Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

Joe came into the bunk area and told me that Claire was sorting something out for us all to eat; I told him I would be right out. Quickly shoving everything back into my bag, I slid out of my bunk and wandered into the living area of the bunk. As I walked out, Claire was starting to talk.

“Guys, when is your mum joining us?” Claire asked the boys.

“When we stop tomorrow, why?” Joe responded.

“Because we have no food left, and I can’t cook.” Claire replied, admitting to the fact that we were out of food and she couldn’t cook.

Claire looked at Nick and then at me, I could tell she had decided that I didn’t look great by the look she gave me. She placed a bowl a bowl of chopped fruit on the table.

Claire walked off into the practice room, leaving me with the guys to eat. The guys dug in instantly and ate most of the bowls contents.

“Guys, leave some for Claire.” I said as I swatted their hands away.

As I said this, Claire back into the living area where we were all sat. When she walked in, she was wiping her eyes slightly, she had obviously been crying.

“Claire, are you okay?” I asked as soon as I saw her red eyes.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Claire said, as she tried to rub away the red marks under her eyes.

“We saved you some fruit, are you hungry?” I asked, taking charge of the situation.

“Thanks but I’m not hungry, I might have an early night ready for the show tomorrow night.” Claire said before hugging me and going to her bunk.

The next morning, I awoke to very loud screaming coming from the front of the bus.

“Oh my god guys, you have all grown! Group hug.” Someone shrieked from the front of the bus.

I heard Claire groan as I attempted to cover the sound with my pillow.

Claire looked up at my bunk as I looked down at her. We both begrudgingly climbed out of our bunks and walked into the living area, still wearing our pyjamas.

“What’s the time?” Claire asked, yawning.

“It’s five am.” Nick said as he checked his blood sugar level at the table.

“Hey, you must be Lauren and Claire, I’ve heard so much about you, well not really I done some research before I came out and I love your music.” A girl with vibrant purple hair that was a little taller than Claire and a little shorter than me once again shrieked.

The girl stood beaming at us, obviously pleased to see us, I just yawned, too tired to care about anything or anyone.

Claire mumbled a ‘hey’ before turning and going back to her bunk. I stood in the same spot, smiled slightly at Nick and Joe and completely ignore Kevin before giving the new girl an evil glance. She had woken me up at 5 am and I am defiantly not a morning person. Quickly, I turned on my heel and went back to my bunk to sleep more.

Waking up again, I glanced at the watch I had worn on my wrist since I was 15. It read 9 am. Smiling, I stretched, yawned and climbed out of my bunk. Grabbing a random hoodie out of my bag, I pulled it on and walked into the kitchen area of the bus. Quickly grabbing a bottle of water, I made my way to the living area of the bus where I could hear the guys talking.

“Hey.” I smiled; a little more awake than the last time I had seen them.

“Hey.” Nick smiled gently and patted the seat next to him.

I walked over and plonked myself into the seat before talking again.

“Uhm… Mel right?” I looked at the new girl.

“Yeah that’s me.” She replied a little sheepishly.

“Sorry about this morning, I am really not a morning person. Especially when its 5 in the morning.” I smiled gently at Mel.

“No problem, I think id be the same.” She smiled at me.

“I might go and put some clothes on and kick Claire’s ass out of bed. Anyone wanna watch me get Claire out of bed?” I laughed.

“Nah, we’re good thanks Lauren. Maybe another time.” Joe laughed.

“Alright, but you’re missing some pretty funny stuff.” I sang as I skipped to the bunk area of the bus.

“Claire. Time to get your silly little ass out of bed deary.” I sang in Claire’s ear.

Claire mumbled some incoherent words and turned over.

“If you don’t get out of bed I will pour cold water over you.” I laughed.

“Alright, im awake, leave me alone.” Claire mumbled, her head squashed into the pillow.

“Good. Im going to get dressed.” I patted Claire’s head and skipped into the bathroom to change.

Once changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top and my white cardigan, I skipped out of the bathroom, a smile that is defiantly not usual for me on my face.

“What’s made you so happy today?” Nick asked as he propped himself on the side in the kitchen.

“To be honest, I have no idea. Don’t knock it though, im fabulous when im like this.” I laughed, causing Nick to smile.

“Alright, I won’t knock it.” I quoted my words, laughing a little, he had defiantly cheered up a little over night, but I could still see the sadness in his eyes.

“Nick, if you need to talk, im here ok?” I smiled at him.

“Yeah I know Lauren, thanks.” He smiled back at me.

“Don’t forget Claire, you could always pester her to cheer yourself up a bit.”

“Hey, I heard that.” Claire moaned as she walked into the kitchen.

“My bad. Looking for Red Bull?” I asked knowing the answer.

“Of course I am.” Claire smiled.

“Try the living area, Mel stole loads a minute ago.” Nick said.

“Oh no she didn’t, the Red Bulls mine.” Claire laughed as she walked into the living area after the Red Bull.

“Coming?” I asked Nick.

“Nah, im gunna go practice Black Keys.”

“Sure?” I asked, knowing what his answer would be.

“Yup, see you in a bit.” He nodded as he jumped off the side and walked into the practice room, closing the door behind him.

I wandered into the living area and sat on the sofa that was furthest away from Kevin. No doubt soon Mel would ask me or Claire what was going on, but I can’t stand being near him when all do is through snide comments at me.

I sat playing with the thread on my cardigan and when Mel came and sat next to me.

“Hey.” The little purple haired girl said.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“So why sit here on own?” She asked, prying into my life slightly.

“It’s easier, believe me.” I shrugged.

“Ok, do you wanna talk about it?” Mel asked.

“Nah, im good. Im sure you’ll find out soon anyways.” I smiled again.

“Lauren, when did you last update the blog?” Claire called.

“Uhm, the other day why?” I called back to her.

“I was wondering.” Claire shrugged.

“Ok, im going to grab my ipod and some paper and pens a minute.”

“Aright.” Claire, Joe and Mel called simultaneously making me laugh.

I went to the bunk area and grabbed my purple ipod, a pad of paper and a few random bic pens, before skipping back to the front of the bus.

“Why the pen and paper?” Mel asked as I sat back down next to her.

“Random drawing.” I shrugged.

“Oh right.” She nodded, as if she understood that I drew as a passion next to my music.

I put in my headphones and turned on my ipod. I flicked through a few songs until I found ‘One Step Closer’ by S Club Juniors. Call me sad but I was in love with Aaron Renfree when they were still together. I flicked open the pad of paper and started drawing different objects from the bus.

When I looked up from my pad, I saw Claire on her laptop, typing away, Joe watching the television, Nick walking out of the practice room and Kevin and Mel talking. I smiled at Claire when she looked up at me and went back to drawing.
♠ ♠ ♠
How about a few more commenters?
We have like loads of people reading this but only 3 people who comment pretty much every chapter. I feel unloved :(
Anyway, Enjoy my lovely's x