Status: Complete

Black Keys

Claire's POV.

When we landed, I was shocked to see the tour bus in the middle of the run way. Lauren squealed and ran towards it without looking back. Joe and I slowly walked towards it, hand in hand both with smiles on our faces.

When we got on the bus, Lauren and Jordan was jumping. I soon joined in asking why we were jumping. The reply I got was “I have no idea.” We soon stopped and collapsed onto the sofa.

Jordan was telling us about how she met the president, when she got to over-excited and Nick had to calm her down causing us to laugh.

I went to bed, a few minutes later claiming I was tired and wanted sleep. But really I just wanted to call my mum without people walking in. After talking to my mum for a hour I decided to go to sleep.

After the preview tour settled back down, I did meet up with Nick Braun a few times after the premier so did Lauren and Jason and Joe and Chelsea causing the rumors Simon wanted to read were being printed in papers all around the world.

We continued to play our shows, every show marked one day closer to the end of tour. None of us had mentioned what we were going to do once tour was over, I don’t think any of us wanted to think about it.

We all gave 110% to our fans on the stage each night, not knowing when our next tour would be. I have always hated the unknown, and was always fretting about losing contact with my band mates and The Jonas Brothers.

Even though we still had to pretend we weren’t going out, Joe and I had grown closer. I was madly in love with him, I always had a smile on my face and no one could take it off.

We were playing our last ever show with the Jonas Brothers on their world tour, the stadium like all the others were packed out with screaming fans. Not to mention a few celebrities, like Chelsea Staub, Zoe Myers, Jason Dolley, Nick Braun, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus.

“Hey, I can’t wait to see you perform, by the sounds of it neither can the crowd.” Nick Braun said to me before joining Jason and the boys in their dressing room.

Lauren, Jordan and I were sat in our dressing room drinking Redbull and dr. pepper when we got a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Lauren shouted.

“Hey, can we come hang with you until you go on stage?” Chelsea asked.

“Yeah sure.” I smiled I had been trying to like Chelsea after I found out she helped Joe chose that bracelet for me.

Chelsea came in follow by the rest of the girls. We had met Selena and Demi before, they reminded me of Lauren, Jordan and I. They were real life BFF’s. Selena and Demi sat opposite us on the couch. Zoe sat next to Lauren on the chair. Chelsea came over and hugged me then sat down. Miley walked in and sat next to Jordan.

Jordan and Miley had never met before, but Jordan had a little hate for her after all them rumors made Nick and Jordan almost brake up. Lauren didn’t like the fact that Kevin had to spend time with his ex but she promised me to try and get on with Zoe just for one night.

“So what are you guys planning to do after tour?” Selena asked.

“Well we are going to move out to LA and get a apartment for the three of us so that way we can work on doing our second album together.” Lauren said.

“Oh cool, it looks like we will be seeing more of you three then.” Demi beamed.

“We could unite forces and be like the legendary best friends x2.” Lauren joked around.

“So will you and the boys still see each other then?” Miley asked.

We looked at each other before Jordan put on a fake smile and turned to Miley.

“Of course they will after all if Nick and I can live apart for two years I’m sure they can live down the road from them without braking up.” Jordan said her tone was patronizing.

“I just thought, we could hang out on the set of J.O.N.A.S when you have a free day.” Chelsea smiled.

“And of course there is Camp Rock 2 soon that should be fun to film.” Demi laughed.

“We have to go talk with the producers when we get back, they said they have a new idea for us so yeah hopefully they will keep us busy.” I said.

“Hopefully.” Miley mumbled.

“What was that?” Jordan asked.

“I said hopefully because we wouldn’t want you three to lose your new fame already.” Miley smirked.

Just then the door opened and the boys walked in.

“Ever heard of knocking?” Jordan joked.

“No what is it a song or something?” Nick smirked messing around.

“You are such a goofball sometimes.” Jordan smiled getting up and letting him sit in her seat. He pulled on her waist and she sat back on his lap.
“I think we better go get our seats.” Miley said with a face like thunder.

“Yeah that’s a good idea.” Zoe had been quiet the whole day; she soon followed Miley out of the room.
“We may as well as follow them, good luck girls you will rock out there.” Chelsea said hugging each of us in turn.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Kevin pouted.

“Oh, so will you boys.” She smiled before hugging each of them.

“It’s about time.” Joe said.

“No Joe, I think you are singing songs from A Little Bit Longer.” Selena smirked causing us all to laugh.

“Right come on then ladies, I’ll take you to our seats.” Nick winked he was such a flirt.

“So did you girls have fun?” Kevin asked wrapping his arms around Lauren once they had all left.

“It was okay, except for some snide comments.” Lauren said.

“What snide comments?” Nick asked looking at Jordan.

“Oh, normal Miley ones I guess, about how our fame might not last.” Jordan brushed it off not wanting to make a big fuss in front of the boys. Secretly she was imagining what Miley would look like with her hair chopped off and with no make up on.

“Ignore her she is probably just trying to get to you because she knows the rumors hurt you.” Nick said.

“Oh and Joe I can not believe you were going to buy me a men’s watch. Lucky Chelsea was there wasn’t it.” I said remembering the conversation Chelsea and I had earlier that day.

“I’m sorry, I don’t usually shop for women’s jewelry.” He pouted.

“You should thank yourself lucky, if Nick would have went with him they probably would have brought you $400 worth of red bull cans or something.” Jordan joked, holding the necklace Nick brought her a few weeks after they were dating.

“Hey, I brought you a necklace! You said you loved it.” Nick protested.

“Yeah with the help of Mandy, and of course I do I hardly ever take it off.” Jordan said showing Nick the necklace round her neck causing Nick to beam.

“Forever True, five minutes.” One of the sound check guys tapped on our door.

“Right I guess we have to go out now.” Lauren said before kissing Kevin.

“I guess I’ve got to go as well.” I sighed while playing with my bracelet.
“I would have never known, after all you are not in Forever True. The band that are playing in less than five minutes.” Joe said smirking.

“Shut up. By the way, I like your hair like that.” I said. Joe hadn’t bothered to straighten it for tonight’s show. He looked really grown up.

We all ran on stage, we started playing our songs I kept glancing up in the private box where our Disney friends were. Demi and Selena were laughing and singing along to the songs dancing a little. Chelsea was singing and waving her arms. Nick and Jason were bouncing up and down. Zoe was texting someone on her phone and Miley was looking at her nails.

Lauren walked next to me and rolled her eyes I guess she noticed Miley and Zoe’s behavior. Then we nodded to Jordan indicating her to kick it up and notch and Lauren leaned into me and we started singing the song lyrics to untouched really loudly. The crowd started reaching out trying to touch us.

Once Lauren and I had stopped doing our little rave, the lights dimmed a bit more and three figures could be seen behind a black sheet that said Forever True & the Jonas Brothers. Then the curtain fell and revealed Kevin, Joe and Nick.

“This is our last show of our tour, and we just would like to thank Forever True for joining us and making tour an un-forgettable experience.” Joe said as he walked towards Lauren and me.

The starting notes to “I’ll Be by Edwin McCain” was being played. I gave Joe a questioning look to Joe he never mentioned anything about playing this song.

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth
Nick sang from behind us.

He was leading Jordan to the front of the stage, Joe and I walked to the back where Kevin and Lauren were standing. By the end of the song, I was crying it was so sweet of Nick to serenade her on stage. I knew it was one of her favorite songs as well.

“How sweet are those two?” Joe asked the crowd, who replied with awes.

“I think it made the girls cry.” Kevin laughed into the microphone.

Nick and a very happy Jordan walked to the piano and started the beginning notes to “I’ll stand by you.” We sang our hearts out during that last song, it was all over to soon.
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So i know we moan about comments, but seriously that's the only way we know if you guys like where this is going or not.