Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

The last thing I remembered from the hotel room was curling into a ball next to Kevin on the sofa and crying until I fell asleep. I knew I had been carried to the bus because I awoke, after having a night mare, tears streaming down my face, in my bunk.

I sat, clutching my knees as the images from my dream replayed in my head, causing me to cry a little harder. I bit in inside of my cheeks so stop the sobs that were trying to escape my lips so that I wouldn’t wake anyone up. As I rocked myself, trying to shake the images floating around my head away, the heavy black curtain, shielding me from view of the rest of the bus, was gently pulled back. Kevin stood the other side, clutching the curtain, his curly locks all over the place and a tired look of worry on his face.

“Lauren, are you ok?” He asked, pulling himself onto the bunk.

“No.” I said bluntly, trying to shield my tear stained face.

“What’s the matter?” He asked me.

“Bad dream, sorry I woke you up, go back to bed.”

“No you didn’t wake me up, I was already awake, come on, lets go get a drink and you can tell me about your dream.” He said as he slid off of my bunk.

He stuck out his hand for me to grasp and helped me off without disturbing anyone.


“Don’t mention it.”

We walked into the kitchen in silence; I slid into the little table while Kevin put on the kettle to make a coffee.

“Want one?” Kevin asked.

“I don’t drink coffee, thanks anyway.”

“Don’t you?”

“Nope, I don’t drink hot drinks and Claire mainly drinks hot chocolate.” I said shrugging.

“Well, what else can I get you?”

“Nothing, im fine.”

“Seriously, tell me what you want.”

“Im good, honestly.”

“Fine then, you’re having a bottle of water.” He said as he grabbed a bottle and placed it in front of me.

“Thanks.” I said, trying to smile.

The smell of the strong coffee Kevin made hit me instantly and woke me up a bit more. He slid in next to me, his cup between his hands.

“What was your dream about?”

“Just what happened in the club and some old memories. Im fine honestly.”

“You didn’t seem fine before.”

“That’s just my reaction to dreams I don’t like. Most people have that reaction funnily enough.” I said laughing, attempting to lighten the mood so I could go back to sleep.

“Ok, do you wanna watch some TV for a bit?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah sure, why not?” I smiled and walked to the living area, turning on the TV.

Kevin sat next to me and before long I could feel my eyelids getting heavy as we watched MTV re-runs of the Hills. My head began to droop as my eyelids closed and I fell asleep.

I awoke in the morning to a loud ‘Aww’. I stirred gently, until I realised my head was on someone, yanking my eyes open, I realised I had fallen asleep on Kevin when we were watching TV last night. I instantly sat up and looked around, Claire and Joe were stood in the kitchen and Jordan and Nick were just walking out of the bunk area.

“What the hell?” I mumbled, rubbing my head.

“Someone’s got a hangover.” Claire sang as she skipped over to me.

“Shut up, just cos you don’t get them.” I mumbled as the pain from my hang over seared through my aching head.

“Why were you in here?” Claire asked before Joe could say anything.

“I had a nightmare and sleeping beauty there told me to come out here. We watched re-runs of the Hills and I fell asleep I guess.” I said, still rubbing my head.

“Here.” Jordan said, passing me some tablets.

“Thanks, am I the only one with a fricking hangover?” I asked.

“Yup.” Claire and Jordan said simultaneously as they laughed.

“Please be quite.” I whimpered.

“Shouldn’t have got drunk then.” Joe said, laughing as he sat next to Claire.

I looked at the 2 of them, they were sat really close. I knew instantly Claire had told him how she felt last night, I could feel it. I smiled a knowing smile at Claire before standing.

“Where you going?” Jordan asked.

“To change, if you haven’t noticed, I fell asleep in these clothes last night and no one bothered to wake me so I could change.” I mumbled, causing Claire and Jordan to fall about laughing.

I wandered into the bunk area in silence, clutching my head as the pain made my movements hurt. When I reached my bunk, I grabbed my bag and pulled out a pair of loose combats, the hoodie that Mel and Jordan had brought for me and a black vest top. Sighing, I wandered back through the bunks and into the bathroom where I got ready for the day.

When emerging from the bathroom, I ran head on into a very tall, very tired looking Kevin. I smiled my apology at him before pulling on the hoodie.

“Morning.” He mumbled.

“Morning.” I sighed, a little more enthusiasm put into my tone than him.

“Hangover?” He asked, as my hand went back to clutching my forehead.

“Just a bit.” I said, trying to smile.

“That sucks, look im going to get ready, but mom’s out there, you’ll have to pretend you have a headache from lack of sleep or something.”

“Ok thanks for the warning.” I said as I turned and walked to the front of the back.

“That’s ok.” Kevin called after me.

As I walked into the living area, I smiled at everyone sat around, eating breakfast or talking. Claire and Jordan had their eyes glued to the TV, a morning cartoon in a language I didn’t recognise was playing. I laughed as I took a seat next to Claire.

“I like your hoodie.” Jordan said tearing her eyes from the screen for a few moments.

“I know, it’s amazing. My friend’s brought me it.” I said laughing.

Grabbing my phone that I had slipped into my pocket, I checked the time, having set it on automatic, it changed the time for me when we reached a new place. Sighing, I realised we had only a few hours until we had to go on stage and my headache was only just coming into full swing, making it impossible for it to be gone by the time we had to go on stage.

“We’re going to be pulling over in about half an hour guys so I suggest you all take Lauren’s lead and start getting ready. We’re not leaving the bus for about an hour after we pull over though, but you know what fans are like.” Mrs Jonas called, coming from the front where Bob had been driving.

I hadn’t even realised that the bus had stopped when I was changing and not really taken into count that Mrs Jonas was on another bus so Bob would have pulled over at some point to let her on.

Moving slightly, I grabbed the remote control and put on the DVD that had been left on the side. Grinning, I realised it was Twilight. I settled into the chair, my legs crossed under me as I watched the film in silence while the others got dressed.

“No Lauren, we are not watching this again!” Claire exclaimed as she walked from the bathroom.

Claire also had on her hoodie that Jordan and Mel had brought us. I smiled at her when I realised she was wearing it, causing her to grin back at me.

“Well, I was out here on my own so I thought why not. Anyway, im not turning it off now, its only just getting to the good bit.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I shielded the remote.

“No fair.” Claire said, trying to pout.

“Yes fair.” I laughed before adverting my eyes back to the screen.

While everyone else went about their business, I watched Twilight in complete awe and silence. Just before the film ended, Mrs Jonas came into the living room and turned off the DVD.

“Oh.” Was all I managed to say.

“Now Lauren, we have to go so you can’t watch it any longer. Come on.” She said, shoving me gently in the direction of the door.

I grabbed my shoes from by the door, pulling them on as I hopped off of the bus. Watching Twilight seemed to have cured my hangover because I no longer had a headache and was sure I was going to be fine for the show tonight.
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We have loads of subscribers that dont comment. It would be good if you did because then Claire and I could thank you personnally :)
Anyway, Enjoy the update :)