Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

“Claire, out of bed now. Get some breakfast, change and then be ready for sound check or so help me god I will chuck a bucket full of water over your hair and then laugh when you take ages to straighten and dry your hair.” Lauren said while shaking me awake.

“Im up.” I yelled jumping up from my warm bed.

Joe gave me a small smile before retreating back into the living area. I got dressed, in a simple pair of skinny jeans and a top and walked out into the kitchen.

After we had eaten, everyone went over to sound check because the boys had interviews to do before the concert. Lauren and I were still new in Canada so we weren’t expected to do interviews just yet.

We just hung out back stage with our band. We were playing a game of go fish when we got called into hair and make-up. I hated having my make-up done by someone but I didn’t mind having my hair styled.

Once we were ready, we waiting back stage. Tonight we were playing in front of our biggest audience yet. I was so nervous I could barley speak. The lights dimmed and Lauren and I ran under the spot lights.

Once we had played our set, we both thanked the audience. Once we got off the stage, we hugged the guys before walking to the merchandise stall. I half expected to see Jordan but was happy none the less to see a head full of purple hair serving fans.

We watched as Nick introduced his new song, I hoped Jordan was watching somehow. He had tears in his eyes as he sang, beside me Mel was already sobbing loudly. Once he had finished the song, I realized I was sobbing along with Mel.

When the boys came off the stage, I ran straight to Nick. My make-up down my face.

“Please don’t hit me for making you cry again.” He begged.

I laughed a little and shook my head, hugging him. “If she doesn’t come back after hearing that song she must be mad.” I said.

Kevin was talking with Lauren as we all walked back to the bus, Nick, Joe and I walked behind them in silence, all in our own thoughts. Mel was still selling merchandise and said she would be on the bus in half an hour.

When we arrive on the bus Mrs. Jonas had a smile on her face. We all collapsed on the couch.

“Nick, darling could you do me a favor and get your pillow case for me please im going to wash some things I forgot to get yours from your bed.” Denise asked her son.

Nick got up sighing, when he reached his bunk he was tackled into a hug.
All we heard from the living area was “Miss me?”

I looked at Lauren who got up and ran into the bunk area.

“Jordan!” we both screamed joining the couple’s hug.

“Told you I’d be back.” She said smiling.

After we had all welcomed Jordan back, we settled down to watch House Of Wax much to Lauren’s discomfort. Jordan and Nick had barley left each other’s embrace since we got on the bus. Both had huge smiles on their faces, making the rest of us smile without noticing.

Kevin sat beside Nick; Lauren joined him after changing into something more comfortable. Mel and I sat by Lauren ready to watch the film, holding pillows to cover our faces when the scary bits were shown. Joe had gone to shower.

“Do you want any popcorn and drinks kids?” Denise called from the kitchen.

“Mom, we are not kids anymore.” Kevin whined.

“I know I’m sorry but you will always be children to me, so do you want anything?” She chuckled.

“Yes please.” We all said at once.

While Mrs. Jonas was getting the snacks, Joe returned from the shower. We were watching the adverts at the beginning of the film when Denise brought the snacks out to us.

“Thank you Mrs. Jonas.” Lauren, Mel and I said at the same time.

“Oh girls, I’ve told you to call me Denise.” She said before going back into the kitchen.

The film started and with in the first half an hour of it Lauren had screamed three times before leaning towards Kevin subconsciously. Kevin smiled and placed her arm around her for the rest of the film.

Mel and I hid our faces into the pillows every time a gory scene was shown, but we stopped when Joe complained we weren’t watching the film. But when Paris Hilton get’s killed I couldn’t help but hid my face.

“Why is it always the blondes that die first?” I whined.

“Because they are dumb.” Joe replied.

I gave him a glare. “That’s just a stereotype, I’m not dumb!” I protested.

“Of course your not.” He said in a patronizing tone, patting my head.

After that whenever there was a gory bit, I would hide my face either behind Mel’s back or in Joe’s shirt.

When the film came to an end, I noticed Nick and Jordan were asleep snuggled up together. Lauren was asleep on Kevin, she had a smile on her face Kevin was smiling down on her. Mel was drifting off to sleep, but trying to keep her eyes open. Joe’s shirt was crumpled where I had hid my face in it so many times.

“And I thought you two hated each other.” I said pointing at Kevin and Lauren before Kevin carried Lauren to her bunk. Nick doing the same with Jordan. Because we didn’t have enough bunks, Jordan and Nick shared a bunk until Mel went back to her home town of England.

I wasn’t tired, but we had a long drive to reach England almost two days. I was going to call my mum and tell her I would be home in two days but looked at the time and decided to call her in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
We have two stars (: it would be fab if we could get 3 stars!
we have loads of readers but not enough commenters!
I wasn't going to update this today but i decided i would in the end
Check out Reckless it is a mcr fanfic x