Ace + Thorn = Love = Impossible

Chapter 1 - The mall

No matter where we were I could recognize Thorn from a mile away. She always distinguished herself from everyone else in one way or another. Whether it was the blue and pink highlights she put in her blonde hair or the heavy eyeliner that made her grey eyes pop; it was Thorn. Thorn was who she was and didn’t care what people thought. That was one of the many things that I loved about her. We were best friends since we were born. Our mothers were (and still are) best friends. As usual Thorns eyes widened as she saw me and she ran over and jumped on me. She is excited to see me because last summer was our first time apart and well now that the summer is over, she sees me yet again. I could smell the rose perfume she had on. She told me the reason why she wore rose perfume is because one, she doesn’t mind the smell and two because it matches her name Thorn.

“Hey Ace” she grinned a smile I wished all of the girls I mess with had. I smiled and twirled her around bumping her into a good looking girl. She turned around smiling at me and I smiled back. “Ace remember rule number one” Thorn snapped. But of course by then, I already had a napkin with her number and name on it. Sasha 572-9183

“Sasha… that’s a hot name” I typed it into my iPhone. Thorn slapped me enough to get my attention. My cheek began to sting and a bunch of the football players from the school snickered. Even though Thorn and I didn’t hang out with the same people everybody knew Thorn because everybody knew me.

“If Sasha is such a hot girl you should actually date her!” she sneered jokingly. My eyes narrowed and I put my iPhone back into my pocket. I had to remind her of the rule which secured my philosophy.

“What’s my rule?” I asked calmly. She clenched her hand but stopped and began to head towards a directory. I followed her as I always did; something that when people first met us think that we were a couple.

“What's my rule?” she asked as well and for a moment I thought she was mocking me but then I realized she was actually asking. I had to think for a second of which she spent punching my arm. I remembered then she set up best friend rules, ones that we followed to respect each other.

“No picking up someone while with each other” I quoted. It was one of the many best friend rules. I hated the rules but I couldn’t do anything about it. My jaw tightened and my teeth ground against each other so hard it resulted in pain.

For the first time that day I noticed what she was wearing… something that was hard for a guy not to notice. She wore tight bright blue tube top and black skinny jeans with black and white striped converse shoes. If it wasn’t Thorn Id actually date her, but it was Thorn and I couldn’t date Thorn… It would be… its Thorn we’re talking about; my best friend for all my life.

“And your number one rule is never date” she answered nonchalantly, dragging me to a Hot Topic. She rifled through the shirts as she always did; which is the first thing she does when she enters Hot Topic. She looked at a band I couldn’t even begin to describe the shirt of and then put it back.

“Exactly; I don’t date. Dating is for chumps. It’s the hooking up that is what I do” I said simply. This was my philosophy and I would never ever get married. She almost stopped rifling through the shirts but continued on until a pair of shoes caught her attention.

“You’re a slut” she said just as simply picking up a pair of shoes. I choked on the chocolate smoothie I was drinking. I almost thought that the smoothie would come out my nose; which only Thorn could get me to do because only she could get me to laugh that hard.

“What?” I asked trying to get her to clarify and make sure I didn’t hear what I thought I heard. I put the smoothie down on a shelf where the nearby employee took it when my back was turned. I was about to yell at him until he pointed to the No food or drinks allowed in this store sign. I sighed disappointed that I lost a three dollar smoothie.

“You heard me. You are the definition of slut. There are also harlot, free prostitute, and a backwoods Jane” she said and a passing by employee snickered… the same one who took my drink.

“A backwoods Jane” I smiled confused. “That’s new… I can honestly say I’ve never heard that before. She laughed and took out her phone to text someone… probably one of her friends… the people I don’t hang out with.

“It’s because the sluttiest of the sluttiest earn that name and you have” she told as walked over to the bracelets section. I followed her watching as an employee looked hungrily at her. This amused me and I smiled at her, who motioned to me to talk to Thorn.

“Thorn you’re getting checked out by that girl” I whispered as I pulled her hair behind her ear. She turned and looked at the girl and the girl smiled. Thorn, uninterested, picked up a nearby studded belt.

“She’s not my type” and walked towards the counter with a studded belt and a belly ring. I have never heard Thorn talk about having a type, since Thorn hardly went out with a guy. In fact sometimes I think she goes by my rule. But then I remember that she sometimes has such high standards or the ones that ask her out are the people I hang out with and not her.

“Oh yeah and what's your type” I asked somewhat still surprised. She handed a twenty to the cashier and looked in my eyes. I could tell she was waiting for a reaction to the response she was about to have.

“Male” and I busted into laughter. She rolled her eyes and thanked the cashier as he gave her the bag. “It’s not as bad as yours” she shrugged and I grabbed the bag from her. She smiled with her bright red lipstick shining. “Alive, female, hormones, and virgin” she blandly said and I flinched.

“Ouch. I’m not that bad” and she gave me a look. “Well I’m not that bad!” I justified but she still had that I don’t believe the crap coming out your mouth look. I sighed exasperated because I desperately wanted to win this argument.

“Oh yeah? How many girls have you been with this past month?” she asked and my mouth fell down in shock. “That’s what I thought” she said going into an Ipod store. She looked over an iTouch with a leeringly look. I motioned over a guy and bought it. I handed her the bag and she gasped. “You didn’t have to” she whispered looking down.

“Yeah well you bought me the iPhone… it’s the least I could do” I responded and she shrugged smiling being modest. “And what does the amount of girls I’ve been with matter?” I asked.

“It goes back to the you’re a slut thing” I sighed feeling I have lost this argument. We walked to a new store called It. It was like Spencers meets Hot Topic meets Aeropostle. It was perfect for Thorn. She picked up an outfit and ran towards the back. The employees have seen us enough times to recognize us. She came back in a black skirt with a purple vintage tube top.

“What do you think?” she asked and I couldn’t say anything. Sometimes I wondered what happened if we weren’t best friend since we were born. I would probably break my number one rule and date her. As she punched my arm to get me to come back to reality, I wondered why these thoughts kept popping in my mind.