Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

After Kevin had finished, Nick spoke.

“Aww how sweet.” He sang from behind Joe.

“Way to spoil the moment Nick!” Jordan said as she smacked him gently on his chest and dragged him back on the bus.

“I think we should go inside give them some privacy.” Joe said before taking Claire’s shoulders in his hands.

“But, what if she leaves?” I heard Claire say shakily.

“Kevin won’t let her.” Joe said leading Claire onto the bus.

Outside of the bus, Kevin stood with his guitar in his hands, a big goofy smile on his face showing how please he was with the song and that he had managed to catch me in time. My smile matched his, if not a little goofier.

“Lauren, will you… uh… will you be my girlfriend?” Kevin stuttered.

“Of course I will.” I grinned before leaving my things and hugging him.

When Kevin and I walked back onto the bus, everyone was hugging Denise. We were both smiling which caused everyone else to smile back.

“We have something to tell you.” Kevin spoke, his cheeks reddening.

“Congratulations brother.” Joe said standing.

“Joe, sit back down they haven’t said nothing yet.” Claire said as she tried not to laugh, causing me to grin.

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted Lauren and I are now a couple.” Kevin said as he glared at Joe.

“Kevin, wrote me a song I mean who could say no to that face.” I smiled.

“Now can I congratulate them?” Joe quizzed.

“Yes!” Claire, Jordan and Nick said rushing to hug us.

After all the excitement finished, everyone went to bed but not before I had grabbed my phone and deleted Luke’s number and all of the messages.

Everyone awoke in the morning to hear Simon’s voice, a voice we hadn’t expected to hear for a few weeks yet.

“Right all of you up, dressed and at the front in five minutes.” He shouted, sounding scary. Everyone ran about, getting ready.

“Don’t worry about him, he’s just in a bad mood.” Kevin whispered to me.

“Now everybody is here, I can start.” Simon said as he took a coffee off of Kevin who had just made them.

“Actually Simon, I have to tell you something.” Kevin started.

“Nothing can make my mood worse, what is it?” Simon snapped at Kevin, making my blood boil.

“Uh- Lauren and I are dating now.” Kevin said, pulling me close to him.

“I was wrong, my day as just got worse. You kids do you realize how many rumours there are about Claire and Joe after last nights little collaboration.” He shouted, making me cringe into Kevin’s side

“We know Simon, but we can’t help how we feel.” Nick said, standing his ground.

“I know but I just wish you all wouldn’t feel it at the same time. Right what we are going to have to do is get you lot seen around with different people to kill the rumours.” Simon said.

“What like other boys?” I asked in astonishment.

“Yes, and other girls for Kevin and Joe.” He answered me.

Nick muttered something I wasn’t paying attention to before him and Jordan left. Before leaving Jordan gave Claire and I sympathetic looks after having to deal with this for a year.

“Come on, we have only been dating three weeks, and Lauren and Kevin only a few hours can’t you just leave it for a while?” Claire moaned.

“Well, this is what happens when you are in the spotlight Claire, now I was thinking Joe remember when you were dating Taylor we got you to be seen with Chelsea Staub. You will be seen out with her in the next country understood.” Simon spoke to Joe.

I could tell Claire was hurt when Joe nodded even though she knew it would always be her and Joe.

“Right Claire, how do you feel about going on to a red carpet premier of Nicholas Braun and Chelsea Stuab’s new film Minute Men?” Simon asked Claire. Claire just nodded.

“Will you two be able to cope, seeing each other with different people?” Simon asked.

“It looks like we are going to have to doesn’t it.” Joe said as he took Claire’s hand and led her to the bunks.

as Claire and Joe left, Simon turned his attention to me and Kevin who were sat holding hands on the sofa.

“Kevin, you are going to be seen around with Zoë Myers.” Simon demanded.

“She’s an ex Simon.” Kevin said, standing.

“Right let’s go get some ice cream obviously as FRIENDS.” Joe said as he and Claire walked off of the bus.

“I don’t care, we need to stop these rumours. Lauren you will be seen with Jason Dolley at the red carpet event for his film Minute Men. Just like Claire and Joe will be.” Simon snapped.

“Ok.” I mumbled not wanting to have to deal with Simon shouting at me.
discussing something.

“You can go now.” Simon said.

I stood, pulling Kevin with me as I walked to the back of the bus. I sat on my bunk and sighed, only Simon could ruin the buzz I was on at the moment.

“Don’t worry about him Lauren.” Kevin said as he sat on my bunk next to me.

“He’s so annoying. Why does he have to ruin my buzz.” I mumbled, hiding my face in Kevin’s chest.

“Because he thinks he knows what’s best. But he doesn’t.” Kevin said as he ran his fingers through my curly messy locks.

“I know.” I said, lifting my face to look at Kevin.

A week later and we were in Australia. Claire, Joe and I had to be flown to the premiere of Minute Men where we would meet Chelsea, Jason and Nicholas before hand. Kevin had been out with Zoë all day, leaving me to ponder around the bus, filling my bag with different things I wouldn’t need for tonight because we were having professionals do our hair, make up and our clothes would already be at the hotel.

When we left, Kevin was still out, leaving me to go without saying goodbye to him. the feeling of sickness at the thought of him out having fun for hours with his ex made me want to curl into a ball and cry, but I had to leave to get to the premiere in time.

“Come on Lauren.” Claire called as she climbed into the awaiting car.

“Coming.” I called back while leaving the bus.

I ran over to the car and climbed in, sitting next to Claire. We got to the airport not long after and were ushered onto a private plane. The plane ride was short, an hour at the most. I sat with my headphones in the whole time while a stylist began doing my hair.

As the plane landed, we all got off and got into the car that was waiting for us, the driver took us straight to our hotel where we were rushed into different rooms. Joe went into one room to get his hair done while Claire and I were in another room. The stylist from the plane was doing the finishing touches to my hair while I had my make up done. Claire sat in the seat next to mine, also having her make up done but not her hair. she would be going next door to get that done while Joe and I changed.

Once my hair and make up was done, I went into another room and was given a pair of black heels, a black clutch bag and a cute little dress that had the top part white, went in at my waist and the skirt part was black. I quickly dressed and put on my shoes before throwing my phone, lip gloss and chewing gum into my little bag.

Once ready, I told Claire and Joe I would see them at the premiere and left the hotel room. I walked out and down stairs where Jason was standing waiting for me. He smiled when I reached him and we were introduced formally having only seen each other once before.

“Hi, im Jason. You’re obviously Lauren.” He smiled.

“Hi, yeah im Lauren.” I smiled back.

“Come on lets go, the limos outside.” Jason said, offering me his arm.

I took it and we walked out together and got into the limo. I sat in and mumbled about my shoes for ten minutes before talking to Jason for a bit. I found out he understood about how crap it was that we were having to be seen together as in dating.

When we reached the premiere, I smiled and got out of the car, Jason getting out moments after me. We began talking and laughing, while we smiled out at everyone waiting to see us at the same time.