Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After getting back on the bus, Mrs Jonas came out and smiled warmly at us all. After we all slumped down onto the sofas, Mrs Jonas asked Nick to go and get his pillow case.

Nick sighed as he stood and walked into the bunk area.

All that could be heard from the front of the bus was, “Miss me?”

Claire looked at me. I got up and ran into the bunk area, Claire close behind me.

“Jordan!” Claire and I both screamed, joining the couples hug.

“Told you I’d be back.” Jordan said, a smile plastered on her face.

There was a lot of jumping around and laughing from Claire, Jordan and me before we finally got out of the bunk area so everyone else could say hey to Jordan.

After everyone had welcomed back Jordan, everyone settled down to watch House of Wax, much to my discomfort. I really hate horror movies, they make me feel sick and half the time I end up having night mares afterwards. Jordan and Nick hadn’t left each others embrace since seeing each other. They both wore huge smiles on their faces, making the rest of us on the bus smile.

Kevin sat down beside Nick, I sat down next to him after changing into a pair of jogging bottoms and an oversized t-shirt. Mel and Claire sat by me, ready and waiting to watch the film. Both were clutching pillows to cover their faces when scary parts came on. Joe had gone to shower before watching the film.

“Do you want any popcorn and drinks kids?” Mrs Jonas called from where she was in the kitchen.

“Mom, we are not kids anymore.” Kevin pouted and whinged.

“I know I’m sorry but you will always be children to me, so do you want anything?” She replied, chuckling softly. .

“Yes please.” Everyone said simultaneously.

While Mrs. Jonas got snacks, Joe came to the living area after just showering. The adverts at the beginning of the film were playing when Mrs. Jonas brought out the snacks on a tray.

“Thank you Mrs. Jonas.” Mel, Claire and I said instantly.

“Oh girls, I’ve told you to call me Denise.” Mrs. Jonas said before going back to the kitchen.

Within the first half an hour of the film starting, I had screamed 3 times. Before long, I was subconsciously leaning into Kevin. Kevin placed his arm around my shoulders and left it there for the remainder of the film.

Claire and Mel hid their faces in the pillows they clutched between their fingers every time something gory or scary was shown. They both stopped when Joe complained about them not watching the film. When Paris Hilton got killed, Claire obviously couldn’t help but hide her face. My face was already buried firmly in Kevin’s chest at this time.

“Why is it always the blondes that die first?” Claire whined.

“Because they are dumb.” Joe replied, not really paying attention.

“That’s just a stereotype, I’m not dumb!” Claire protested, glaring at Joe.

“Of course your not.” Joe replied in a patronising tone.

After Claire’s whining, I didn’t pay attention, my face was firmly pressed against Kevin’s chest, hiding from the horrid scenes in the film.

As the film came to a close, I had already fallen asleep. The last thing I remembered was having my face pressed against Kevin, his arm wrapped tightly and protectively around my shoulders. Suddenly I felt myself being moved gently and people talking quietly in the background but I was too tired to open my eyes. I soon fell back into a deep sleep.

The next two days were boring. We stopped every now and then so the boys could do interviews and Bob could sleep. One time we stopped, the boys were doing an interview for a Canadian magazine, while Claire and I had an interview with a local radio station. While we done this, Mel and Jordan went shopping together. Before we had our interview we were given a quick lesson on how to answer tricky questions so we don’t mess up like with the magazine interview in America that ended up me and Kevin having a very horrid argument.

Walking into the interview, my stomach clenched as I remembered our last interview and how badly things had gone. Thank god this time we knew who to answer any tricky questions. After waiting for 5 minutes, we were called into the interview.

“And today we have with us Forever True, the Jonas Brothers supporting act and a pretty amazing English band. Welcome.” The DJ said.

“Thanks.” Both Claire and I said at the same time.

“So, welcome to Canada girls. How’s touring going?”

“Thank you. It’s good to be here. Tour is going really well.” I smiled.

“Good. So are you two girl’s sisters? You look so much alike it’s unbelievable.”

“No, we’re not sisters. We get asked that a lot.” Claire laughed.

“So you’re not sisters, interesting. So what’s the album about?”

“Well, basically it’s all about real life things, stuff that’s happened to us and probably a lot of other teenage girls out there.” I answered.

“We wrote our songs in England sat in our bedrooms while we played around with some music on my keyboard and Lauren’s guitar.” Claire added.

“That’s pretty cool girls. So how did you exactly get discovered if you wrote the songs in your rooms?”

“Well, we were on holiday in America and went to this pub. There was an open Mic Night and Simon, our manager, saw us.” Claire told the interviewer.

“And then, a few weeks later we got signed.” I smiled at Claire.

“Sounds like it all happened fast for you then girls.”

“Yeah, it did. But because it happened so fast it’s not really set in for us yet.” Claire nodded along in agreement to what I said.

“We promised from day one that we would stay like we were before. And so far, we’ve stuck to that promise.” Claire added in for me.

“Are you lovely ladies seeing anyone at the moment?”

“Nope.” We both chorused at once.

“Sounds like you answer that one a lot.”

“Well, yeah we do kind of. A lot of people are pretty interested in our lives so come up to us and ask us different questions. I think that one ive heard a lot as well as the one about us being sisters.” Claire laughed as she answered.

“What about your families? What do they think about your sudden fame?”

“Our families are happy for us. They treat us the same as before and I even get jobs to do when I go home.” I laughed.

“Yeah, same. Our families are really supportive though and would go to the worlds end to help us achieve our dreams.” Claire smiled.

“Well, that’s all we’ve got time for today unfortunate girls. Good luck with the tour and the album.”

“Thanks.” We once again both chorused.

After leaving the interview, we got into a car that took us back to the bus. Once we were back on the bus, we heard Mel and Jordan chatting from the bunk area. Instantly, we ran to the bunks and jumped onto the girls. They laughed and made us move.

“How was the interview?” Jordan asked us.

“Fine, that little lesson wasn’t really needed but it was a good idea.” I answered while Claire took a swig of the red bull she had pulled out of her bag.

“Good. We have a present for you both.” Mel smiled.

“Ooh, presents.” Claire and I chimed together.

“Here you go.” Mel said as she handed a bag to me and Jordan handed Claire a bag.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Look in the bag.” Mel almost demanded.

Instantly, Claire and I both opened the bags. Looking in, I saw a folded up jumper. I pulled it out to look at it. Turning it over, I saw on the front it said Forever True on the left side and on the back all across it, it said my name. I smiled and hugged both the girls, tears welling in my eyes. I looked over at Claire who was looking at the teal hoodie jumper with the same writing on the front and her name on the back. The writing on Claire’s jumper was black where as mine was teal while my hoodie jumper was black. Claire also had tears welling in her eyes. Instantly, the four of us hugged each other as tears poured out of my eyes, as with Claire.

“Thank you girls. I love it.” I said through my tears.

“Yeah, thank you. I love mine too.” Claire said, also talking through her tears.

“That’s ok.” Jordan smiled.

“Yeah, it’s a pleasure to know you both and a pleasure to get you them.” Mel smiled, a few tears spilling from her eyes.

“I am wearing this for the next show.” I smiled.

“Same, we can be like every body look at our amazing hoodie’s 2 of our amazing new friends brought for us.” Claire laughed, as she pulled on her hoodie.

I copied her actions, the smile permanent on my face.
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Thanks to everyone that reads and comments :) It means a lot
Anyway Enjoy