Status: Complete

Black Keys

Lauren's POV

As Claire, Jordan, the other girls and I sat around talking; the door burst open and in walked the boys.

“Ever heard of knocking?” Jordan joked while smiling.

“No what is it a song or something?” Nick smirked.

“You are such a goofball sometimes.” Jordan smiled as she stood to give Nick her seat. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down on to his lap.

“I think we better go get our seats.” Miley said with a bitter expression on her face.

“Yeah that’s a good idea.” Zoë spoke for the first time, soon following Miley.

“We may as well as follow them, good luck girls you will rock out there.” Chelsea said before hugging us all.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Kevin whined.

“Oh, so will you boys.” She smiled hugging them all.

“It’s about time.” Joe said.

“No Joe, I think you are singing songs from A Little Bit Longer.” Selena smirked making us laugh.

“Right come on then ladies, I’ll take you to our seats.” Nick winked.

“So did you girls have fun?” Kevin asked wrapping his arms around me.

“It was okay, except for some snide comments.” I said.

“What snide comments?” Nick asked looking at Jordan.

“Oh, normal Miley ones I guess, about how our fame might not last.” Jordan said brushing it off. Secretly she was imagining Miley looking pretty ugly.

“Ignore her she is probably just trying to get to you because she knows the rumours hurt you.” Nick said.

“Oh and Joe I can not believe you were going to buy me a men’s watch. Lucky Chelsea was there wasn’t it.” Claire said.

“I’m sorry; I don’t usually shop for women’s jewellery.” Joe pouted.

“You should thank yourself lucky; if Nick would have gone with him they probably would have brought you $400 worth of red bull cans or something.” Jordan laughed, holding the necklace Nick had brought her.

“Hey, I brought you a necklace! You said you loved it.” Nick protested.

“Yeah with the help of Mandy, and of course I do I hardly ever take it off?” Jordan said as she showed Nick the necklace.

“Forever True, five minutes.” A sound check guy said, tapping on the door.

“Right I guess we have to go out now.” I said before kissing Kevin.

“I guess I’ve got to go as well.” Claire sighed as she played with her bracelet.

“I would have never known, after all you are not in Forever True. The band that are playing in less than five minutes.” Joe smirked.

“Shut up. By the way, I like your hair like that.” Claire smiled at Joe’s unstraightened hair.

We ran onto the stage and started playing our songs. I kept seeing Claire glance at the private box; I smiled, also looking up at our new Disney friends having fun. The only people not having fun were Miley and Zoë, obviously annoyed at being here.

I walked over to Claire and rolled my eyes, showing her I had notice Miley’s and Zoë’s behaviour. We then nodded to Jordan who kicked it up a notch before I leaned into Claire and we started to sign the lyrics to untouched. The crowd went mad and were reaching out to touch us.

Once we had finished our little rave, the lights dimmed a bit and 3 figures could be seen behind a black sheet. The curtain then fell revealing the boys.

“This is our last show of our tour, and we just would like to thank Forever True for joining us and making tour an un-forgettable experience.” Joe said, walking towards Claire and I.

The beginning notes to ‘I’ll Be’ by Edwin McCain was played. I saw Claire give Joe a questioning look.

The strands in your eyes that colour them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth
Nick sang from behind Claire and I.

Nick was leading Jordan to the front of the stage. Joe and Claire walked to the back where Kevin and I were standing. By the end of the song Claire was crying and tears were welling in my eyes. It was so sweet of Nick to serenade Jordan on the stage.

“How sweet are those two?” Joe called into the crowd.

“I think it made the girls cry.” Kevin laughed.

Jordan and Nick walked to the piano and started the notes to ‘I’ll stand by you’. We all sang our hearts out during that last song, making it an amazing song as it was all over soon.

The song finished and the crowd went mad. I had tears in my eyes as I thought back over the last few months and how amazing it had been singing alongside my best friends and some really awesome people.

Claire, Jordan and I said our thanks and said goodbye to the crowd before running off of the stage. As soon as I was off, the tears swelled from my eyes. We stayed at the side of the stage and watched the boys play for the last time on tour with us. As they finished, they said their thanks and goodbyes. They done a special thanks for Forever True, making me smile at how sweet they were.

The boys ran off of the stage and over to us girls. Even though each boy was sweaty, I smiled and hugged them, grateful for my jumper even though I would have hugged them without one seeming as this was the last night of tour. When Kevin came over to me, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug, bringing me close to his sweaty body. I grinned up at him before slipping out of his grasp, explaining I didn’t want to smell like boys sweat anymore than I already did. He grinned at me before all 3 ran off to get showered and changed, leaving Claire, Jordan and me to go back to the bus to shower and get ready for the end of tour party.

I got into the shower first so I was the first of the girls ready, my hair dried but left how it is naturally, my make up kept how I wore it every day on stage and a little blue dress with matching shoes on.

The boys came onto the bus just after I finished getting ready, all dressed and ready for the night. I grinned at them before hugging Kevin.

“Lauren, can you come with me a minute?” Kevin asked me.

“Sure.” I smiled as he led me into the practice room.

Kevin opened his guitar case, it was empty accept for one small box. I looked at him with confusion all over my face before he sat down on the stall next to me.

“Here you go.” Kevin grinned.

I took the small box from his larger hands and opened it, revealing a pair of earrings with little hearts on, one with the letter F on and one with the letter T on. I grinned at him before putting in the earrings and jumping onto his lap.

“Thank you, thank you, and thank you. They are so pretty.” I whispered.

“Not as pretty as you.” Kevin smiled sheepishly.

“Cheesy.” I laughed before kissing him gently.

After a few minutes, we left the practice room, a grin spread all over my face, our hands laced together. We walked into the living area where everyone were waiting. They were all ready to go so we left the bus and walked into the venue where the after party was being held.

We walked in together, Nick and Jordan walking with their fingers laced together, Joe and Claire laughing away about something and Kevin and I in silence as I took in the venue in awe.

After about half an hour, everyone had gone off talking to different people, leaving me sat down thinking about how much I was going to miss tour. Jason walked over and grinned at me, before sticking out his hand.

“Come dance with me.” He smiled.

“Ok.” I smiled back, taking his hand.

“Where’s everyone else?” Jason asked as we reached the middle of the dance floor.

“Around somewhere I guess.” I laughed as we began dancing to Hot n Cold.

“Ok then.” He grinned.

We danced around like idiots for a while before a slow song came on. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jordan and Nick begin to dance, Claire and Nick were walking to the floor to dance, Joe and Chelsea following their lead. Kevin and Zoë were already dancing. Jason looked at me before I nodded and we began dancing to ‘Amazed – Lonestar’.

As we danced along to the music, I mouthed the words to the song.
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Lauren x