I've Got You Where I Want You

The First Part of Jack's Plan

Harlow opened her planner the next morning and went to the day's schedule only to find it blank except for one thing: DATE WITH ALEX 8:00.

She sighed, agitated. "Fucking dick." she muttered. Picking up Alex's phone, she dialled Jack's number.

"H-hello?" He groaned into the phone, obviously just waking up.

"Tell Alex that I want to meet with him... soon."

Jack sat up in bed and scratched his bare stomach, more interested. "Why so soon? He said you were busy today." He cocked an eyebrow up and looked at the false mustache sitting on his nightstand.

She sighed. "Yeah, well that was before I realized he emptied my planner and put 'date with Alex' every day for the rest of the year." She said looking through the days.

He smiled, proud of his work, even if he was framing his best friend. "What a jerk." He said, looking at the copy of her scheduled days that he made with a very pleased smile.

"Yeah, what ever. I just want to give him his damn phone back because I'm too nice to sabotage him." She admitted.

"Oh, well, I'll talk to him later and call you back." He said. "Bye-bye Harlow!" He cried cheerfully.

"Bye Jack."

He hung up. "Yes!" He cried, pumping his fists in the air in victory. Now that part one of his genious plan was finished, it was time for part two.
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I found time to update, so here it is, even if it is short. I believe there's two chapters left, maybe three. Have a good 4th!! Comment! -Autumn