Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

Lauren, Jordan and I went back to the bus after we got off the stage, Lauren kept giving me a look that told me she wanted to know the gossip between me and Joe. I told her I didn’t know anything for certain until I spoke to Joe. We then started talking about films.

After much laughter from the three of us, the boys came back on the bus. I took this opportunity to drag Joe into the practice room to talk.

I opened my mouth to speak but Joe didn’t give me time, he started kissing me as soon as the door closed. At first I was shocked but then I relaxed and the kiss deepened.

“Well that answers my question.” I said once he had dethatched himself from me.

“Shall we go tell the others?” Joe asked. I just nodded before grabbing Joe’s hand.

“Ok, so guys we have something to tell you.” I said, once we got them to be quite.

“We may not have liked each other to start off with, or acted like it but we like each other now.” Joe said, giving my hand a little squeeze.

“And…” I had a feeling Lauren knew what was coming.

“And, we’re together.” I said grinning from ear to ear.

“I knew it, I knew it. Claire always liked Joe.” Lauren sang as she danced around the living area.

“No I didn’t.” I tried to protest. My cheeks burning red.

“Whatever.” Lauren said.

While Kevin and Lauren were debating something Nick and Jordan congratulated us. They were happy they weren’t the only couple on the bus anymore. After Joe had told Denise our news with me blushing deep red beside him, we settled down to watch a DVD.

Lauren hated mushy lovey dovey films but that’s what we were watching so she wandered into the practice room. Nick and Jordan snuggled up together on the sofa well Joe and I lay out on the floor. Kevin soon got bored and joined Lauren in the practice room.

After the film ended I looked up to find Nick and Jordan both asleep. Joe was playing with my hand, I think he was tracing all the lines in it causing me to giggle.

“Claire.” Lauren sang emerging from the practice room.

“What?” I sang back to her.

“Im gunna update our blog and then see if I can find some gossip. Wanna help?” She asked grabbing the laptop.
“Sure why not.” I replied leaving the comfort of Joe’s arms.

Once Lauren had updated our blog, we were searching through the internet looking at all the rumors about us. Apparently we were separated at birth at reunited to form a band that just made me laugh.

Then we came across this blog titled Jike? I got confused when I saw a picture of Jordan and Nick, Lauren had to explain to me that was the nickname for Jordan and Nick’s relationship. After reading the blog, which was positive.

“Right I’m going to bed, don’t we have a joint interview tomorrow? Is Simon going to be there do you reckon?” I asked slightly worried.

“Claire, he cant stop us from dating he can just make us hide it, Nick and Jordan pulled through it there’s no reason why we can’t.” Joe said coming over to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

“I know.” I smiled before going to my bunk.

I woke up when Lauren tried squeezing in between Joe and I.

“I never realized I had a child to look after.” I laughed.

“Of course you do! We haven’t had Lauren and Claire time in ages, after the interview fancy going shopping with Jordan of course.” Lauren pouted.

“You know I can’t say no to that face.” I laughed before getting up and getting ready for our interview.


“So, your saying we have to deny all relationships?” I asked for the third time just to make sure I heard right.

“Nick can talk about Jordan but you can’t talk about her too much if you can help it.” Simon turned to Nick.

“Oh Simon, Jordan is sitting in with us on this interview, after all she is the newest member of Forever True.” Lauren reminded our manager.

“Oh yeah, well alright you two no giving each other googly eyes. In matter of fact that goes for you and Claire as well Joe.” Simon said pointing to us.

“Lauren, Kevin you are my favorite people at the moment, you don’t cause us drama.2 He said before walking off.

“Drama, jeez he needs to chill.” I said once he had left.

“You will get used to it soon.” Jordan said before following Nick into the room.

There was seven chairs set out in a semi circle. Simon had told us in which order to sit which annoyed me even more. I sat in the middle of Jordan and Lauren while Nick sat next to Jordan and then the other two sat next to Nick.
Then the interviewer walked in, he was a young man in his twenties I was guessing. He talked us through what we were going to be talking about before turning the tape recorder on.

“So, let’s start off with the basics. We all know how the Jonas Brothers were formed, how did Forever True form?” He smiled.

“Well, Claire and I used to play in her basement at home, then one night on holiday in America we were approached by Simon who then signed us with Hollywood Records. Then recently we wanted another band member to play the keyboard and Nick told us that Jordan was very good on the keyboard. So we taught her a few songs and she was so good we decided we had to have her in the band.” Lauren smiled.

So if it wasn’t for Nick, Jordan you wouldn’t have been in the band? He asked Jordan.

“That’s right, I still can not believe it myself.” Jordan said.

Then the interviewer asked us all the basic questions like, Who is the laziest on the bus, who is the messiest, the vainest, the loudest and the annoy one. In which we all took it in turns to answer we all agreed Lauren was the laziest, I was the messiest, Joe was the vainest, Jordan was the loudest and we all got voted for the annoying one.

“Now, I know in your last interview Claire you didn’t like answering this question but I’m going to ask you it anyway. What’s it like touring with the boys?” I giggled nervously before replying.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t want to answer it, it was just I didn’t know how to describe touring it was all new to me. But now I would defiantly say it is amazing and I have made friends that will last a life time hopefully.” I said before looking around at everyone.

“So other than Nick and Jordan here, you are all single?” There came the question I had been waiting for.

“We are just enjoying life on the road at the moment. We don’t have the time to go out and meet new people.” Kevin replied.

“So there isn’t any band romances between Forever True and The Jonas Brothers then?”

“No defiantly not, I mean anybody would have to be a saint to form a relationship well on the road. Yes that’s right Nick’s a saint.” Joe answered.

It didn’t hurt me that he said that, because I knew we had to, to keep the fans happy.

Once the interview was over we walked out the door as soon as the door shut, Joe spoke.

“Hello, how do you do my name is Saint Joseph Adam Jonas and you are? Shaking my hand laughing.

“I am saint Claire Sparks.” I said causing everyone else to laugh.

After the interview Lauren, Jordan and I hit the shops we were currently in Italy so we hit the shops. We had never really splashed our cash, we just paid our parents houses for them and the rest we saved. This was the first time Lauren and I had been shopping with our well earned cash.

I brought a little black dress after all every girl has to have one right, a pair of jeans and a new phone. Lauren brought two tops a plain orange one and one that said “hope” in Italian. Jordan brought a pair of shorts, shoes and glasses.

We then decided to by a magazine with us on the front cover and one with the Jonas boy on the front and see if the shop keeper recognized us. We brought to rolling stones magazines, we done an interview for the magazine months ago.

We walked up to the counter and handed the magazines over to the man. He took one look at the magazines then at Lauren and I and muttered under his breath “Teenagers these days always wanting to look like celebs.” All three of us looked at each other and laughed walking out of the shop.
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Thank you to everyone that comments we have five stars!
There are going to be new characters in it soon, famous ones.
Comments make me smile (: