Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

I was awoken by Lauren’s cheerful voice. “Claire. Time to get your silly little ass out of bed deary.”

I tried to protest but I couldn’t even understand myself. So I turned onto my side.

“If you don’t get out of bed I will pour cold water over you.” Lauren threatened.

“Alright, im awake, leave me alone.” I mumbled, I knew Lauren would tip water over me, she as done it before.

“Good. Im going to get dressed.” Lauren patted my head and skipped into the bathroom to change.

I changed into a pair of joggers and a hooded jumper, my hair up in a bun. I walked into the kitchen in search of a Redbull.

“Don’t forget Claire, you could always pester her to cheer yourself up a bit.” I heard Lauren laugh.

“Hey, I heard that.” I whined as I opened the fridge.

“My bad. Looking for Red Bull?” Lauren asked.

“Of course I am.” I smiled.

“Try the living area, Mel stole loads a minute ago.” Nick said.

“Oh no she didn’t the Red Bull’s mine.” I laughed as I walked into the living area looking for the Redbull.

I walked up to the purple haired girl, from this morning. She was sat hugging the Red bull’s to her chest. Kevin was sat near the TV watching some programme about guitars.

“Hey, I’m sorry about this morning, I guess im not a morning person.” I said as I sat down next to her, she handed me a can of Redbull.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry for being hyper this morning it’s just I haven’t been on tour with these guys in a year.” Mel explained.

“I have a funny feeling; things have only just started getting interesting.” I said before sitting next to Kevin.

Mel laughed a little and went into the kitchen.

“So, Kevin have you had a think about that deal I was talking about.” I said.
“What deal?” He said turning to me.

“The one where we all be friends, you, me and Lauren.” I said.

“I don’t know I mean what if she doesn’t want to be friends now?” He asked.

“Well, it’s worth a try just try talking to her more, by talking I mean a proper conversation not an argument.” I said patting his back.

I walked into the kitchen to find Lauren and Mel talking and Joe said there texting on his phone. I sat down next to Mel.

“Lauren, when did you last update the blog?” I asked.

“Uhm, the other day why?” She replied.

“I was wondering.” Claire shrugged.

“Ok, im going to grab my iPod and some paper and pens a minute.” Lauren said walking out of the room.

“Aright.” Joe, I and Mel called.

I opened the laptop on the table, ready to update our blog for a second time. I mentioned how cool it was being on tour, and how the paparazzi annoy me but take awesome pictures. Then I gave a little shout out to Jordan, telling her to come back soon.

“We are stopping in ten minutes kids.” Bob called from the front.

“Hey, I’m not a kid im an adult.” Kevin pouted.

“So am I!” Joe whined. I rolled my eyes.

When we stopped, the door of the bus was opened to reveal a lady in her mid-thirties.

Kevin, Joe and Nick ran towards her. “Mom! We have missed you.” Nick said hugging her.

I looked at Lauren and Mel feeling awkward. When the boys finally realized we were still in the room they introduced us.

“Mum, this is Claire and Lauren; they are our support act Forever True.” Kevin said pointing to both of us.

I waved a little before looking at Lauren she was smiling.

“This is Mel, she arrived today, and she is our merchandise girl.” Kevin said glancing at Nick slightly.

Nick coughed a little knowing he would need to explain to his mother his girlfriend’s absence.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you three ladies I hope my boys have not been a pain.” She smiled.

Lauren opened her mouth to say something glaring at Kevin, but I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

“They have been real gentlemen.” I smiled at Denise Jonas.

While Denise walked around the bus inspecting everything, and tutting when she saw the lack of food in the kitchen, Kevin came and joined us on the couch.

“Mel, let’s go get some Redbull before the bus starts moving again.” I dragged her up.

“I’ll come too.” Lauren said getting up.

“No, you stay here, I’ll take Joe to protect us.” I rambled grabbing Joe’s arm and pulling them out of the bus.

“What the hell was that about?” Joe asked.

“Well..” I trailed off and ran towards the shop not wanting to say anything just incase the talk ends in disaster.

“You run fast for a short girl.” Joe quickly caught up with me and jogged along side me.

“Guys, wait for me.” Mel said before running to join us.

We stopped to wait for Mel, and to catch my breath. We heard screams and then saw a crowd of people running towards us. Mel panicked and jumped into my arms screaming.

“Mel, its only fans, they aren’t going to hurt you.” I said letting her fall.

“Oh I knew that.” She said standing up and brushing herself off.

“Of course you did.” Joe laughed before greeting the fans.

I was signing a girl’s top, when she asked if I or Lauren were dating anyone. I smiled and told her we were both single at the moment.

“So, who is speechless about then?” She said looking into my eyes.

“It’s about love, and how love makes you feel.” I said looking away from her.

“So, who do you love?” She pestered.

“Come on Claire, we have to get going the driver isn’t going to wait all day.” Mel said coming to the rescue.

We said goodbye to the fans, as we walked away I thanked Mel.

“Mel, you are a life saver, I’ve really got to learn how to lie.” I laughed.

“I was waiting to hear who the song was about though.” Joe said.
“It wasn’t about anybody.” I said grabbing a Redbull and paying for it.

“It has to be about someone.” Joe pestered.

“Well, you wouldn’t know him.” I said before exiting the shop and walking back to the bus.

“I know a lot of people.” I heard Joe call out behind me.

I ran onto the bus, seeing Kevin and Lauren still talking both looked up when I entered the bus. I just ran past them and hid in my bunk. Seeing Nick on his bunk, staring at his phone.

“Hey, have you heard from Jordan?” I asked him.

“Not yet, every time I go to call her I hang up. What if she doesn’t want to see me again?” Nick looked up his eyes were watering.

“You know the problem with you two, you are both blind. I mean you both obviously love each other a lot but neither of you can see how much the other one loves you. You have been dating what nearly two years just give her a call I bet she will be glad to hear from you.” I said before hearing Joe ask Lauren where I was.

I pressed my fingers to my lips and got in bed closing my eyes. I heard Joe walk into the room.

“Alright bro, is she asleep?” Joe asked Nick.

“Yeah, she just came in and crashed out straight away.” Nick lied for me.

I heard Joe walk back into the living area. I sighed in relief before turning my IPod on.
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So im updating now because i wont have time tommorow,
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