Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

As I stood around, talking to Kevin, Nick and Jordan, I smiled. Suddenly Jordan walked away, grabbing my arm as she went.

“Come on then girls let’s rock.” Jordan said.

Nodding to the boys, Jordan and I dragged Claire away from Joe and out onto the stage. We played our set without even a slight hitch before announcing that the new member of Forever True.

“So most of you probably know Jordan, has been playing the keyboard for us these past few shows and well we decided we needed a third member of our band to compete with the Jonas Brothers.” I said into the mic, the crowd screaming one I finished.

“So, we asked Jordan to join Forever True and she accepted. Give a warm welcome to our new band member and friend Jordan Easterbrook.” Claire said smiling; Jordan came out from behind the keyboard and to the front of the stage.

“I would just like to thank Lauren and Claire, for asking me to be in the band, it’s a dream come true. Now enough from us, here are the act most of you have been waiting to see The Jonas Brothers.” Jordan said to the crowd confidently.

The boys came out onto the stage before we were given time to leave. Nick ran straight to Jordan and kissed her in front of the hundreds, maybe thousands of screaming fans. Everyone in the stadium ‘aww’ed, including me into the mic I still clutched.

“I can finally do that in public now.” Nick laughed into the mic Jordan had handed him.

I saw Joe whisper something into Claire’s ear, and determined to find out what he said, made a mental note to ask her about it.

Jordan, Claire and I ran back over to the bus, waving, signing autographs and saying hi to the amazing fans outside. When we were on the safety of the bus, I slumped down onto the sofa before giving Claire a look as if to say ‘Spill’. Claire instantly looked at the ground, her shoes seeming to be very interesting.

“Claire, no middle name, Sparks, cough it up now.” I said, trying to glare.

“Wait till ive spoke to Joe, I need to know some things first.” Claire said sheepishly.

“Fine, but if I go mad waiting, im making you pay for any bills that I get for going to a special doctor to sort me out.” I grinned.

“Deal.” Claire said grinning back.

“Wanna watch a DVD?” I asked as I picked up Twilight.

“No!” Claire shouted, causing me to laugh.

“I was joking Claire.” I said.

“What’s with Twilight?” Jordan asked coming from the kitchen carrying a bottle of water.

“Im in love with it, well mainly Robert Pattinson, but never mind.” I said laughing.

“And it’s pretty much the only film she ever watches.” Claire moaned.

“Nu huh, I watch others. I watch New Moon and I watch Camp Rock.” I grinned.

“You watch Camp Rock.” Jordan said stifling a giggle.

“Yup, so what im a child.” I said, joining in the laughter.

While the three of us rolled around on the floor, all laughing after I admitted to watching Camp Rock 3 times the day it came out. the door of the bus swung open, revealing 3 sweaty Jonas boys. Claire stood and straightened her clothes, still laughing slightly, while I was still in hysterics on the floor, the boys coming in making me worse.

“Joe, can we talk a minute?” Claire said, hiccupping from her laughter.

“Sure.” Joe said, looking amused.

“Come on.” Claire said as she grabbed Joe’s hand and pulled him into the practice room.

Nick walked over to Jordan and me, the remaining members of Forever True, as we rolled around laughing. Kevin followed and stopped just in front of me.

“Come on.” He said, sticking out his hand for me to use to stand.

Although I tried, I couldn’t stand because of my laughter. In the end, Kevin lifted me and put me on the sofa, instantly stopping my laughter. Moments later, a very smiley Claire and Joe appeared. They stood in front of Jordan, Nick, Kevin and I. I looked briefly down at their hands, seeing them entwined; I smiled up at my friend. Claire spoke first.

“Ok, so guys we have something to tell you.” She said, her smiled broadening.

“We may not have liked each other to start off with, or acted like it but we like each other now.” Joe said, his smile matching Claire’s.

“And…” I prompted.

“And, we’re together.” Claire grinned at me.

“I knew it, I knew it. Claire always liked Joe.” I sang as I danced around the living area, gaining a few funny looks from the others.

“No I didn’t.” Claire tried to protest.

“Whatever.” I said, my Bristolian accent being more dominant than normal.

“You have no idea how funny you sounded then.” Kevin said laughing.

“Shut up, just cos you want me accent.” I grinned.

“You wish, my ten times better.” Kevin said, smirking.

“And I quote ‘you wish.’” I said, using air quotes for the last bit.

Everyone went about congratulating Joe and Claire for a while and then started deciding on what film to watch. Not wanting to watch anything but either Twilight or Camp Rock and having both my suggestions rejected, I wandered into the practice room and grabbed my guitar. As I began to gently play my old, and loved guitar, the door opened. Kevin stalked in and sat on one of the other stalls, picking up his guitar.

“Not watching the film then?” I quizzed.

“Nah, its all lovey dovey in there.” He said laughing.

“Fair enough.” I said before going back to playing my guitar gently.

“Lauren?” Kevin said, I snapped my head up at the sound of his voice.

“Yup.” I said smiling.

“Are we friends?” Kevin asked me sheepishly.

“Of course we’re friends. Ok you were a major pain in the ass to start off with but you’re nice now. I guess you’re kind of cool too. But don’t tell any one that.” I told him, laughing gently.

“Cool.” Kevin grinned back at me.

After a while, the film had ended, Kevin and I had been messing around on our guitars, coming up with silly little songs together. As I heard people walking about, I put down my guitar and walked out, Kevin following close behind.

I grinned as I walked into the living room and saw how cute Claire and Joe looked.

“Claire.” I sang while grinning.

“What?” Claire sang back at me.

“Im gunna update our blog and then see if I can find some gossip. Wanna help?” I asked her.

“Sure why not.” She said, climbing out of Joe’s arms and walking over to the table.

“Im just gunna grab my laptop.” I said as I walked into the bunk area.

I grabbed my laptop off of my bunk where I had left it the morning before, before walking back out and sitting, cross-legged, next to Claire. I quickly turned it on and typed in the password.

“I wanna log on.” Claire said, turning the laptop to face her.

She quickly logged on to our blog. We replied to a few comments we had and updated it, saying about our new member of Forever True.

“Ive just thought of something.” I said.

“What?” Claire said, looking over the top of the laptop at me.

“Jordan needs to know the password and stuff for the blog and she needs to update as well.” I said, smiling.

“Oh yeah, we’ll call a band meeting soon and sort everything out.” Claire said smiling back at me.

“Cool. Now its gossip time.” I said, giggling, much to my distaste, like a school girl.

I took the laptop and typed in the web address to my favourite blog site that always had some sort of gossip or cool information on. I grinned as the main story was about Jordan and Nick.

“Claire look, its Jike.” I giggled.

“It’s what?” Claire asked confused until she looked at the screen.

“Jike.” I laughed again.

“Jike’s cool.” Claire smiled as she clicked on the heading.

Quickly and efficiently, we read the blog about our 2 friends. The blog read:
So Nick and girlfriend Jordan have finally admitted to dating. They done so in a meet and greet before their show tonight and then, just moments after Forever True had announced Jordan’s now another member to the band, Nick came out and kissed Jordan, in the middle of the stage. It went down well with other band members and all the fans in the crowd. Shows us that the Niley reports were nothing but rubbish and they’ve been well and truly squashed world. Watch out people Jike’s about.