Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire POV

I pulled on a hoodie and sunglasses and walked into the living area, where Lauren was waiting for me.

“Where are you two going?” Nick asked.

“We are going to the shop a minute do you or Jordan want anything?” I asked him sweetly.

“I might come join you, I need the air.” Nick said getting up from the couch Jordan following behind.

We walked out into the sunlight; it was around two in the afternoon. It was quiet for a few seconds before we heard screaming girls. I took a deep breath before walking off the bus the others following.

“O-M-G it’s the Forever True girls, Claire, Lauren over here can I have your autograph.” I went over to the group of girls standing on the pavement.

We took a picture with them and quickly signed autographs before Nick and Jordan walked out of the bus.

The screams made me want to cover my ears, but I restrained myself. A couple of people were also screaming Jordan’s name, which made her blush a deep shade of red.

After Nick and even Jordan signed autographs we made our way into the store. Jordan and I ran straight over to the fridge and grabbed Redbull. Lauren went straight to the medicine isle.

“Claire, aren’t you forgetting something?” Lauren asked at the till.

I turned round to see her holding a packet of paracetamols and a dr pepper can.

“What would I do without you?” I said before paying for the items.

We stood outside with the fans for a while talking about the tour and stuff, It had never occurred to me we had fans. But they all wanted to talk to us as much as they wanted to talk to The Nick Jonas.

After we signed all the fans books, they left us alone which we appreciated. I needed some time off the bus, the movement of it making me feel sick.

“Lauren, Claire im really sorry about my brothers I don’t know what has gotten into them you certainly rub them up the wrong way.” Nick apologized for his brother’s attitude.

“You shouldn’t be apologizing, but thank you.” Lauren replied.

“Jordan, you got the nice Jonas.” I said before walking onto the bus opening the packet of paracetamols.

“Look Kevin, I told you something was odd about her, she is popping pills.” Joe said as soon as I walked through to the living area.

“There are paracetamols, geez you are so stupid.” I said before retreating to the bunk area where Lauren was on her laptop.

“What you doing?” I asked as I sat down next to her on her bunk.

“Updating our blog which you never update.” She replied

I sat there watching her for a while but then got bored and decided to go make something to eat. I got all the ingredients I needed for pancakes and started making them.

I was only disturbed once by Joe, who walked around the kitchen twice before deciding to look in the fridge. He didn’t even take anything from the fridge with him.

When the pancakes were done I took them into Lauren, who was sat at the table. She took one with a grin on her face reaching for the chocolate sauce. Jordan joined us at the table putting sugar and lemon juice on her pancake.

“I smell pancakes, can I have one?” Nick asked me. I nodded my head as I took one myself.

“Pancakes, I haven’t had these in ages.” Kevin walked into the room reaching for one. Lauren smacked his hand out of the way.

“You have to ask Claire, she was the one that made them.” She said while biting into her pancake.

“I’d rather not have one then.” And with that he went back to his bunk.

After we had ate the pancakes Lauren and I went into the booth to practice for our performance which was in a few hours.

“What songs are we going to play tonight?” I asked Lauren.

“Well, I think we defiantly need to play this is how it feels and maybe we should play When it all falls apart.” Lauren said.

“Yeah and we should play Secret as well.” I suggested.

After we had rehearsed I went to take a shower and start getting ready for the show while Lauren went and sat in the living room watching Jordan and Kevin on guitar hero. Lauren played guitar on stage while I played the keyboard.

I got out of the shower to find Joe sat on his bunk, he was sat there with a phone in his hand, and I went to my bunk and plugged in my hair dryer hoping he wouldn’t speak to me.

“Hey babe, haven’t spoke to you in a while we need to catch up of course after you have finished touring.” Joe read.

I turned on my heel and snatched my phone out of his hands.

“Why were you looking through my phone?” I said trying to keep my voice quiet.

“Because I don’t know anything about you, so I just thought I’d get to know you.” Joe explained.

“How about just talking to me, you know like normal people do.” I said annoyed.

“That’s not how Joe Jonas rolls.” He said before walking out of the room.

While the boys were getting ready Jordan, Lauren and I took a walk inside the venue. Jordan had to set up her merchandise table; we said we would help her out.

“I got out the shower and guess what he was doing, he was looking through my phone!” I ranted to the girls.

“That boy has no boundaries.” Jordan couldn’t help but giggle a little.

“So who won guitar hero, you or Kevin?” I asked Lauren once I had finished ranting.

“I won one game, but he won two but that was only because he was playing on hard.” Lauren pouted.

“Don’t worry Laurz he has been playing guitar longer than you, you will beat him one day.” I assured her.

“You guys best go back stage, you go on in half an hour.” Jordan told us.

“Crap!” We both exclaimed and made a mad dash for the double doors leading towards the back of the stage.

We were standing on the wing of the stage, our mouths wide open, looking out into the crowd. There were about 1000 fans out there waiting for us to play. I grabbed Lauren’s hand quickly and squeezed it before walking over to the keyboard.

The lights were blinding, the screams deafening I was lost in awe for a minute until I heard Lauren shout into the microphone.

“Let’s get this party started shall we?” Earning screams from the crowd.

She nodded at me signaling me to start playing the opening cords to “This is how it feels.”

You keep calling my phone nonstop
Don't you know I won't pick it up
You never leave a message
Look how you've changed

You got nothing to say, getting in my way
Show up at my house
You're getting so obsessive
Like I have time for you

Lauren started singing I got ready to join in on the chorus. My fingers automatically were touching the keys making a beautiful sound.

Wasn't it me you didn't want?
Wasn't it me who was hanging on?
Now I'm done but before I go I want you to know ...

This is how it feels
When you wait for a call
and it never comes
lying awake at night
caus you miss someone
This is how it feels
When the trust you had is broken,
And your left to burn with your heart wide open

Lauren glanced over at me, smiling while her hands were strumming her guitar. After the song was over I started playing the opening cords to when it all falls apart.

I looked out into the crowd for the first time since we began playing; the fans were all jumping up and down to the beat.

Everything is F'ed messed up straight from the heart
Tell me what do you do, when it all falls apart
Got to pick myself up where do I start
Cuz I can't turn to you when it all falls apart
Falls apart
Got to pick myself out cause things are mended

We finished our song and the crowd cheered, I stood up and walked over to Lauren.

“Thank you for being a fantastic audience, we are Forever True, now who wants to see the Jonas Brothers?” I screamed into the microphone feeling the adrenaline.

The stage shook from the impact of the noise. The three boys came out onto the stage and Kevin took the microphone from Lauren’s hand.

We walked of stage hand in hand, feeling hyped up.

“That was our friends Forever True, now I want everybody to sing along to this song because I know you know the lyrics.” We heard Kevin say before the opening cords of SOS starting playing.

“Friends?” Lauren and I both said at the same time.

I shrugged it off and decided to go keep Jordan Company, until the fans started piling out of the venue towards the merchandise table.

On the way over to the table, I dialed my house number, keeping my promise to call my mum after every show.

“Hello, mum it’s me Claire.” I said excitedly.

“How was the show, how’s tour so far, have you been eating properly?” My mum asked.

“The show was awesome, tour is defiantly interesting and of course I am!” I replied.

I saw Simon coming over to us so I said my goodbyes to my mum and hung up to find Lauren saying by to her mum.

“There you two are, you were great tonight the crowd loved you.” Simon said in a hurry.

We thanked him before walking over to Jordan.

“You rocked the stage!” She said excitingly.

We stayed with her until we could hear Joe shout into the microphone that Goodnight and Goodbye was the last song of the night. We made our way to the bus to shower and change before they came off the stage.
♠ ♠ ♠
The songs are from the Veronica's.
So Lauren and i are so happy about the reponse we have had.
You guys rock ! x