Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV

After I assured Joe we weren’t with any boys today, with Jordan and Nick backing me up he finally believed me.

“Hallelujah, finally you have come to your senses.” I said throwing my hands up in the air.

“I’m sorry, I guess I over reacted it’s just I’ve only just got you I don’t want to lose you.” He said nuzzling his nose in my hair.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I chuckled slightly.

That was almost two months ago, tour continued, we ate preformed and slept. Joe and I stealing a few hours away from the others every week. We even went on double dates with Nick and Jordan but we had to be secret about it because of the fans.

Kevin and Lauren were spending a lot of time together, half of the reason was that Nick and Jordan were always in a world of their own and Joe and I often were as well. They became best friends, which made the whole atmosphere on the bus much better.

We also spent a few weeks working on a collaboration of our two bands. It took the best part of two weeks but we were finally happy with our choice. We were going to do a cover of I’ll stand by you from Girls Aloud. All the copyright paperwork was sorted now all we had to do was record it.

Tonight was the first time we were going to sing it live on stage, we were in China, meaning we only had six more countries to visit before the tour was over. That was a total of three more months. We would be back in England in the middle of November.

“I can’t believe we only have three more months left before it’s over.” Lauren said while the hairstylist was straitening her hair.

“Lauren geez we live next door to each other I’m 100% certain we will see each other.” I said.

“I’m not on about you; I mean the boys and what about Jordan how are we going to keep the band together?” Lauren was worrying.

“Jordan lives a hour away from us, plus she is a band member we wont lose touch. In fact I was thinking we should move in together like move to LA.” I said not sure how Lauren would take the news.

“That would be awesome me you and Jordan flat mates. Wait you want to move to LA to be closer to Joe doesn’t you?” Lauren said narrowing her eyes.

“Well, you will be able to see your “best friend” so we will all be happy.” I said doing air quotes on the best friend bit. Lauren and Kevin liked each other we all knew it except they were too blind to see each other’s feelings.

Just then Jordan came running in. “Seriously you should see it, the audience is doing the Mexican wave its insane there must be at least nine hundred people out there.” Jordan refused to wear any make up, so she was always the first one ready.
Once our hair was done and we done our make up, we went and peeked out into the arena. Unfortunately some of the fans in the front row spotted us and started screaming.

“Couldn’t you girls wait five minutes before looking now you have the fans all excited.” Kevin said in mock anger.

“But Kevy have you seen this, it’s amazing.” Lauren said using her new pet name for him.

I rolled my eyes, it was so obvious she liked him. She was just to scared it will damage their friendship.

“We have the greatest fans in the world.” Joe said snaking his arms around me.

“I love you.” I made sure I told Joe I loved him at least twice a day, today I was on a role telling him a record eighteen times already.

“I love you too, forever and always.” He said he always would say them seven words back.

Our relationship was still secret but there was a lot of speculation about us, if it wasn’t us then it was Joe dating Camilla Belle and I dating Mikey Way just because I said in an interview a few months back that I wouldn’t mind meeting him the media instantly assume things.

Lauren, Jordan and I done our act, before announcing we had another song.

“So we have been working really hard trying to make this song sound perfect. Give it up for the Jonas Brothers.” Lauren said into the microphone.

Nick ran straight to Jordan giving her a passionate kiss, like he does before and after and sometimes even in the middle of our shows.

He then leant over her and started playing the first notes to our duet a cover of “I’ll stand by you.” Kevin went and stood by Lauren and got his guitar ready. Joe walked up to the front of the stage next to me.

“Are you ready China?” Joe said into the microphone causing all the girls to scream.

Why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Joe started singing looking out into the audience.

Don't be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
'Cause I've seen the dark side too
Lauren and Kevin sang next causing the crowd to scream in surprise that they were singing together.

When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me you love you less
Nick and Jordan sang smiling out into the crowd.
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
We all sang Joe turned to face me.

So if you're mad, get mad
Don't hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
I sang for the first time during the song.

Hey, what you got to hide?
I get angry too
Well I'm a lot like you
Joe sang reaching out and touching my face.

When you're standing at the crossroads
And don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
'Cause even if you're wrong
Kevin and Lauren sang.

I suddenly snapped out of the trance I was in and I knew I had to pull away from Joe because otherwise it would cause rumors.

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
All of us sang, I made my way up to Lauren and Kevin and Joe walked towards Nick and Jordan.

We finished the song staying where we were all six out us looking out into the crowd of people that were cheering. We all thanked the audience and Jordan, Lauren and I ran off the stage.

“I was just about to come up to you and push you off the stage, to stop you two from undressing each other with your eyes when you tuned and walked towards me.” Lauren said as soon as we got off the stage.

“We were not undressing each other with our eyes god, who do you think we are! I hope nobody noticed that though. I don’t want to lie anymore though.” I pouted.

“I know exactly how you feel, there were times when I thought sod this I’m just going to scream how much I love Nick before one of their concerts but I knew if I did they would be in trouble with their executives.” Jordan said.

“Well anyway I’m going to go have a shower, ill see you two on the bus later.” Lauren said before hugging us and running off.

“Wait Lauren you forgot your.” I stopped she was already half way out the building. I held her phone in my hands she had a new message I knew she wouldn’t mind me looking so I read it.

So where do you want to meet? Just give me a time and place I miss you I want you back- Luke x
After reading that I felt like i had been stabbed in the back literally, Lauren had been contacting Luke and didn’t even tell me.

“You coming back now Claire?” Jordan asked.

“Nah I’m going to wait here I’ve got to talk to Kevin anyway.” I said.

When the boys ran off the stage, I hugged Joe and Nick before asking Kevin if I could talk to him about Lauren. He looked confused but agreed walking away from the stage and the dressing room.

“Has Lauren mentioned anything to you about meeting up with anybody?” I asked him.

“Uhm no why?” He asked sounded generally worried.

“Because she left her phone behind and she had a text from Luke saying he missed her and it sounded like she had arranged to meet him.” I said showing him the text.

“She won’t go back to him will she?” He asked me, he looked torn.

“I’m not sure, if I was you I would ask her out and soon. She is going to kill me for telling you this but it’s for her own good. She likes you like really likes you but I think she feels like because she knows Luke likes her she is settling for second best.” I told Kevin.

“Are you sure she likes me?” He asked.

“I am certain.” I said before Kevin ran in the direction of the bus. I walked back in the dressing room with a smile on my face.

“We are going to be in trouble tomorrow.” Joe sang in my ear.

“I know I’m sorry.” I pouted.

“Why are you sorry, this might be where they say you two can finally tell the world about us.” Joe beamed.

“Would you want that?” I asked getting excited.

“I would love that.” He said before holding my hand.
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