Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV.

I woke up the next morning, my head felt a little fragile but I didn’t have a full on headache. I opened my eyes to see a pair of big brown ones staring down and me. That’s when I realized we were in the practice room.

“Morning.” Joe said smiling a little.

I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to remember the events of last night. Then it all came flooding back being in the club, getting into a fight, ringing Luke, talking to Joe, telling him I wrote a song about him. A smile appeared on my face, I wasn’t sure if we were dating but I did know he is a good kisser.

I got up without saying anything and went into the bath room to brush my teeth. I walked out to find Jordan taking some tablets; she smiled at me before handing me two.

“I’m not drinking for a while.” I laughed.

“I should think so, this is an alcohol free bus.” Nick said.

“I knew that, that’s what I meant.” I said trying to convince him we weren’t going to drink.

I walked into the living area, and couldn’t help my self from awing at the sight in front of me. Lauren was curled up close to Kevin, he had his arms around her waist they looked cute together.

Jordan and Nick walked out and smiled at the sight. Lauren’s eyes flickered open and she squinted I could tell she had a hangover.

“What the hell?” Lauren mumbled, rubbing her head.

“Someone’s got a hangover.” I sang as I sat on the couch.

“Shut up, just cos you don’t get them.” Lauren mumbled.

“Why were you in here?” I asked.

“I had a nightmare and sleeping beauty there told me to come out here. We watched re-runs of the Hills and I fell asleep I guess.” Lauren said, still rubbing her head. I guess she had a really bad hangover.

After Jordan gave Lauren some tablets, she moaned we were being to loud.

“Shouldn’t have got drunk then.” Joe said, laughing as he sat next to me.

I playfully wacked Joe on his arm, for laughing at my friend in pain. He pouted at me before rubbing his arm.

Denise arrived on the bus shortly after Lauren had gone to get changed. Jordan and I were watching cartoons, trying not to look hangover if that was even possible.

“Morning kids, did you have a good sleep last night?” she asked as she walked into the kitchen with a couple of bags full of food.

Jordan and I looked at Nick and Joe before laughing. I didn’t even know what was funny, I just felt the need to laugh.

“I take that as a yes.” Denise smiled.

“We’re going to be pulling over in about half an hour guys so I suggest you all take Lauren’s lead and start getting ready. We’re not leaving the bus for about an hour after we pull over though, but you know what fans are like.” She called, from the front as soon as she saw Lauren dressed.

I smiled getting up from the warm place on the sofa, to get dressed. Joe followed me.

“Look, what I said last night.” Joe started.

“Joe, let’s not talk about it right now wait until we get back on the bus.” I said grabbing my clothes walking past Joe towards the bathroom. He grabbed my hand, I squeezed it quickly before shutting the bathroom door.

“No Lauren, we are not watching this again!” I exclaimed as I walked from the bathroom.

“Well, I was out here on my own so I thought why not. Anyway, im not turning it off now, its only just getting to the good bit.” Lauren said, being stubborn.

“No fair.” I said, trying to pout. But failing miserably.

“Yes fair.” Lauren laughed before staring at the screen again.

The bus soon stopped, and I walked off with The Jonas brothers and Jordan leaving Lauren to watch twilight. As always there were fans waiting for us, outside the shop. We told them to wait until we came out, then we could talk.

Lauren joined us a little later; she smiled at me before talking to Kevin. We hadn’t had time to talk all morning, but I think she kind of guessed that Joe and I had a talk. I didn’t want to tell her we were dating just yet, because I didn’t know if we were or not.

We stepped out of the group all of us together. The fans rushed towards us. We each spoke to the fans separately taking pictures and signing autographs when I told Lauren to tell them about our new member of Forever True.

“Claire and I have some important news, no one except we know this not even the Jonas Brother’s know this yet and you are going to be the first people in the world to hear this exclusive news.” Lauren shouted about the noise making it go silent.

Joe looked at me for a second before I smiled and nodded. “Yes we have a new member of Forever True.2 I said pulling Jordan towards me.

“Jordan, is joining our band and we are excited to perform with her.” Lauren said smiling.

The fans screamed a little before we said our goodbyes and got back on the bus.

“I thought you two were drunk, and didn’t mean what you said last night!” Jordan squealed hugging Lauren and me.

“Of course we meant it, that is if you want to join.” I smiled double checking.

“I said it once and ill say it again yes!” Jordan jumped around a little.

“I think we have some competition here boys.” Nick smirked to his brothers.

We stopped at the venue, quickly rushing in trying not to get wet from the rain. We had stopped off at the mall before and made Jordan a hooded jumper just like ours to wear on stage.

Joe and I didn’t have to time talk, we were rushed straight to sound check and once we got off the stage the Jonas Brothers went on while we were in hair and make-up. Then when we were done with hair and make-up we had a meet and greet.

I was at the table with hundreds of faces staring at me, I put a smile on my face and took pictures with fans, when all I really wanted to do was talk to Joe. Lauren was very social and she had no problem keeping a conversation up. I however found it hard, because I was quiet and shy. Jordan was in her element, she spoke to the fans like they were old friends which made me smile.

The boys entered the room, I could have sworn my hear drums had burst by how loud all the fans were screaming. They came and sat next to us. Nick sitting next to Jordan putting her arm around her. They had decided to go public about their relationship when Jordan returned to stop the media speculation about Niley. It was all about Nordan or Jick. Kevin sitting next to Lauren, smiling at the fans and Joe sitting next to me.

“We still haven’t had that talk.” Joe whispered by the side of me, keeping his voice low so the fans would hear.

“I know, we have both been busy.” I said signing an autograph for a little girl.

The rest of the meet and greet went quickly. We all waved goodbye to the fans and Forever true got ready to rock the stage.

“I have one question, before you go out.” Joe said walking quickly to catch up with me.

“Did you mean what you said last night? Do you even remember what you said last night?” He asked.

“That is two questions Joe.” I laughed as the technicians but all the wires in my ear and stuck it to my arm.

“I meant every word I said last night, but if you didn’t mean what you said then it’s cool we can be friends.” I said trying to smile.

“Come on then girls let’s rock.” Jordan said after talking with Nick.

Before Joe could answer I was dragged onto the stage by my band members. We played our set without anything going wrong before announcing the new member of Forever True.

“So most of you probably know Jordan, has been playing the keyboard for us these past few shows and well we decided we needed a third member of our band to compete with the Jonas Brothers.” Lauren said into the microphone the crowd screamed when she finished.

“So, we asked Jordan to join Forever True and she accepted. Give a warm welcome to our new band member and friend Jordan Easterbrook.” I said, Jordan came out from behind the keyboard and to the front of the stage.

“I would just like to thank Lauren and Claire, for asking me to be in the band, it’s a dream come true. Now enough from us, here are the act most of you have been waiting to see The Jonas Brothers.” She said to the crowd, she was so confident.

The Jonas Brothers came out on the stage before we had time to leave. Nick ran straight up to Jordan and kissed her in front of the hundreds of fans. The whole stadium awed.

“I can finally do that in public now.” Nick laughed into the microphone.

“Friends just won’t cut it.” Joe said into my ear as the crowd’s attention was on the blushing couple at the front of the stage.
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So i hate to do this but there will be no updated until we get at least 3 comments.
I think it's finally time Joe and Claire dated don't you?
don't worry there will be twists and turns its not plain sailing.