Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

Lauren must have noticed I was missing home because once she had finished, she asked if I wanted to talk. We walked into the practice room,

“So you’re missing home bad?” Lauren said as soon as the door was closed.

I told her I was missing home, but tried to smile I didn’t want anyone feeling sorry for me. We talked about the two day brake when we arrive in England then Lauren asked the question I knew she was dying to ask.

“So, this thing with Tony, what are you going to do about it?” She asked, she sounded worried, she knew I was sensitive when it came to Tony.

“I’ve sent him a message and im leaving it for now.” I shrugged, playing the keys on the keyboard slightly trying to get the conversation moving away from Tony.

“Ok, wanna practice some songs?” Lauren asked getting the hint.

“Yeah, alright then.” I smiled, turning around on the stool to play the keyboard properly as Lauren stood and grabbed her guitar.

We didn’t really practice any of our songs; we had fun playing old nursery rhymes. Lauren soon got bored and went to get a Dr Pepper and a Redbull. I walked out into the front of the bus, hoping guitar hero was free I had never really played it before.

After Kevin had finished playing Joe, I asked if I could play. Kevin handed the control over to me. Once we started playing Lauren went to her bunk, I think Kevin was trying to get a reaction out of her. By now Joe was beating me.

“Kevin, help me he is beating me.” I pouted; I was a very sore loser.

“Don’t you dare Kev, remember I’m your brother.” Joe warned.

“Yeah but she can do a better puppy dog look.” Kevin chuckled as he covered Joe’s eyes allowing me to hit the right notes.

“Kev, seriously I want to win, why are you siding with the enemy?” Joe complained.

Winner flashed across the screen, and I high fived Kevin. Then I turned on Joe.

“Oh so I’m the enemy now am i?” I said stepping closer to him.

“, you know I never noticed how short you were until now.” Joe smirked.

“Now, you have gone a step to far Jonas.” I said before chasing him around the room.

Joe being the clumsy person he was tripped on the wires coming out of the TV and fell on the floor. I only just stopped myself from falling over him.

“Sometimes I wonder about you lot, I mean I thought Jordan was bad.” Kevin said shaking his head.

“Kevin, if we didn’t have a bit of hyperness this bus would be a drag.” I said sitting down next to him.

Joe got up from his position on the floor and was plugging the wires back in the TV when Lauren came in and grabbed an apple and a bottle of water. I gave her a small smile, while the boys looked confused.

“Lauren, aren’t you going to spend any time with us lot today?” Joe called, out to her.

“Uhm… I need some time.” Lauren replied.

“Sure?” Joe said scratching his forehead.

“Yeah, I don’t think we need any arguments today.” she smiled and shrugged before walking away.

Joe looked at me for an explanation, but I just shrugged not in the mood to talk about feelings.

“So do you know this Mel girl?” I asked the boys.

“Yeah, she came on tour with us on our Burnin’ up tour, she is one loud person.” Kevin chuckled a little.

“Oh great.” I muttered before realizing it was tea time and neither of us had bothered to check on nick.

“Who’s going to cook something then?” I asked the boys, both of them pointed at me.

“How unfair, well one of you go check on Lauren and one of you check on Nick.” I said as I walked into the kitchen.

There was only a jar of peanut butter and a lot of fruit. Lucky when we stopped in Canada Mrs. Jonas was joining us I thought as I started chopping the fruit up and putting it in a bowl.

“Guys, when is your mum joining us?” I asked double checking if I had my fates right.

“When we stop tomorrow, why?” Joe answered.

“Because we have no food left, and I can’t cook.” I admitted.

I looked at Nick, he looked pale. Lauren who sat beside him didn’t look to good either. I placed the bowl down and let them dig in.

I walked into the practice room, pulling out my phone. It felt like I hadn’t called home in ages.

I listened to the dial tone before my mum answered.

“Hello?” Her voice reminded me how much I was missing home.

“Hey mum it’s me, we will be coming back home soon! I can’t wait to see you and Dad.” I said excited.

“That’s wonderful dear; the house has been quiet without you around. I will make up your bed before you come.” She sounded happy I had called.

“I saw the pictures of you and Lauren and that boy in the paper.” She said.

“Mum his name is Joe; he is from The Jonas Brothers you know the band we are touring with.” I explained.

“Oh, well dear, you didn’t look happy is everything okay?” Mum’s tone was caring it brought tears to my eyes.

“Yeah I’m okay, I’m just missing home that’s all.” I reassured her.

“Anyway mum, I’ve got to go. I will see you soon okay. Love you I miss you.” I said before hanging up.

I wiped my eyes a little before walking back to the table. Most of the fruit was gone.

“Claire, are you okay?” Lauren asked instantly after seeing my eyes.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I said trying to rub away the redness, feeling a pair of eyes boring into my back.

“We saved you some fruit, are you hungry.” Laure asked taking charge again.

“Thanks but I’m not hungry, I might have a early night ready for the show tomorrow night.” I said before hugging Lauren and getting in my bunk and plugging my iPod into my ears to help me sleep.
The next morning I got rudely awaken by someone screaming.

“Oh my god guys, you have all grown! Group hug.” I groaned before realizing it must be Mel.

I looked up at Lauren’s bunk; she was staring down at me. We both walked into the living area together still in our pajamas.

“What’s the time?” I yawned.

“It’s five am.” Nick said he was sat at the table checking his blood sugar.

“Hey, you must be Lauren and Claire, I’ve heard so much about you, well not really I done some research before I came out and I love your music.” A girl a little taller than me with purple hair came bouncing up to Lauren and I.

I had to blink a few times, to adjust my eyes to her hair, it was really vibrant. She stood there beaming at us, bouncing from foot to foot.

I mumbled an hey before turning and going back to my bunk. It was way too early in the morning for this.
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So i think we deserve more comments for updating every day (:
it seems we have lost readers also which is upsetting.