Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After getting to England, the boys decided to stay at a hotel leaving me and Claire to go home to our families. We went to the hotel the guys and Jordan were staying at and got ready there. I was nervous because we were playing in our home town in front of people we had grown up around, my sisters were going to be there, my brother had opted out because he doesn’t really like going to concerts and people we had gone to school with would most likely be there. Jordan was also really nervous because tonight she was coming out to play the keyboard with us.

“What if I –“Jordan started but I cut her off.

“Jordan, you know the song of by heart, nothing can go wrong.” I said for what seemed like the millionth time that night.

“Ready to rock and roll girls?” Kevin said stood in the doorway.

“You have no idea how gay you sounded just then.” I said as I laughed and walked off.

Kevin quickly followed me.

“I am not gay.” Kevin protested and I tried not to laugh.

“Yes you are.” I responded.

“Am not.” He argued back.

The conversation carried on with ‘are too’ and ‘am not’ until we reached the doors. We both shut up and walked out smiling into the masses of paparazzi and fans. I and Kevin were the first to reach the car, followed by Nick walking with his arm around Jordan’s waist and then finally Claire and Joe.

When we got to the venue, we still had 2 hours to spare. The boys went into sound check while Jordan went to help set up the merchandise stall which the venue was running this time.

Claire and I were meeting my sisters after the show, naturally they had front row seats and back stage passes. I missed them so much even though they annoy the crap out of me. I love them really though. Of course, Claire couldn’t wait to see them either as she thought of them as her family too.

From back stage we could hear to crowd chanting “F-T” over and over again, adding to my nerves. Suddenly, the lights were dimmed and the crowd went wild. Claire, Jordan and I stood there, waiting for our signal.

“Good luck Jordan, you are going to rock.” Nick said as he hugged her.

Three spot lights shone on the stage, signalling it was time. Claire squeezed mine and Jordan’s hands before the 3 of us ran out onto the stage.

The crowd started screaming as we stood in our positions. Claire was now clutching a microphone, I was stood behind one, my guitar around me and Jordan stood behind the keyboard.

“Woo! It feels great to be back in England!” Claire shouted into the mic.

“Sure does. We have someone special out here with us tonight. Everyone say ‘hey’ to Jordan.” I shouted into my mic.

The crowd screamed and shouted ‘hey’ Jordan, making me laugh. I could see my sisters stood in the front row, waving and smiling at me and Claire. I smiled and waved down at them before the song started. Jordan played the song I had taught her and then left the stage after getting a cheer from the audience and thanked by me and Claire. We then ran through the normal songs, singing and dancing around like normal. When the songs finished I spoke.

“We want to thank every one here tonight, you have been great. It’s good to see some faces we know, especially my family in the front row.” I almost screamed in excitement.

“We’d also like to thank Jordan loads for getting the courage to come out here tonight. We love you Jordan.” Claire screamed after me.

We ran off stage together while the crowd screamed and chanted, ‘JB, JB’. I ran straight into Kevin, making me blush.

“Sorry about that.” I said, looking at my feet.

“No worries, you were great tonight.” Kevin said to me.

“Thanks. Good luck.”

“That’s ok and thanks.” He smiled before running onto the stage, slinging his guitar over his shoulders.

After running into Kevin, I went back to the dressing room where Jordan sat, a can of red bull in her hands.

“Jordan, you were amazing.” I screeched.

“Thank you.” Jordan smiled before taking a sip of red bull.

“That’s ok.” I smiled.

Moments later, Claire burst into the room.

“Jordan, thank you so much for coming out.” She smiled.

“That’s ok.” Jordan replied, once again drinking some of her red bull.

“I think my sisters are going to watch some of the show before they come back here. I don’t know though, I might go hang around by the door for a bit.” I said, grabbing some water.

“Ok, do you want us to come?” Claire asked, picking up a can of red bull.

“No im good.” I smiled before walking out.

“Ok.” Claire called as I shut the door.

I walked to the door that led to the crowd; temptation took over as I slid out of the door and stood just by the chairs watching the boys. My sisters were sat a few seats down from me, watching and smiling as the boys played. I laughed at their faces, causing some of the security to give me a funny look. I shrugged and called my sister’s phone. She answered quickly.

“Hello?” She said, her eyes not leaving the stage.

“Move your ass, I wanna see my sisters.” I yelled down the phone.

“Ok, were coming.” She replied.

“Ok, im stood by the door.”

“Alright, see you in a minute.” She said hanging up.

Moments later, my little sisters were running towards me. I smiled and hugged them all individually before walking back stage with them. We walked along, chatting about how tour was going, towards the dressing room. Dana was the first to burst through the doors and attack Claire with a hug. There was a chorus of Claire we missed you and loads of hugs before I spoke.

“Girls, this is Jordan, she’s our friend so be nice.” I said joking.

“Hey.” They all said at once.

Jordan smiled and replied with a “Hey.”

“When the guys come back don’t scare them please. I have to tour with them and I need you guys to not scar them ok.” I said, seriously this time.

“Ok.” They all said together.

“Good, now sit and don’t brake anything.” I said, knowing that they probably would break things if they could.

We all sat around, me and my sisters on the floor in a semi-circle around the sofa, while Claire and Jordan sat on the sofa. The boys burst through the doors after they finished their show and were surprised to see 4 little girls sat on the floor with me. Dana being the most confident and a very flirty 14 year old, stood and walked to the boys, hand out stretched as she fluttered her eye lashes at them.

“Dana, what did I tell you? Sit you scrawny little ass down before I kick it.” I demanded of her.

“Fine then.” She said, sitting on the floor where she stood.

“Don’t get cheeky with me or so help me god I will hurt you when you sleep.”

“Ok then, I won’t be cheeky.” She stood and walked back to her previous place, still fluttering her eye lashes at the boys.

“Ignore her, she’s a flirt.” I said to the boys shrugging.

“Ok then.” Nick said, walking through the circle and sitting on the sofa next to Jordan, wrapping his arms around her almost immediately.

“Guys these are my sisters, Dana, the flirt, Leanne, Mickie and Chloe.” I said, pointing to the correct sister.

“And they’re my sisters too.” Claire said, smiling.

“What? You two aren’t sisters though.” Joe said, sounding confused.

“Claire had adopted them as her sisters.” I explained to him.

“Oh right.” He said before perching on the arm of the sofa next to Claire.

“Right, we better leave soon.” I said, noting Chloe looked pretty tired.

“Yeah, Chloe looks like she’s going to fall asleep on the floor.” Claire said.

“Yup.” I stood and signalled for my sisters to stand too.

“You’ve got them trained well.” Kevin noted.

“Sure do. That’s 2 years of babysitting for you. Oh and don’t forget the fact that I can kick major but if I want to.” I said laughing.

“Alright girls, lets go. We’ll get a taxi back home.” I said, sounding completely excited, which I was.

“Alright.” They said simultaneously.

“Claire, you coming?” I asked.

“Yup, let me grab my things.” She said.

“I need to get mine too.” I said, as I grabbed my big weekend bag.

The 6 of us walked out, followed by the boys and Jordan. I smiled when I got outside, waving to the fans and the many people taking pictures. Before was had walked out, I had directed my sisters too look at the floor when we left, making sure they didn’t end up being seen in magazines. When we got outside of the venue gates, I hailed a taxi big enough to hold the 6 of us while the guys and Jordan walked to the cars to go to their hotel for the night.

We got into our taxi and I told the driver where he had to take us. When we pulled up outside of my house, I squealed. The driver gave me a funny look that I shrugged off before getting out of the taxi. Once I had paid the driver, my sisters were already outside of my house, I skipped up the path, a smile on my face. Claire was at her front door, knocking very loudly. I knocked on my front door with the same enthusiasm. My mum opened the door and I was instantly pulled into a hug by her. My sisters walked on in the house. Next door, Claire and her mum were stood on the door step, hugging each other. I had really missed home.