Status: Complete

Black Keys


I woke up the next day to find everyone up except Lauren. I didn’t bother changing just yet because I smelt coffee and even though I didn’t like coffee I knew the water in the kettle will be hot enough for me to make a hot chocolate.

I walked into the kitchen, where a unshaven Joe was. I gave a small smile before making myself a hot chocolate and going into the living area.

Nick and Jordan were sat on the sofa, talking in whispers. Jordan’s suitcase was by the door, I was going to miss Jordan she was always there when you needed someone to talk to or when you were sick of people asking questions she would make you smile.

Jordan came and sat next to me, she gave me a hug before chucking her iPod and phone in her bag. Kevin was talking to Bob; he seemed unlike himself today, friendlier.

Lauren finally emerged from her bunk, She mumbled a hello to me before making light conversation with Jordan.

“Jordan, can I come with you please? I wanna go home and sleep in a normal bed.” Lauren joked as she slid into the seat next to Jordan.

“You are not leaving me here on my own Lauren!” I demanded while laughing slightly.

After Jordan had doubled checked she had everything she started saying her goodbyes. I could tell she was sad to be leaving but a little relieved that she wouldn’t be in the spotlight for a while.

Lauren went to get dressed, when Kevin came back with papers handing them out to everyone. I thanked god Lauren was in the other room the last thing we needed was an petty argument.

Nick walked back onto the bus, walking straight past us and through to the practice room.

“Is he going to be okay?” I asked slightly worried.

“He will be fine, he is just annoyed at the media I think, and we all know that’s why Jordan needed a brake.” Kevin said before going into the kitchen.

Lauren returned a couple of minutes later. Joe handed her his paper before looking over my shoulder at the picture of us. Lauren went and cut the picture out and stuck it on her wall of her bunk which I thought was very Lauren like.

“I think next time I go out in public I will wear make up.” I laughed before going into the kitchen and washing my cup, before going into the bunks and getting changed.

We were travelling out of America and into Canada. Apparently Mel, Jordan’s temporary placement was meeting us there. I just hoped she was as friendly as Jordan was.

I walked past the recording studio, to see Lauren and Nick talking, I was going to go and ask if they wanted anything but thought better of it and left them to it.

The bus was rather boring when you couldn’t get off, we were travelling for the whole day stopping only so Bob can rest and The Jonas Brothers had a interview for Teen Weekly magazine.

I decided to update Forever True’s blog for once, and maybe send emails to my friends back at home. I signed on to my MySpace for the first time in ages, I scrolled through some of the comments most were from fans. But one caught my eye, it was from Tony.

Why are you not replying to my text messages? Has fame gone to your head already? I thought you and Lauren were “Keeping it real” obviously not. None of your old mates hear from you, it’s like you have forgotten about us.

I couldn’t continue reading the comment; instead I clicked on Tony’s profile and commented back.

Maybe I want to forget you, and the mess you make. It would make life a hell of a lot easier. I typed away.

Before I could finish the message, Nick called a tour bus meeting in the practice room. I got up leaving my laptop with the MySpace comment still up so I could finish it later.

I walked into the room, Lauren was sat on the floor beside the piano with a smile on her face. Kevin was sat on a stool, with his guitar in hand. Joe stood behind Nick reading the paper in his hand.

“I’ve written a song, and I wanted you lot to hear it before the fans.” Nick explained.

He started touching the black key’s on the piano softly before he started singing.

She walks away
Colors fade to gray
Every precious moment's now a waste

She hits the gas
Hoping it would pass
The red light starts to flash
It's time to wait

He started singing, and almost instantly it occurred to me who this song was about. Tears started forming in my eyes, I was a sucker for love songs, and Nick had just written this song to Jordan.

“I think, we just heard are new hit single.” Joe said before patting his brother on the back and walking out.

“When Jordan hears this, she will be on the next flight back trust me.” Kevin said before getting up and putting his guitar away.

I walked over to Nick, and playfully wacked him on his arm.

“What was that for?” He looked shocked.

“For making me cry, that song is beautiful, Jordan is going to love it.” I smiled before looking down at Lauren who was still sat on the floor.

“Laur, can I talk to you please?” I asked she nodded and followed me out.

“Do you reckon fame as gone to our heads already?” I asked while making my way over to my bunk.

“No, why?” She sounded a little worried.

I stopped when I saw Joe reading what I had written to Tony.

“What are you doing?” I asked annoyed.

“Setting this dude straight.” Joe said typing fast.

I snatched the laptop off of him before he could hit the send button.

“Thanks but no thanks I can fight my own battles Joe.” I said.

“What is all this about?” Lauren asked getting deeply confused.

“Tony, commented me on MySpace, It isn’t a big deal, and he was just saying how much we had changed.” Trying not to make Lauren go off in a rant.

“He has some cheek; he was the one that started being a dick to you when his band became a regular act at our local night club. The only friends we had was each other the others were just back stabbers.” Lauren ranted.

“I know I have nothing to do with this, but can I just please send that message.” Joe pleaded.

I read what he had written before laughing, he had written childish phrases like “takes one to know one” and things like that. I pasted the laptop to Lauren so she could read it.

“I really don’t think, that is going to help.” I said.

“Well at least it made you laugh.” He shrugged before getting up and walking into the living area.

Lauren made kissing faces behind his back. I sat down on my bunk again.

“So Lauren don’t think that hug last night didn’t go unnoticed.” I smirked.

“What hug?” Lauren asked.

“The one that lasted a little bit too long last night.” I smiled.

“Oh that one, you know it’s amazing what adrenaline can do to you.” Lauren said before walking off. I just giggled at how naive they were being.

Nick had just appeared from the practice room, he had quiet ever since Jordan left. It made me wonder if the media were deliberately lying to break Jordan and Nick up. He came and sat on Jordan’s empty bunk.

“You know, I would never dream of cheating on Jordan. Miley and I were working on a song together that’s all. The press blew everything out of proportion.” Nick said it sounded like he just wanted someone to listen to him so I sat there.

“Jordan, she puts up with a lot what with all the fans and travelling and media. She never complains about being invisible to the world even though she is an excellent keyboard player.” He continued.

“Wait, Jordan plays the keyboard; she never said anything to me about it. She could play the keyboard for Speechless if she wants.” I said getting an idea in my head.

“Yeah she is amazing, but she is just scared that if she gets up on the stage and plays a note wrong. They will boo her. I kept trying to tell her it doesn’t matter if she gets one not wrong it would just be awesome seeing her enjoy herself up on stage.” Nick replied, not really looking anywhere I had a feeling he was in a dream world.

I smiled, walking out to talk to Lauren about my plan. She was wiping the floor with Joe on guitar hero. I sat and watched as Joe protested every time he got a note wrong and Lauren got one right.

“Are you missing home?” Kevin asked randomly.

“Yeah, a little.” I replied keeping my eyes on the scores.

“It won’t be long a few weeks and we will be touring England, I think we are going to take a day or two off to relax so you could go see your family.” He said while sitting down next to me.

I watched as Lauren hit the winning note, before doing a victory dance. Tour was dragging and I couldn’t wait to see my family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jordan will be back i promise (:
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