Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

The fans took a liking to Jordan instantly, which made me smile. I spotted a couple of old friends in the audience and winked at them. We played our set before running off stage.

While the boys were on stage, all three of us went into the dressing room. I was so excited to finally see some familiar faces. Lauren couldn’t stand still; she kept pacing looking at her phone. In the end she went and got her sisters from the audience.

“You done brilliantly up there tonight did you enjoy it?” I asked Jordan while Lauren went to find her sisters.

“Thank you for letting me play, it was awesome.” Jordan said hugging me.

We heard Nick’s voice from the stage. “I wrote this song for a very special girl hoping she would come back into my life. It worked and I couldn’t be happier. This song is dedicated to that special girl called Jordan. It’s called Black Keys.”

Jordan squealed a little, before hugging me. I laughed, knowing she wasn’t going anywhere for a long time.

Next thing I knew, a group of girls ran into the dressing room at first I thought it was fans but then I got tackled by a familiar brown haired figure.

“Claire, we’ve missed you.” Dana said while hugging me.

After we introduced Jordan to the girls we started talking about tour, home and boys. Just then the boys burst through the door. Dana being the flirt she is walked up to them fluttering her eyelashes I just giggled a little before Lauren told her to behave and sit down. Nick joined Jordan and I on the sofa his arm instantly finding her waist.

“Guys these are my sisters, Dana, the flirt, Leanne, Mickie and Chloe.” Lauren said, pointing to each of her sisters.

“And they’re my sisters too.” I said, smiling.

“What? You two aren’t sisters though.” Joe said, his eyebrows knotting together in a frown.

“Claire had adopted them as her sisters.” Lauren explained to him.

“Oh right.” He said before perching on the arm of the sofa next to me, he always managed to make me nervous somehow.

We decided to leave shortly after, Chloe; Lauren’s youngest sister was almost asleep. We got in a taxi after saying goodbye to Jordan and the Jonas boys. The car ride was silent the girls were to tired to talk and Lauren and I was way too excited.

When the taxi pulled up outside our houses, I felt like I was going to wake up from a dream. I got out the taxi with my bag and slowly walked towards my house. Nothing had changed.

I knocked on the door, and smiled at Lauren while I waited for my mum to open it. I was attacked into a hug as soon as the door opened.

I made my way inside my family home. Taking my coat off and hanging it up with the others, I walked into the kitchen where my parents were.

“Claire, welcome home.” My dad said while squeezing me.

“Dad, you can let go now, im not going anywhere for a couple of days.” I laughed.

He let go of me and smiled. After my mum fussing over me I decided to go to bed. I walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door nothing had changed. My walls were still teal and cream, my bed was in the same place and my stereo and TV was still in place.

I dumped my bag on the floor, got changed into bed clothes and fall asleep instantly; not bothering to set my alarm knowing this was going to be the last lie-in for a while.

I was awoken the next morning to someone jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes to see Lauren in her pajamas smiling down at me.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“One in the afternoon, I thought I’d come and get you up seeing as you take hours to get ready for a night out on the town.” Lauren said.

“Okay im up, Laur what did you have for breakfast?” I asked sitting up.

“Waffles and pancakes.” Lauren said smiling.

I ran out of my house and into Lauren’s without a second glance. Cher always did do the best breakfasts. I ran through the door and into the kitchen, taking the spare seat at the table.

“Oh hi Claire, finally awake I see.” Cher said before placing the pancakes and waffles down in front of me.

“I’m only awake because Lauren told me you cooked pancakes and waffles.” I smiled before biting into a pancake.

Cher just laughed at me before going back to stacking plates in the dishwasher. Lauren came and sat by me, she gave me glare.

“Aww, Lauren’s annoyed.” I sang.

“Am not.” She snapped.

“Im sorry, I didn’t wait for you have a waffle.” I handed her my plate which she took instantly.

“So Claire, who is this Kevin boy Lauren just tells us they are friends now when we ask her.” Lauren’s brother Kieran asks.

I looked at Lauren quickly before explaining about Kevin and Lauren’s relationship from day one of tour. Lauren’s brother seemed pretty annoyed, he was always very protective of his younger sister.

We turned the TV on, and were met by three familiar faces that belong to Kevin, Joe and Nick. They were doing an interview with Fearne Cotton. We watched it, out of curiosity.

“So, how is life on the road with our very own Forever True?” Fearne asked.

“At first, we did have an awkward stage where everybody was just getting to know each other.” Nick said smiling.

“But once we got to know them we realized they were to awesome girls.” Kevin said with the same smile on his face.

“So, this is your chance to dish the dirt on Lauren and Claire got any gossip?” Fearne asked.

They all looked at each other before Nick spoke. “Lauren is really good at listening and Claire is good at giving advice.” Nick said passing the microphone to Kevin.

“Claire is the peace maker I think whenever things would get tense on the road she would always try and defuse the situation. Lauren is the one who has the party spirit, always laughing and joking.” Kevin said his cheeks reddening slightly.

“Aww someone loves you.” I said nudging Lauren.

“Lauren is the fun one always up for trying new things, Claire is the down to earth almost shy one.” Joe said smiling.

“Thank you boys for coming in on your day off touring one more question. Are you going to see the girls of Forever True off the tour bus?”

“Actually last time we saw them was last night, after the show. I think they are really glad to be home but we will defiantly be communicating with them soon.” Nick said.

The interview finished and Lauren grabbed her phone texting Jordan, asking her if she would like to come out with us. Within minutes we had a reply of yes of course!

I went back to my house to get ready; I took hours while at home. I got home had a shower and started drying my hair. I got a couple of texts from old friends I sued to hang round with asking if we were out. I arranged to meet a group of people in the bar where I spent most my weekends.

At six, Lauren knocked on my bedroom door. She didn’t wait for a reply she just waltzed in and sat on my bed. I was putting the finishing touches to my outfit.

She was wearing a pair of short jean shorts and a cute black top which she matched with heels and a white shrug. Her hair was down with random curls in it. My outfit was just as revealing, a short teal and black dress with heels and a black shrug.

“Let’s go get Jordan.” I said linking arms with Lauren, walking out my front door.
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So what do you lot think about Jordan being in Forever True with Claire and Lauren?
Thankyou to all the people that comment on every update.
This story has got like 3 stars already im so excited.