Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After waking before most of the other people on the bus, I decided it was time to annoy Claire a little bit. I climbed into her bunk and tried my hardest to squeeze between her and Joe, my trying was to no avail but I did wake Claire up. After telling her we didn’t spend any Lauren and Claire time together anymore, I pouted and asked her to come shopping with Jordan and I after the interview. She agreed, telling me she couldn’t say no to my face. After that, I got up, showered, dressed done my hair and then left for the interview.

Before we went in, Simon pulled us all to the side and told us a few things to do, like don’t fidget, which just happened to be directed at me and then told Claire and Joe to deny they were together.

“So, your saying we have to deny all relationships?” Claire asked for the third time since Simon had spoke.

“Nick can talk about Jordan but you can’t talk about her too much if you can help it.” Simon said as he turned to Nick.

“Oh Simon, Jordan is sitting in with us on this interview, after all she is the newest member of Forever True.” I reminded him, a smile on my lips.

“Oh yeah, well alright you two no giving each other googly eyes. In matter of fact that goes for you and Claire as well Joe.” Simon said pointing to Joe and Claire.

“Lauren, Kevin you are my favorite people at the moment, you don’t cause us drama.” He said, smiling at us then walking away.

“Drama, jeez he needs to chill.” Claire said once Simon was gone.

“You will get used to it soon.” Jordan told Claire before walking into the room behind Nick.

I walked in after Jordan, Kevin behind me and then Claire and Joe trailing in last.

In the room, 7 chairs were set out in a semi circle. Simon, being the bossy old man he is, told us where to sit which I could tell annoyed Claire but didn’t really matter to me, I would be cool sitting on the floor. Claire was sat between me and Jordan, then Nick next to Jordan and then Joe and Kevin.

After we were all seated, the interviewer walked in, he looked quite young, maybe in his early to mid twenties. He talked us through what sort of things he would ask us before starting the tape recorded.

“So, let’s start off with the basics. We all know how the Jonas Brothers were formed, how did Forever True form?” He said, smiling at me and the girls.

“Well, Claire and I used to play in her basement at home, and then one night on holiday in America we were approached by Simon who then signed us with Hollywood Records. Then recently we wanted another band member to play the keyboard and Nick told us that Jordan was very good on the keyboard. So we taught her a few songs and she was so good we decided we had to have her in the band.” I answered, smiling.

“So if it wasn’t for Nick, Jordan you wouldn’t have been in the band?” He asked Jordan.

“That’s right; I still can not believe it myself.” Jordan grinned.

The interviewer then went on to ask us all the basic questions like who’s the laziest, which was given to me, who’s the messiest, which was given to Claire, the vainest, which had to go to Joe, the loudest, which went to Jordan and the most annoying one, we were all voted for being the annoying one.

“Now, I know in your last interview Claire you didn’t like answering this question but I’m going to ask you it anyway. What’s it like touring with the boys?” Claire giggled, and then replied.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t want to answer it, it was just I didn’t know how to describe touring it was all new to me. But now I would defiantly say it is amazing and I have made friends that will last a life time hopefully.” Claire said, looking around at us all.

“So other than Nick and Jordan here, you are all single?” This was the question that pretty much everyone had been waiting for.

“We are just enjoying life on the road at the moment. We don’t have the time to go out and meet new people.” Kevin replied, smiling his knowing smile.

“So there isn’t any band romances between Forever True and The Jonas Brothers then?”

“No defiantly not, I mean anybody would have to be a saint to form a relationship well on the road. Yes that’s right Nick’s a saint.” Joe smirked.

I could tell that Joe’s answer didn’t hurt Claire; after all we had all basically been sworn to secrecy about Joe and Claire by Simon.

After the interview finished, we all left the room. Once the door was shut firmly behind us, Joe spoke.

“Hello, how do you do my name is Saint Joseph Adam Jonas and you are?” He said laughing.

“I am saint Claire Sparks.” Claire said, making the rest of us laugh.

Once we had left the interview, Claire, Jordan and I went shopping. After all we were currently in Italy and it has some amazing shopping. Claire and I had never really been ones for splashing our cash; we had paid for our parent’s homes and the rest we saved. But being in Italy meant time to spend the money we had worked hard for.

I brought 2 tops, a plain orange one and a black one with the word ‘Hope’ written on in Italian. I also brought a very cheesy statue of the leaning tower of Pisa. Claire brought a little black dress, a pair of jeans and a new phone. While Jordan brought a pair of shorts, shoes and some sun glasses.

We went and got some magazines then, one with Forever True on the cover and one with the Jonas boys on the front. We had done the interview for Rolling Stones months ago. We went to the shop keeper and paid for them to see if he recognized us.

We went to the counter and handed over the magazines. The man took one look at the cover and then at Claire and me before muttering, “Teenagers these days always wanting to look like celebs.” The three of us looked at each other and then burst out laughing as we walked out of the shop.

“I can’t believe that, I look the spitting image of me there.” I said, without realizing how stupid I sounded.

“Lauren, you’re the same person.” Claire said, stifling a giggle.

“I know that. I meant, oh don’t worry, I can’t remember what I meant now.” I said, laughing at how stupid I must seem.

“I want Red Bull.” Jordan moaned while we walked along the street.

“Same.” Claire said pouting.

“Well, I want Italian ice cream, and look there’s somewhere that sells it.” I said as I skipped off to the ice cream stall.

After looking at the many different types of ice cream, I finally decided on a plain chocolate one, leaving Claire and Jordan to choose what they wanted. Ten minutes later and the three of us all had our chosen ice cream and were happily walking back to the bus, chatting about random things like my love for Robert Pattinson, Claire’s love for Mikey Way and Jordan’s love for non other than Nick.

When we reached the bus, I was completely hyper off of my ice cream and decided to run onto the bus screaming. Leaving my bags with Claire, I opened the door and ran on, screaming as loud as I could. Claire and Jordan walked on after me, receiving questioning looks from the boys. Smiling, I took my bags from Claire and sat down in the middle of the floor.

“What was that all about?” Kevin asked me.
“I just felt like it.” I said, going back to eating my ice cream.

“Ok then, someone’s had a little bit too much caffeine.” He said, walking over and trying to take my ice cream.

“Nu huh, Jonas. You want ice cream, go and get it, you aint having mine.” I said, putting the ice cream cone behind my back.

“Sorry guys, she’s not had her pills today.” Claire joked as she slumped down next to Joe.

Joe kissed Claire quickly before going back to watching the TV, from the looks of things the boys were on.

“What’s this about?” Claire asked, instantly making me turn to see the TV better.

“Apparently, you girls were seen today with some blocks.” Joe said through clenched teeth.

“We weren’t, well, unless you call the man who served us and got all ‘teenagers these days all wanna look like celebs’ on us a block.” I laughed.

“He was so strange.” Jordan said from the comfort of Nick’s arms.

“I know.” Claire said.

“So im going to put my tacky, cheesy souvenirs away.” I said standing.

“Ok.” Claire and Jordan said.

“What tacky, cheesy souvenirs?” Kevin asked.

“Come with me and ill show you, you gotta carry the bag though.” I grinned as I chucked the bag at him and walked into the bunk area.

“Show me then.” Kevin said, sliding into his bunk which was opposite mine.

I pulled myself onto my bunk and opened the bag. I pulled out the 2 tops first and showed him them, telling him that the writing on my top meant ‘Hope’. I then pulled out my little leaning tower of Pisa.

“Seriously?” Kevin asked laughing.

“Seriously, I love these little things. I have the Eiffel tower and the statue of liberty at home. I thought why not add another one to the collection.” I grinned.

“You’re so strange.” Kevin smiled.

“I know, but what would be the fun in living a life without knowing someone strange.” I said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“I guess so.” Kevin said, leaning back into his bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didnt update yesterday, my internet went down and has only just come back
Sorry again
Lauren x