Ace + Thorn = Love = Impossible

Chapter 8 - Double Date

We glared at each other from across the table. We still haven’t made up, but I was more than nice enough to join her on her date with Eugene. He wore a suit today to a restaurant that even I could pay for. Was this overdressing a part of the impressing thing? I didn’t understand why guys needed to impress girls; girls you give them chocolate and flowers to make them happy and bubble gum to make shut up. At least that’s what I did when the easy girls weren’t so easy anymore.

So here we are at La Restaurante’… Spanish for The Restaurant (how original by the way), and I don't know who I should glare at more, her or IT’s sister. I call Eugene a girl because there’s no way he’s a dude. The way he acts he has to be a girl.

The waitress comes and she's good looking and smiling at me. I smile back of course and feel a sharp pain in my leg. I look down and Sierra is squeezing my leg as hard as she can. I look away from the waitress and Sierra eases the pain by removing her hand. The waitress, Sandy, is now glaring at Sierra as meanly as she can.

“Ill take a Pina Colada” Eugene says and I began to chuckle. Sierra pinches my arm and I yelp. Thorn rests her head against his arm. “One for her too please” he asks and Thorn is barely paying attention. She is still trying to figure out what’s with me and Sierra sort of going out. To throw her off even more, I turn Sierra’s head towards mine and kiss her; it worked, seeing as Thorn’s eyes widened and she stood up straight looking nowhere else but her menu.

“I will take water and she will too” I said and Sierra smiled as I read her mind. The waitress came back two minutes later with our drinks. We gazed over our menus and I saw they had Filet Mignon’. I’ve always liked that so I decided to order it.

“What’ll it be guys?” Sandy asked pulling her bleach blonde hair into a ponytail. She no longer smiled at me seeing that me and Sierra was my somewhat girlfriend.

“Filet mignon” all four of us said. Then we all said “medium” except Eugene. “Rare… The bloodier the better” he grinned and Sandy faked a smile.

“Hope you get mad cow disease” I said under my breath. Sierra kicked me under the table.

“What did you say?” Thorn asked and I couldn’t think of much that would cover what I said.

“I heard bad cows have fleas” I winced at the horrible lie. She bit the inside of her cheek, something I’ve grown to recognize that she did when she didn’t believe me. Sandy came back with his cow that I'm sure they just stabbed out back and then put on his plate, and our three normal ones.

He cut into it and blood gushed out. I wanted to throw up as soon as I saw it. Instead I pushed my plate away. “What’s wrong with you mate?” he asked. I began to tense up when I felt her hand squeezing mine to calm me down.

“Check please” he called and the waitress brought it; he paid of course. After that we drove to the nearest Blockbuster. I picked the scariest movie I could find and of course Eugene bought it. I was going to scare Eugene and Thorn would never talk to such a loser again.

We drove to his house… more like mansion. It was this two story house with at least three balconies. It was nice, to say the least. But it was degraded every time he walked in.

My mouth felt like it dropped against the floor. He had a huge flat screen T.V. with an extreme surround sound system… every guys dream. Why does this freak have it?

We put in the movie and he turned on the surround sound. The sound made me feel like the animals in “Over the hedge”. My head went backwards as the sound got louder and Sierra laughed at me.

We were at this one part of the movie waiting for this scene to happen and I was freaking out. My body was shaking and I was holding onto Sierra and she was too into the movie to notice.

Then the guy popped out of nowhere. I screamed which made Sierra scream and which made Thorn scream. The entire time Eugene was laughing at the idea of how this was scary. I was about to kill him.

This guy was unbreakable and I was tired of seeing his face. “I will take the girls home” I said to Eugene. I got in my car and the other two joined me. Sierra sat next to me and Thorn sat in the back. I drove to her house and stopped in front of her driveway.

“Tell her” she whispered and she kissed me on my forehead and ran off slamming the door behind her. Thorn crawled to the front seat and looked at me, confused. I looked at the road avoiding her face.

“Tell me what?” she asked and I racked through my brain to find something that avoided the question. I couldn’t come up with much but something was better than nothing.

“Eavesdrop much?” I asked angrily. She rolled her eyes and she only angered me more. Plus she didn’t avoid the question unfortunately.

“I do when it’s about me. Now what is it you need to tell me” she asked again and I responded with silence. “You used to tell me everything and now, you don't tell me anything. You used to have these rules and you said you’d never break them. As soon as you started dating Sierra you put a wall between you and me. What is going on?” she asked.

I stopped in front of her house and pressed the unlock button. I opened her door and gave her the look she gave me when we were six. “I have feelings for you”