Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

When we got to the venue, I was annoyed that Claire had made me sit in the front with Kevin, but happy because in an hour we would be performing. Because we only had an hour until we were on we couldn’t practice any of our songs. Instead we went to the merchandise stall to see Jordan crying.

“What wrong?” I asked as soon as I saw Jordan crying.

“I-I’m going home for a while, im homesick and I just feel like I need a brake away from everything.” Jordan sniffed.

“You will be back right?” Claire questioned.

“Yeah I will only be gone a couple of weeks, I will join you lot back on tour when you guys travel from Canada to Denmark.” Jordan smiled weakly.

We both hugged her, knowing how she was feeling.

We walked on to the stage; both of us had tears in out eyes because this was the last performance that Jordan was going to be here for a long time and the last performance in America.

We sang the usual songs before introducing the new song that Claire had wrote, speechless.

“So, you guys have been an awesome crowd tonight, we have a new song to play for you, it’s called Speechless I hope you like it.” Claire said as she faced the hundreds of people in the crowd.

The loud cheers made the stage vibrate slightly, the atmosphere in the room was amazing, almost electrifying. Claire closed her eyes and began to sing.

Feels like I have always known you
And I swear I dreamt about you
All those endless nights I was alone
It's like I've spent forever searching
Now I know that it was worth it
With you it feels like I am finally home

I joined in soon after; the crowd seemed to love it, waving their arms in the air and dancing around. Claire smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

“Thank you America for making the first leg of this tour unforgettable. Here they are the boys you have been waiting for The Jonas Brothers!” I shouted into the microphone.

We finished our set and ran off the stage. When we got backstage we were greeted by the boys and Jordan.

“You were amazing tonight; the crowd loved your new song.” Nick said before he kissed Jordan and ran off to where he had to go to surprise the audience.

“Amazing show tonight, you keep getting better and better.” Kevin complimented us before hugging us. Surprisingly though, without thinking about it, I hugged him back and wished him luck.

“By the way awesome song.” Joe said before running on the stage too.

We went out to the merchandise table to meet Jordan.

“Girls, do you think Nick is cheating on me?” Jordan asked as she packed things away.

“What! Why would you think that?” We both said at the same time, it happens every now and then.

“Well the media are saying Nick is seeing Miley, and I mean I’ve seen text messages from her on his phone.” Jordan explained, worry evident in her tone.

“He would never cheat on you, don’t you see the way he looks at you he is in love with you.” I comforted her.

“I mean I know they met up a couple of times, because Disney wanted them to be seen together as friends because they were both getting bad publicity but maybe Nick realised Miley is better than me?” Jordan said, she sounded really sad.

“What! Now you are talking crazy, no wannabe Britney Spears is ever going to win Nick’s heart.” Claire shook Jordan slightly emphasizing her point.

“Maybe you two are right; I probably just need a brake away from the media for a while.” She said as we walked back to the bus.

We helped Jordan to pack her things while reassuring her constantly that Nick was defiantly not cheating on her.

Nick ran back onto the bus, he was freshly showered and no longer smelt like he had been on stage for nearly 4 hours. He ran straight into the bunk area where we were, giving me and Claire a look that we understood, we walked outside.

Tour wasn’t going to be the same without Jordan to keep me and Claire company and have a laugh with when she was hyper which was practically the whole time. It was obvious she really needed some time away from it all though.

“I miss home.” Claire said.

“Me too.” I said as I linked my arm through Claire’s.

We wandered into the living area of the bus where Joe and Kevin were sat. I sat down in silence; I was home sick and wishing that Jordan would stay even though I know she needs to get away. Clinging to my legs I sat and thought about how Jordan was leaving and how if I could do it, I would probably do the same thing so I should stop wishing Jordan, the happy hyper one, would stay with us on tour.

Nick and Jordan came out of the bunk area not long after I sat down. Joe, Kevin and Claire had all been talking while I sat in silence. When Nick and Jordan came in, I stood up. Walking over to Jordan, I gave her a quick hug before walking to the bunk area, I was still quite.

“Lauren, where are you going?” Claire called after me.

“Bed, it’s been a long day.” I shouted back as I grabbed my pyjamas and made my way to the bathroom to change.

“Ok.” Claire called.

After changing, I went into the bunk area. No one was in there; they were all obviously in the living area still. I slid into my bunk and pulled the dark black curtain shut. Slipping in my headphones, I turned on my ipod and listened to the soft lyrics that were filling my head. Soon after, I was asleep.

Waking up in the morning, I could smell coffee. Sliding out of my bunk, I slid on my hoodie with my name on the back and pulled my hair into a bun on the back of my head before walking to the front of the bus. Everyone was sat in the living area; a suitcase was by the door.

“Morning.” I mumbled while yawning.

“Morning.” Claire mumbled back, obviously still half asleep herself.

“Jordan, can I come with you please? I wanna go home and sleep in a normal bed.” I half laughed as I slid into the seat next to Jordan.

“You are not leaving me here on my own Lauren.” Claire half demanded while laughing slightly.

“No you can’t come Lauren, you two need to stay here and keep the boys in check.” Jordan smiled.

“Alright, but you have to come back because I like being in charge but it sucks after a while.” I smiled.

“Alright, I promise to come back.” Jordan smiled.

“Yay!” Me and Claire shouted at the same time, both wrapping our arms around her.

“Right, I have to go.” Jordan said.

“Ok.” I said sadly.

“Nick, come on.” Jordan stuck her hand out to Nick.

“Alright” he stood slowly and took Jordan’s hand.

“Bye Jordan.” Everyone shouted at once.

She turned back and smiled back at us.

“Bye guys.” Tears were welling in her eyes.

As I saw Jordan, tears started forming in my eyes. Blinking to try and cover them up, they spilled over slightly. As Jordan and Nick walked off of the bus, everyone shouted bye again. Sliding into a seat, I put my head in my hands; this tour was going to be a lot harder now Jordan was gone.

“Im going to get ready for the day.” I said as I stood up.

“Alright.” Claire smiled at me.

Walking into the bunk area, I grab some clothes and then went back to the bathroom to change. I changed into a pair of loose combat trousers and a white top before pulling my hoodie back on. Not bothering with make-up, I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail.

Coming back out of the bathroom, I walked past Nick who went straight into the studio and locked the door behind himself. He looked really sad.

“Nick are you ok?” I asked, knocking on the door.

“Not really, I need some time.” He called through the door.

“Ok, if you need anything just shout.” I called back through.

“Thanks Lauren.”

“That’s ok.” I walked off, leaving him alone.

When I got to the living area, Claire, Joe and Kevin were all sat around the table; each had a paper in their hands.

“What are you looking at?” I asked no one in particular.

“Today’s papers, there’s pictures from last night in here.” Joe answered.

“Let me see please?” I asked Joe.

“Sure” He passed me the paper he had in his hands before looking over Claire’s shoulders.

I went to the sofa and sat down. I crossed my legs and read the article before looking at the pictures. We looked so happy last night.

“I like these, we looked so happy.” I smiled.

“I know.” Claire spoke, turning to face me, a smile on her face.

“Im keeping this, I wanna cut the picture out.” I laughed as I stood to go to the kitchen to get some scissors.

I rummaged through the drawers until I pulled out a pair of scissors. Cutting around the first picture and then the second picture, I smiled. I chucked the rubbish away before going to put the pictures in my bag and checking on Nick.
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Comment my friends :D
I like comments a lot and so does Claire :)
Enjoy :D