you're not helping, at all."

The red head turned once outside the door. "What? Harlow!"

Harlow shut the door and locked it. "Night Faye. See you later!" She called through the door. She walked back to the living room and poured herself another drink then dialed her cell phone number again and again, waiting for someone to pick up.


Alex was in the middle of singing Break Out, Break Out when the phone that kept vibrating in his pocket finally got to him. He stopped the music then took out the phone. "Hello!" He said annoyed.

"You can't hang up on me!" She yelled through the phone, loud enough to pick up on the microphone. "Now listen to me ALEX! I want my shit back! I don't care if your famous or not! I want my purse back!"

The crowd laughed a little. He put it on speaker. "Well Harlow, your speaking on the mike right now, interupting our show."

"I don't give a flying fuck! Give me back my purse!"

He made a face at the phone, mocking her, making the crowd laugh. "Harlow, I didn't steal your purse if you weren't looking for it."

"Yes you did! I was looking for it! Why did you take my purse anyway?"

He laughed, "I think it matches my personality perfectly." He said defensively. "It looks FABULOUS on me!"

The crowd laughed again. Harlow sighed. "Silver doesn't look that great on you Alex. It doesn't go good with your style."

"Really? Why's that?" He asked crossing his free arm over his stomach.

"Because silver doesn't match a sweaty, stinky guy that wears beanies and bandanas."

He was taken back. "Really? If you don't like me that much, why'd you come to our show last night?"

"I didn't come for you, I came for your sexy friends." She said.

The crowd made oohs and ahhs. He laughed. "Really? Who'd you fuck out of Rian, Zack and Jack?"

"I'd take all three over you."

The crowd oohed again. Alex laughed a little. Jack cut in the conversation. "Come on down here baby, we'll take you."

"I would if I could Jack, but I can't get off work, which brings us back to my dilemma. I need my purse to do my job. You idiots have my car keys too."

"What about spares?" Alex asked.

"Faye threw them in a lake while she was drunk one night." Harlow said. "I had to take a cab because of you Alex."

"Cabs are soo bad." He said sarcastically.

"Finding one around my house is! I was late for work."

"Look, Harlow, we have a show to finish. I'm gonna go." He said then hung up and shut her phone off. "Sorry about that. She was driving me crazy. Let's get back to the show!" He yelled into the microphone.
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Ug, this one kinda sucks. It gets interesting in the next few chapters, I promise. Thanks for the comments! subscribe/comment!!!! -Autumn