Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

“We are stopping in ten minutes kids.” Bob shouted from the front of the bus.

“Hey, I’m not a kid im an adult.” Kevin called while he pouted making me roll my eyes at how immature he truly is.

“So am I!” Joe pouted and whined causing Claire to roll her eyes.

When the bus stopped, the door to the bus was opened revealing a woman in her mid-thirties.

The boys all ran to her. “Mom! We have missed you.” Nick shouted hugging her.

Claire looked at me and Mel; all 3 of us felt awkward but Claire looked like she was feeling the most awkward. When the boys finally remembered us girls’ presence in the room they introduced us to their mum.

“Mum, this is Claire and Lauren; they are our support act Forever True.” Kevin pointed to us both in turn.

I smiled while Claire waved slightly.

“This is Mel, she arrived today, and she is our merchandise girl.” Kevin spoke again, glancing at Nick.

Nick coughed, obviously knowing that he would have to explain where Jordan was to his mum sooner or later.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you three ladies I hope my boys have not been a pain.” The lady smiled.

I opened my mouth to say something sarcastic about how amazing Kevin had treated us, well mainly me, while I glared at him, but Claire covered my mouth with her hand before I got chance to speak.

“They have been real gentlemen.” Claire smiled at Mrs Jonas.

While Mrs Jonas, or Denise as we had been instructed to call her, walked around the bus, she inspected everything and tutted when she saw the very small amount of food in the kitchen. Kevin came in and sat on the sofa with me, Claire and Mel

“Mel, let’s go get some Red bull before the bus starts moving again.” Claire said as she dragged Mel up.

“I’ll come too.” I said standing.

“No, you stay here; I’ll take Joe to protect us.” Claire rambled before grabbing Joe’s arm and dragging him and Mel off of the bus.

Once Claire, Mel and Joe were off of the bus, Kevin starting speaking to me.

“Im sorry.” Kevin whispered.

“What ever.” I snorted at him.

“No, really I am. I didn’t set out to make an enemy of you. I actually thought we might be able to be friends to start off with, but then stuff happened and we ended up hating each other I guess.” Kevin said quietly.

“What made you all of a sudden apologise?” I asked him.

“I want to be friends, this tour is really hard and I don’t like us not being friends.” Kevin spoke softly.

“Ok, so what if I forgive you. Do you promise to keep your comments to yourself?” I asked, hoping for the best.

“Deal, all you have to do is say Kevin you’re forgiven.” He smiled genuinely at me.

“Ok, Kevin you’re forgiven. Now can we start again?” I smiled at him.

“Alright. Hello, im Kevin Jonas nice to meet you.” He stuck out his hand laughing.

“I didn’t quite mean like this but oh well. Hello im Lauren Friend, part of your support act called Forever True. It’s very nice to meet you.” I smiled and stuck out my hand to shake his.

“So, we’re friends now?” Kevin looked at me.

“Don’t push you’re luck Jonas.” I laughed slightly.

“Please?” He begged, using puppy dog eyes on me.

“Alright.” I smiled at him.

Claire ran onto the bus, causing me and Kevin to look up at her. She ran straight past us and into the bunk area. A few minutes later, Joe and Mel ran into the bus. Joe looked at us, we were sat very close now, our bodies turned to face each other.

“Where’s Claire?” Joe asked.

I shrugged but Kevin replied by pointing to the bunks. Joe ran off to the bunks and Mel collapsed on the sofa. A few moments later Joe walked into the living area and slumped onto the sofa.

“Claire?” I asked confused.

“Asleep.” Joe replied.

“Oh right.” I nodded before standing up.

“Where you going?” Kevin asked worried.

“Bed.” I smiled back.

“Why?” Joe asked, confusion written over his face.

“Because we have a big show tomorrow and I didn’t sleep well last night.” I smiled at everyone before turning around.

“Alright, night Lauren.” Kevin called back.

“Night guys.” I waved aimlessly and went into the bunks.

Changing quickly in the bathroom, I went back to the bunks. When I reached them I jumped into bed and slid under the covers of the bunk. I fell asleep pretty quickly, listening to the soft rain on the roof of the bus.

I awoke to the smell of toast and the sound of 3, obviously hungry, boys arguing. I yawned and slid out of my bunk. I pulled on my hoodie and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail, before checking on Claire. She was still asleep. After checking on Claire, I walked to the front of the bus. Mel was sat on the sofa, Kevin, Nick and Joe were sat around the table eating breakfast and Denise was in the kitchen making more toast.

“Morning.” I said yawning.

“Morning dear. Would you like some toast?” Denise said smiling.

“Uhm, yeh sure. Thanks.” I smiled taking the plate from her hands.

“Where’s Claire?” Joe asked.

“Asleep. I am not waking her up again this morning. Its one of your lots turn.” I laughed.

Simultaneously, Nick and Kevin pointed at Joe.

“Looks like your waking her up then Romeo.” I laughed before eating my toast.

“What?” Joe looked utterly confused while I was smug that only I knew what I was talking about.

“Get Claire up Joseph.” Denise called from the kitchen.

“Im going.” Joe said as he slid out from the table and went to the bunks to get Claire up.

After eating my toast, I put my plate in the sink and grabbed a bottle of water. Joe still hadn’t managed to wake Claire up when I went to grab some clothes to change into before we had to do sound check.

“Out the way.” I shoved Joe slightly.

“Like you can do any better.” Joe grumbled.

“Watch me.” I smiled.

Turning back to Claire, I shook her gently.

“Claire, out of bed now. Get some breakfast, change and then be ready for sound check or so help me god I will chuck a bucket full of water over your hair and then laugh when you take ages to straighten and dry your hair.” I moved Claire again.

“Im up.” Claire yelled as she jumped out of bed.

“Told you so.” I poked my tongue out at Joe before going to change.

I went into the bathroom, showered, and then changed into a pair of jogging bottoms, a top that was too big for me that I tied at the back and my trainers. I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair with my towel when I bumped into Kevin.

“Hi.” He smiled down at me.

“Hi.” I smiled back before going into the living area where Mel still sat, eyes glued to the television.

I sat down, cross-legged, towel drying my hair. Claire came into the living area, dressed and ready for the day.

“Ate yet?” I asked her.

“Yup.” She smiled at me.

“Good, what times sound check?” I asked no one in particular.

“An hour.” Nick said as he walked into the living area.

“Cool. Are you singing your new song tonight?” I asked him.

“Yeah.” He nodded at me, he looked really nervous.

“Cool, you’ll do fine.” I assured him before leaving to do my hair.

When I went back to the living area, my hair was dry and its natural curly-ness.

Everyone went over to sound check, we rehearsed a bit more and then went to get ready for tonight’s show. For some reason I was overly worried about it, it’s not like me to feel worried about a show like I am today.

After changing, doing my hair and makeup and grabbing my guitar the guys back stage had named Lucy, I ran to the side of the stage. When I had to, I went on stage and Claire and I played our set. It was so much fun, just being out there made my adrenaline pump. When we finished, Claire and I both shouted into the mic at the same time.

“Thank you guys so much.” We both laughed.

“Like we said, thank you guys so much. It’s been an honour playing for you.” Claire shouted into the microphone again.

“Now, are you guys ready for some kick ass music by our friends the Jonas Brothers?” I said into the microphone.

“We can’t hear you!” Claire shouted.

The crowd irrupted into screams and shouts as Claire and I left the stage. When we got to the side of the stage, we both hugged the guys and wished them luck before running out to help Mel out on the merchandise stall for a bit and watch the guys set better.

Joe said some things which I couldn’t hear properly because of the screams coming from the crowd before the guys started the set. They ran through their usual songs before Nick grabbed a microphone and started speaking.

“Thanks guys, you have been one awesome crowd tonight. Now, as a special treat, I would like to play you all a song I wrote.” Nick walked over to the piano and sat down.

He started playing the music and soon enough was singing his new song that he had titled Black Keys.

She hits the gas
Hoping it would pass
But the red light starts to flash
It's time to wait

And the black keys never looked so beautiful
And a perfect rainbow never seemed so dull
And the lights out
Never had this brighter glow
And the black keys showing me a world I never know
A world I never knew

When he finished singing, I was almost in tears. Mel had burst into tears a long time before I had and Claire was also sobbing. I smiled at them both through the tears before looking back up at the stage. Nick had tears in his eyes as he thanked everyone and ran off the stage.
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