Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After arriving at the club, the three of us were having a great time until my ex, Luke, and his new skank of a girlfriend showed up. We stayed clear of him and carried on having a good time, dancing; drinking and laughing when Claire gave a look as if to say stay cool. When he reached us he smiled, pretending like we were friends which made Claire angry but made me fuming mad.

“Hi, if it isn’t the Forever True girls welcome back to reality.” Luke smirked.

“We never left reality.” Claire snapped back.

“Seen Tony recently Claire? I hear he has a record contract now.” Luke said, still smirking.

“Leave us alone, we don’t want to talk to you.” I said, finally speaking up.

“Ouch, fame as gone to your head I would have never of thought you would ignore your old friends.” Luke smirked once more.

“Old friends, excuse me?” I shouted, completely shocked and full of disbelief.

“Come on, let’s go get another drink.” Jordan said as she dragged me and Claire to the bar and away from Luke.

By ten o’clock all three of us were totally wasted. Luke kept his distance the whole night until, by bad luck, he saw us leaving the club.

“Aren’t you going to say bye to me Lauren?” He sneered while grabbing my wrist.

“Get off me.” I seethed while pulling out of his grasp.

“Why are you scared one of the Jonas boys are going to see you talking to a real man and kick you off their pathetic tour?” Luke said mockingly.

“Hang on a minute, you and Lauren obviously have some issue you need to resolve but do not bring the Jonas boys into this.” Jordan snapped, getting closer to Luke.

“Who is this then, your body guard?” Luke chuckled evilly.

“No, I go out with Nick and let me tell you at least he knows how to treat a girl right.” Jordan said, annoyed.

“Luke, what’s keeping you so long?” The black haired skank who arrived with Luke said while she fluttered her fake lashes.

“Yeah Luke, what is keeping you go run along with your little slut.” Claire said, turning on her heel and grabbing my wrist.

“Oh so you’re running away again Lauren. Just like you ran from me that night you tried to break up with me.” Luke seethed at me.

“What!” I screamed turning around to face him.

I walked over to him, leaving my body inches from his, my fist’s clench ready to swing the first punch.

“I said, you ran from me. You never did do the deed did you.” He sneered at me.

“I did do it, I told you to your fucking face ok. Now get lost Ok, get out of my life and run back to your little slut.” I seethed at him, my fists moving up slightly.

“Whatever, we all know that you only finished with me because you found out about me using you. Oh right, that’s the thing, you didn’t know about that. Guess you do now don’t you.” He chuckled horribly.

With that, my fist rose and impacted with his face, hard. I pulled back my fist, ready to swing at him again when he grabbed my wrist and turned it around, causing me to gasp in pain. Claire instantly rushed to my side and punched Luke straight in the side of the face, causing him to let go of me, leaving Jordan chance to pull me out of the way. Moments later, 2 big security guards came over and grabbed Luke, just as his clenched fist was about to impact with Claire’s face. One of the men walked over to Jordan and I after getting Claire. He walked us out of the club and over to a taxi.

We got into the taxi the security guard had hailed for us, Jordan by one window, Claire by the other and me between them. We sat in silence for a few moments, the only noise coming from the sobs I was setting off every now and then. Suddenly Jordan burst out shouting.

“Who the fuck does he think he is!” Jordan screamed.

“Jordan, calm down!” I said.

“No! He slagged my boyfriend and his brothers off and then hurts one of my best fucking friends. I wish I had chance to punch him or something!” Jordan continued to rant, leaving me in complete shock at her language.

“Jordan, calm down.” Claire almost yelled, also shocking me.

“Sorry.” Jordan said, smiling at me gently.

“Don’t worry about it, he’s a prat.” I mumbled before going back to staring straight ahead.

Moments later, we pulled up outside of Jordan and the boy’s hotel. The three of us climbed out, wobbling slightly from the alcohol swimming in our bodies. We paid the driver and then set out to Jordan’s room.

Reaching the door, Jordan knocked while Claire and I stood awkwardly, tears were streaming down my face as I became hysterical, only just realising what had happened at the club.

The door opened and Nick’s happy face turned to disgust, anger and worry all at the same time.

“What’s happened?” He demanded.

“Well, Lauren’s ex is a prick.” Jordan slurred.

“Jordan, you’ve been drinking again. You promised you wouldn’t.” Nick said.

“Well, I didn’t mean to.” Jordan continued to slur.

“Don’t give me that crap ok Jordan. They didn’t force it down your throat even though they’re both out of it too.” Nick said, continuing to anger.

At this point, Joe and Kevin emerged from their room, looking shocked by the shouting going on in the hall.

“What’s happened?” Kevin said, instantly becoming protective while he walked over to me and Claire.

“Her ex showed up at the club, there was a fight after he said some really crappy stuff to Lauren and she got hurt.” Claire said, motioning to my wrist that was red.

“Ok, Joe get Claire, Lauren come with me.” Kevin said, placing an arm around my shoulders.

“Im sorry we took her out Nick.” I mumbled as Kevin led me to his room.

“Don’t worry about it.” Nick said, suddenly looking very sorry for the harsh words he had said to Jordan.

“Come on Claire.” Joe said, I couldn’t tell if he was angry or worried.

Pain ran through my wrist as I clutched it, trying to hid its redness from Kevin, Joe and Nick. It was bad enough that the whole scene with Luke had taken place, I didn’t need the boys knowing about it.

“Lauren you need to let me see your wrist.” Kevin said soothingly.

“No.” I said bluntly.

“Please, I need to see if it’s ok.” Kevin tried again.

“Leave me alone, no one needs to worry about it. Im a big girl, I can take care of myself.” I said, looking at the floor.

“Let him see it Lauren.” Claire demanded, obviously still angry.

“Ok.” I mumbled as I put my wrist out slightly.

Claire was sat on the sofa, Joe was sat close to her looking at her fist, obviously checking it to see if punching Luke had done any damage.

“It doesn’t look to bad, I think it will be fine in the morning.” Kevin said as he gently touched my wrist.

“Thanks.” I said, tears still streaming out of my eyes.

The hysterics I had before had stopped but I was still in shock and feeling sick about the incident with Luke. I curled myself into a protective ball on the sofa, while Claire explained to Joe and Kevin what had happened at the club. The feeling of sick in my stomach increasing as I remembered everything. Kevin noticed my discomfort and moved closer to me, placing his arm around me in a comforting way.

Kevin being so nice to me made me cry slightly harder but still silently. The tears dripped down onto Kevin’s top as he cradled me gently. Not long after, I fell into a deep sleep, the tears having drained my energy.