Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After getting onto the bus, and me and Claire grabbing some of the best bunks so that we could still talk and stuff without the other band knowing, we got to know the others, well Jordan anyway. She’s really amazing and just like me and Claire, well more like Claire because their both obsessed with Red Bull, but we will defiantly get on with her loads, she’s like our new best friend already.

The bus has just started moving and we’re all kind of sitting around the living area of the bus. Joe and Kevin are talking in hushed tones, obviously not wanting me and Claire to hear them, while Nick and Jordan are chatting away about some random thing that I have no idea about. Claire and I sat on the end of the sofa, facing each other, our backs to the others, talking about everything that’s happened lately. When we started our band we never thought we would get this far, it was kind of a thing to do on a weekend when we didn’t have anything else to do.

Nick is the nicest out of the boys; he’s the only one that doesn’t seem to have a problem with me and Claire being on tour with them. We didn’t exactly ask to tour with them, we would have been more happy to tour with Jesse McCartney because he is quite cute or Aly and Aj because they are a duet act like us. Jordan told us that Kevin and Joe are annoyed because they wanted Demi Lovato to tour with them, but instead they got stuck with some random girls that they probably have never even heard of even though we are quite big out here with our debut single.

Playing with a strand of hair, I felt eyes boring into my back. Annoyed, I stopped playing with the hair and let it fall down. I knew my face was beginning to crease up because Claire started speaking.

“Do you wanna go and sit out at the bunks?” Claire also seemed annoyed.

“Yeah, come on” standing up, I stuck out my hand to pull Claire up before we both walked off into the bunk area.

“They are really starting to annoy me, I might say something to Joe” Claire was more than annoyed now, she was angry that we had been stuck with people that seemed to take and instant disliking to us.

“Don’t say anything, you’ll loose control and then we’ll be stuck on tour with people that will probably be determined to ruin us. Look, stay calm and ill do the same. As long as we don’t have to talk to them, we’ll be fine. Jordan can give them messages for us if we need it. We can’t blow this Claire; it’s our first time on tour. And even though right now, I could probably hurt them for staring, we need to stay calm” I spoke with reasoning to Claire. Pulling myself onto my bunk, I led down, taking deep breaths to calm down.

“Yeah, your right. But seriously if Joe keeps staring, I am not being held accountable for my actions” giggling Claire also led back onto her bunk.

“I don’t blame you; I think one of them keeps staring at me. And because I don’t know who it is, ill hurt them both” I shrugged even though Claire wouldn’t be able to see me.

“So, we need to sort out some songs. Like practice them and stuff” Claire spoke as she sat back up.

“Yeah, but can we do that tomorrow? I just wanna sit around for a bit, and have a girly talk” laughing I sat up, looking down at Claire.

“Yeah sure. Let’s talk girly stuff. Or do you wanna tell me about how you hate someone?” Claire raised her eyebrows knowing the real reason I wanted to talk.

“Claire, you know me to well.” I laughed as I spoke to Claire.

“Of course I do. Now spill” Claire moved slightly to the edge of her bed.

“He’s so annoying. He thinks he owns this bus or something because he’s the oldest. Plus he’s to up himself for his own good” I took a deep breath after getting everything out in one.

“My turn.” Claire smiled before going on.

“He thinks he’s better than us because he’s been around in a band longer. He obviously doesn’t want us here and he’s plain rude. I think he needs to be quite unless he wants me to shout at him” Claire smiled having got everything out.

“Feel better?” I smiled down from my bunk.

“A little bit. I would feel better if I had some Red Bull” smiling, Claire took on a mischievous grin to her face.

“Claire, what have you got planned?” I looked at her, already knowing what she was going to do.

“I am simple going to get Red Bull and then annoy the guys a bit. Do you want me to see if I can find some Dr Pepper?” knowing that this was my weakness, Claire smiled before leaving the bunk area.

She came back a few minutes later, a can of Red Bull in one hand and a can of Dr Pepper in the other.

“Here” Claire passed me the can of Dr Pepper before sliding back into her bunk.

“Thanks. Let’s get hyper” squealing, I opened the can and started to drink the fizzy drink.

“I think im already a little hyper” Claire hiccupped after taking a big swig of Red Bull.

“I love it when you’re hyper” I laughed.

“I love it when we’re both hyper, so drink your Dr Pepper so we can both be hyper” Claire laughed with me.

“Ok calm down, im drinking it now”

After about 10 minutes, both me and Claire were rolling around on the floor of the bunk area in fits of laughter. Neither of us had any of our drinks left and was attempting to stand to get more of our special happy drinks, well the special happy drinks that didn’t contain alcohol anyway.

“I can’t stand up” I managed to get it out between bursts of laughter.

“Neither can I” Claire replied as she caught a breath, her hands shaking slightly from all the caffeine.

“One more try, and then im staying here until I fall asleep” my laughing had seized slightly, but only erupted more once I saw Claire crawling on her hands and knees.

“What’s going on out here?” a loud voice called over mine and Claire’s hysterics.

Looking towards the door, I saw 4 tall figures. 1 being a girl, the rest all boys. Realizing who it was I tried to sit up but ended up laughing again at my failed attempts.

“Oh great, we’ve been stuck on a bus with 2 immature little girls” Joe looked at me and Claire disapprovingly only to get Claire annoyed.

“What the hell!” Claire shouted, her laughing seizing automatically, “Who the hell do you think you are? We aren’t immature; this is just how we are. Either like it or get over it, we aren’t going to change just because you’re supposedly one of the hottest boy bands out there” her face turned red from anger.

“Claire, calm down!” I shouted over the noise of raised voices coming from all different directions.

“No! I don’t see why I should. These idiots think they’re better than us. All of them but Jordan do and I’ve had enough of it.”

“Look, if I were you lot, I’d leave. Now! Unless of course you want me to take Claire’s side and believe me that it isn’t a pretty sight making me angry.” I shouted over the voices that seemed to be quieting.

After everyone had left, I sat down on my bunk, Claire sitting her bunk. Annoyed, we both sat in silence. So maybe this tour isn’t going to be the best thing ever, maybe it’s not a good idea for us to be sharing a bus with a band like the Jonas Brothers when we are so different from them.

I’d had enough, Joe kept picking fights with Claire and Kevin stood continuously looking down his nose at us like we weren’t as good as them. I thought maybe they would be different from every other celebrity out there that frowned upon talking to their fans and people that don’t have as much money as them. I guess I was wrong on that front.

“Claire, do you wanna get Bob to stop so we can go for a walk to calm down? Maybe get some ice cream or something?”

“Yeah, I don’t think I can stay on here for a while. I need to get some air anyway, I’ve got a headache now and I didn’t get any of my paracetamol before we left the airport. Maybe I should get some when we’re out?”

“Yeah, you wait here. Ill go through and ask Bob a minute.” I pulled a jacket out of my bag before I left. Grabbing my shoes at the same time.

“Ok, ill just get ready a minute” Claire stood and started to go through her bag as I left the bunk area.

Walking through to the front of the bus where Bob was driving, I held my head high. I wasn’t about to let Kevin look down his nose at me anymore.

As I went through only Jordan said ‘Are you and Claire ok?’ which I nodded in reply to. The boys kept quite.

“Hey Bob” I smiled sliding into the seat next to him.

“Hey. What can I help you with?” Bob smiled, but kept his eyes on the road.

“I was wondering if you could stop so me and Claire could go for a walk for a bit and then get some paracetamol’s because Claire can only take a certain type. Can you?” I looked at him, an almost pleading look in my eyes.

“Sure. Give me ten minutes though” Bob nodded his head as he spoke.

“Thanks, ill go tell Claire.” I patted Bob’s shoulder as I walked back out and to the bunk area where me and Claire had spent most of our time so far
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This story is doing really well so far, but I think it can do better.
Comment, subscribe, tell your friends about it and Enjoy. x